Worth Reading: Broadband Speed Tests
The post Worth Reading: Broadband Speed Tests appeared first on 'net work.
The post Worth Reading: Broadband Speed Tests appeared first on 'net work.
curl -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X PUT --data '{"keys":"ipsource,ipdestination,tcpsourceport,tcpdestinationport",Running Wireshark's tshark command line utility on verifies that flows are being received:
"value":"bytes", "ipfixCollectors":[""]}'
# tshark -i eth0 -V udp port 4739
Running as user "root" and group "root". This could be dangerous.
Capturing on lo
Frame 1 (134 bytes on wire, 134 bytes captured)
Arrival Time: Continue reading
VMware NSX is indisputably the most widely deployed software network overlay on the market today, and many companies are realizing the valuable payoff that comes with virtualizing the network to improve security, IT automation and application continuity.
Now is your chance to be taught by VMware NSX experts, in-person, as they guide you through technical features, functions, and business use cases – all while you work directly with the solution. Collaborate with peers and ask the experts questions tailored to your case by signing up for a VMware NSX SociaLab near you.
VMware NSX enables a new policy-driven approach to transform the economics of network and security operations. Whether you’re a beginner, or you’re already working with the NSX platform, these expert-led, hands-on labs will highlight multiple features of NSX such as:
Bring your own device, join an interactive environment, and attend a free VMware SociaLab NSX event in your city this May-June.
The post VMware NSX SociaLab is Coming to a City Near You! appeared first on The Network Virtualization Blog.
Vendors that slapped API on top of their CLI are quick to claim that they SDN-enabled their boxes.
Not so fast. As I explained in SDN 101 webinar, programmable access to network devices is nice (less so when you're forced to use a vendor-specific API), but it's not SDN.
In the previous post we’ve had a look at how native OpenStack SDN works and what are some of its limitations. In this post we’ll tackle the first one of them - overhead created by multicast source replication.
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