Worth Reading: Troubleshooting Cisco Remote Access
The post Worth Reading: Troubleshooting Cisco Remote Access appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Troubleshooting Cisco Remote Access appeared first on 'net work.
At last year’s DockerCon EU 2015, we offered Hands-on Labs to attendees for the first time and the feedback was really positive! So much so, we are stoked to announce that we’re bringing them back for DockerCon 2016 coming up in Seattle on June 19-21.
Found myself troubleshooting a pesky fibre connection that wouldn’t come up. I was looking for a command that would show me if a light was being received on the interface and found these beauties:
show interfaces diagnostics optics xe-4/1/0 show chassis pic fpc-slot 4 pic-slot 1
The first shows information on light levels on the relevant optic. The second will help you figure out what type of cabling you need to be using. Handy when you don’t know if it should be single or multi mode.
Put your detective hat on your head and your Network Detective badge on your lapel. It’s times for another installment in the Network Detective Series.
Are we going on our first “case” together? Nope. Not just yet.
In this series I’m not going to be able to always call out every time my “techniques” and “methodologies” steer me one way or the other on a case. But over time you will notice there is a thread in there. A guiding framework and methodology.
So before we go on our first “case” together… I want to pass on to you what are really my major guiding principles for when I’m on a case. The “TOP” tips that I think have the biggest return on your time investment as a Network Detective.
Detection is, or ought to be, an exact science and should be treated in the same cold and unemotional manner.
-Sherlock Continue reading