Getting started with Network Packet Generators
A friend of mine has just ordered a shiny new packet generator for his network lab. I’ve spent some time working as a QA engineer in a network lab and wanted to share some advice.
You can purchase stateful and stateless packet generators from major vendors like Spirent, IXIA or Agilent. If you just need to test throughput, latency or loss, a stateless packet generator will do the trick. The test hardware will use an ASIC to produce line-rate 10G traffic or higher. The Cisco Enterprise Testing Book calls this a ‘bit-blaster’ which I love. In the wrong hands it can also be a ‘network-melter’.
You need a stateful packet generator if you want to test your routing protocols in conjunction with traffic load. A stateful packet generator such as Ixia’s IxNetwork, will use dedicated CPUs to form and maintain adjacencies, inject routing protocol packets, etc. You can use the stateful feature to inject prefixes which are then used as test targets by high-rate stateless traffic.
Licensing is a major source of pain when operating a stateful packet generators. There are often licenses required per protocol and even per-combination of protocols. For example, I had to buy a license for Continue reading