Ansible Galaxy 2.0 Launches
The BETA sticker is off, and Galaxy 2.0 is live! This is our biggest release to date, and it’s packed with some great features you’re going to love.Here’s a quick run-down:
There really should be a drum roll playing as you read this, because this feature has been at the top of everyone’s wish list for as long as Galaxy has been around. But here it is… Organizations now have a home in Galaxy. Yes, you can import roles into an organization!
How, you ask? Just click the import button. Really. That’s it. The role will be imported exactly as the repository appears in GitHub. If the role belongs to ‘acmeco’ in GitHub, then it will appear under ‘acmeco’ in Galaxy.
You can import any repositories from GitHub where you are a collaborator or owner. Log in as yourself, and import your roles or your organization’s roles.
Existing roles prior to Galaxy 2.0 have not been changed. To move a role from your username to an organization, delete the role and import it again.
Semantic URLs
Sharing links to your content in Galaxy now makes sense with user-friendly URLs that include GitHub username or organization and Continue reading