AI for Network Engineers: Multi-Class Classification
This chapter explains the multi-class classification training process. It begins with an introduction to the MNIST dataset (Modified National Institute of Standards and Technology dataset). Next, it describes how the SoftMax activation function computes the probability of the image fed into the model during the forward pass and how the weight parameters are adjusted during the backward pass to improve training results. Additionally, the chapter discusses the data parallelization strategy from a network perspective.
MINST Dataset
We will use the MNIST dataset [1], which consists of handwritten digits, to demonstrate the training process. The MNIST dataset includes four files: (1) a training set with 60,000 gray-scale images (28x28 pixels) and their respective (2) labels, and a test set with 10,000 images (28x28 pixels) and their respective labels. Figure 3-1 illustrates the structure and dependencies between the test dataset and the labels.
The file train-images-idx3-ubyte contains metadata describing how the images are ordered, along with the image pixel order. The file train-labels-idx1-ubyte defines which label (the digits 0-9) corresponds to which image in the image file. Since we have ten possible outputs, we use ten output neurons.
Before the training process begins, the labels for each image-label pair are one-hot Continue reading