BrandPost: Why Cross-Domain Capabilities Matter for Automation: Two Business Scenarios
The digital economy has IT up against the wall. Lines of business are focused on boosting innovation and enhancing the customer experience through digital transformation initiatives, but network complexity can be a significant obstacle for IT. According to one study, 75% of CIOs admit that the network is impacting their organization’s ability to achieve business goals, with an estimated 35% of all network downtime attributed to human error.This problem has understandably led IT to embrace automation in each technology domain, including the network, as a means of accelerating service delivery. But automating service delivery within each domain alone isn't enough. There must be seamless automation across the entire data center, or the ability to perform consistently and efficiently will suffer serious setbacks. It’s this growing need for agility and operational efficiency that ultimately validates the business case for introducing open, cross-domain automation capabilities.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here