If you have experienced HTTP/2 for yourself, you are probably aware of the visible performance gains possible with HTTP/2 due to features like stream multiplexing, explicit stream dependencies, and Server Push.
There is however one important feature that is not obvious to the eye. This is the HPACK header compression. Current implementations of Apache and nginx servers, as well edge networks and CDNs using them, do not support the full HPACK implementation. We have, however, implemented the full HPACK in nginx, and upstreamed the part that performs Huffman encoding.
CC BY 2.0 image by Conor Lawless
This blog post gives an overview of the reasons for the development of HPACK, and the hidden bandwidth and latency benefits it brings.
As you probably know, a regular HTTPS connection is in fact an overlay of several connections in the multi-layer model. The most basic connection you usually care about is the TCP connection (the transport layer), on top of that you have the TLS connection (mix of transport/application layers), and finally the HTTP connection (application layer).
In the the days of yore, HTTP compression was performed in the TLS layer, using gzip. Both headers and body were compressed indiscriminately, Continue reading