We cover a wide variety of topics on keeping your skills sharp. Strap in, loyal listeners, as we tickle your noodle on certifications, mentoring, learning resources, and much more!
The post Datanauts 021: How To Beat Skills Entropy appeared first on Packet Pushers.
We cover a wide variety of topics on keeping your skills sharp. Strap in, loyal listeners, as we tickle your noodle on certifications, mentoring, learning resources, and much more!
The post Datanauts 021: How To Beat Skills Entropy appeared first on Packet Pushers.
Dell announced today the release of their newest network operating system, OS10 (note the lack of an X). This is an OS that is slated to build on the success that Dell has had selling 3rd party solutions from vendors like Cumulus Networks and Big Switch. OS10’s base core will be built on an unmodified Debian distro that will have a “premium” feature set that includes layer 2 and layer 3 functionality. The aim to have a fully open-source base OS in the networking space is lofty indeed, but the bigger question to me is “what happens to Cumulus”?
As of right this moment, before the release of Dell OS10, the only way to buy Linux on a Dell switch is to purchase it with Cumulus. In the coming months, Dell will begin to phase in OS10 as an option in parallel with Cumulus. This is especially attractive to large environments that are running custom-built networking today. If your enterprise is running Quagga or sFlow or some other software that has been tweaked to meet your unique needs you don’t really need a ton of features wrapped in an OS with a CLI you will barely use.
Dell prepares to leap into infrastructure-as-code.
Figuring out the actual cost of storage products such as hyperconvergence appliances can be tricky.
Is Plexxi looking ahead to an IPO? 'Of course.'
One of my readers sent me this question:
I'm researching NFV/SDN and wonder if the software L2 switches support spanning tree.
TL&DR: Some do, some don’t.
Read more ...CloudFlare is excited to partner with Women Who Go to host Gopher Gala—the first distributed Go(lang) hackathon—in our San Francisco office!
Gopher Gala is a chance to showcase your skills and compete against the best Go developers from around the world.
While the hackathon is distributed globally, CloudFlare is welcoming teams to use our new office space in SOMA this Saturday and Sunday from 9am-5pm. There will be food, drinks, and plenty of space to spread out and work with your teammates. Some of CloudFlare’s top Go developers will be participating as well.
If you’d like to sign up for the event, you can do so here: http://www.meetup.com/Women-Who-Go/events/227017435/
So, come join Women Who Go and CloudFlare and build something in a weekend:
January 23rd: 9am-5pm
January 24th: 9am-5pm
CloudFlare Headquarters
101 Townsend Street
San Francisco, CA 94107