Worth Reading: Said no CEO, ever
The post Worth Reading: Said no CEO, ever appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Said no CEO, ever appeared first on 'net work.
CenturyLink will lease data center assets, rather than own them.
There are clear trends among security and monitoring companies.
Today on Packet Pushers we talk about Cisco ACI from the standpoint of Lumos Cloud (our sponsor), an integrator who makes it go. We discuss what works, what doesn t, where ACI fits, and why you should care. The post Show 313: ACI Deployments & Lumos Cloud (Sponsored) appeared first on Packet Pushers.
Adapt to change and learn new technologies to avoiding becoming a network dinosaur.
Apollo Global Management completed its $4.3 billion acquisition of Rackspace.
The post Worth Reading: Multiple DNS providers and DDoS appeared first on 'net work.
A SDN approach to smart cities will mean better manageability and flexibility.
The former Foundry & Ruckus could be split up.
In the worlds of high performance computing (HPC) and physics, seemingly straightforward challenges are frequently not what they seem at first glance.
For example, doing justice to an outwardly simple physics experiment involving a pendulum and drive motor can involve the need to process billions of data points. Moreover, even when aided by the latest high performance technology, such as the Intel Xeon Phi processor, achieving optimal compute levels requires ingenuity for addressing unexpected coding considerations.
Jeffery Dunham, the William R. Kenan Jr. Professor of Natural Sciences at Middlebury College in Vermont, should know. For about eight years, Professor Dunham …
Physics Code Modifications Push Xeon Phi Peak Performance was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.