Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For July 15th, 2016
Hey, it's HighScalability time:
- <2%: percent of total U.S. electricity consumption used by data centers; $4.99: hourly wage of Amazon Turkers; 8,072: cores in Cassandra cluster; .5: new reward for slaving away in the Bitcoin mines; 11: source code for the original Apollo guidance computer; 10 inverse femtobarns: number of collisions recorded by the Large Hadron Collider; 34 bps: using MEMO to send molecular messages through the air; 200 MB: record for storage in DNA; 10,000+: 3D printed parts are used in a Rolls-Royce Phantom; $43.6bn: IaaS revenue to triple by 2020;
- Quotable Quotes:
- @PokemonGoApp: To ensure all Trainers can experience #PokemonGo, we continue to add new resources to accommodate everyone. Thank you for your patience.
- @balajis: Pokemon Go is a classic overnight success, 10 years in the making. Ingress database, Google Maps, the Pokemon brand…
- @avantgame: The math of Pokemon Go is pretty amazing. 21 million players in ONE week, playing 43 minutes on average a day.
- @icecrime: Does Pokemon Go have generics?
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