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Explore how VIRL can integrate Cisco virtual routers, switches, firewalls, controllers, as well as 3rd party applications in this Cisco DemoFriday!
Explore how VIRL can integrate Cisco virtual routers, switches, firewalls, controllers, as well as 3rd party applications in this Cisco DemoFriday!
Discover how virtualized residential gateways are driving the delivery of enhanced residential services.
Ansible is well-known for it’s low entry threshold. All what’s required to get started is just one inventory file. However Cisco IOS devices require special considerations. Passwordless SSH RSA-based authentication is still a novelty and in most cases users are authenticated based on their passwords. Another problem is the lack of Python execution environment on IOS devices, which seriously limits the choice of Ansible modules that can be used. In this post I will show how to setup Ansible environment to control Cisco IOS devices
Continue reading Talari's SD-WAN product wins over two banks in Minnesota.
The sad consequences of cruelty, injustice, violence, deceit, and laziness teach us to be gentle, just, moderate, faithful, and industrious. The experience is lengthy, but it is efficient.
" Raoul Audouin — http://ProvidenceandLibertyThe post Consequences Teach appeared first on 'net work.
One of the Software Defined Evangelists has declared 2015 as the Year of SD-WAN, and my podcast feeds are full of startups explaining how wonderful their product is compared to the mess made by legacy routers, so one has to wonder: is SD-WAN really something fundamentally new, or is it just another old idea in new clothes?
Read more ...The networking market is at an exciting pivot point, evolving away from legacy enterprise networking to the cloud. While the public cloud providers (“titans”) may take a “do it yourself” approach to engineering cloud network designs, mainstream enterprises demand a “cloudified” turnkey solution and want to emulate cloud operators. The increasingly massive scale of address tables, devices, flooding, broadcast traffic from discovery protocols, subnets and routing protocols have accelerated the need for disruption in networking workflows, making Arista a unique and welcome pioneer for customers ready to make SDN a reality.
To appreciate the need for SDN and cloud solutions one must step back and understand why the cloud network is dramatically different from legacy networking.
First, in a cloud, everything is dynamic. Resources become available and go off-line, users are logging in and out, and workloads are going up or down depending on compute needs. This is a fundamental difference of cloud versus static computing in enterprises.
Second, cloud data centers are much larger than typical enterprise datacenters and can contain tens, even hundreds of thousands of servers. Legacy management practices and policies that are used in smaller datacenters don’t apply to clouds since Continue reading