Permission and Proof in Private Clouds

I’m often told that the enterprise customer will take years to implement Private Clouds because the enterprise is slow to adopt new technologies. Yet the private cloud is happening faster than seems practical and there has to be a reason that is driving adoption so quickly. It's simple, point to the success of others and use that as proof of success and use that to generate permission to implement change.

The post Permission and Proof in Private Clouds appeared first on EtherealMind.

Juniper EX Virtual-Chassis notes

I’ve been deploying some EX VCs recently so this post will go over some configuration and verification commands. To start with I have two EX4200s in my lab connected via the built-in VC ports. I’m running code version 12.3R6.6 VC Ports When booting this type of configuration, the switches will automatically attempt to create a […]

802.11ac Adjacent Channel Interference (ACI)

I was reading this article on development of 5G cellular technologies when this bit on OFDM deficiencies and the need for new waveforms to support higher capacities and user densities caught my attention (emphasis added by me):
4G and 4G+ networks employ a type of waveform called orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) as the fundamental element in the physical layer (PHY).  In fact, almost all modern communication networks are built on OFDM because OFDM improved data rates and network reliability significantly by taking advantage of multi-path a common artifact of wireless transmissions.  However as time and demands progress, OFDM technology suffers from out-of-band spectrum regrowth resulting in high side lobes that limit spectral efficiency.  In other words, network operators cannot efficiently use their available spectrum because two users on adjacent channels would interfere with one another.  OFDM also suffers from high peak-to-average ratio of the power amplifier, resulting in lower battery life of the mobile device.  To address OFDM deficiencies, researchers are investigating alternative methods including generalized frequency division multiplexing, filter bank multi-carrier, and universal filter multi-carrier.  Researchers speculate that using one of these approaches over OFDM may improve network capacity by 30 percent Continue reading

Dealing with Schema Changes

It’s not often I get to write about concepts rooted in database technology, but I’d like to illuminate a situation that software developers deal with quite often, and one that those entering this space from the network infrastructure side may want to consider.

Software will often communicate with other software using APIs – an interface built so that otherwise independent software processes can send and receive data between each other, or with other systems. We’re finding that this is a pretty hyped-up buzzword in the networking industry right now, since network infrastructure historically has had only one effective method of access, and that is the CLI; not exactly ideal for anything but human beings.

These APIs will typically use some kind of transport protocol like TCP (many also ride on top of HTTP), in order to get from point A to point B. The data contained within will likely be some kind of JSON or XML structure. As an example, here’s the output from a Nexus 9000 routing table:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
                                                <ipnexthop>172. Continue reading

Run desktop environment on guest VM in cloonix network simulator

The Cloonix open-source network simulator uses the Spice remote desktop system to provide a virtual desktop connection to quest virtual machines that run a graphical user interface, such as Microsoft Windows or a Linux desktop environment.

To use a graphical desktop user interface on a guest VM, we access the VM using the Spice desktop console.

Guest VM requirements

We must be running a guest VM that has a desktop environment installed and the Spice server installed.

We already upgraded a root filesystem with the XFCE desktop in a previous post. So, in this example, we will use that filesystem, which is named jessie-networking-xfce.qcow2 and is saved in the cloonix bulk directory.

Start the guest VM

Start the cloonix graph interface (see instructions for starting cloonix). Configure the VM object to load the jessie-networking-xfce.qcow2 filesystem.

Configure VM to use filesystem with desktop already installed

Configure VM to use filesystem with desktop already installed

Then drag the VM object onto the graph interface so it starts up.

A Cloonix guest VM is now running

A Cloonix guest VM is now running

Use Spice to connect to the guest VM

Right-click on the VM and select the Open Spice desktop menu command.

Open the Spice desktop console on the guest VM

Open the Spice desktop console on the guest VM

The Spice console will Continue reading

Server Bootstrap & Prep with Ansible

Over the past few months, I’ve been posting on using Ansible for network automation.  Changing things up a bit, this post will cover using Ansible for server automation and I’ll share a few Ansible playbooks that I’ve built and have been using to bootstrap servers and prep them for various applications such as OpenStack and NSX deployments.  
Step 1 - Playbook 1
Creating password-less root account

Since Ansible uses SSH by default for connecting to the servers, you will realize the first thing that needs to be done is to copy the public key of where you will execute playbooks from onto the “new” server.  To do this, I use a playbook that is called server_one_time_run.yml.  You will notice that in this playbook, and only in this playbook, I have remote_user set to jedelman and sudo set to yes.

I’ve been testing against bare-metal and virtual machine installs using an Ubuntu ISO image.  During the OS install process, “jedelman” is the account that was created on all hosts and virtual machines. 

This playbook runs and copies over the public key in the root directory.  We are essentially creating a password-less login for Continue reading

Dealing with Schema Changes

It’s not often I get to write about concepts rooted in database technology, but I’d like to illuminate a situation that software developers deal with quite often, and one that those entering this space from the network infrastructure side may want to consider. Software will often communicate with other software using APIs - an interface built so that otherwise independent software processes can send and receive data between each other, or with other systems.

Dealing with Schema Changes

It’s not often I get to write about concepts rooted in database technology, but I’d like to illuminate a situation that software developers deal with quite often, and one that those entering this space from the network infrastructure side may want to consider. Software will often communicate with other software using APIs - an interface built so that otherwise independent software processes can send and receive data between each other, or with other systems.

War Stories: Gratuitous ARP and VRRP

Continuing our theme of ARP-related war stories, here’s another ARP/switching behaviour I’ve come across. This particular problem didn’t result in any outages, but the network wasn’t working as well as it should have, and started flooding frames unexpectedly. Here’s what was going on:

The Network

Breaking the network down to its simplest level, it looked like this:


The two routers were a VRRP pair. Router-A was 100.100.100 .11, Router-B was, and the virtual IP was These acted as a default gateway for the client LAN. PCs connected to the client LAN got their network configuration from DHCP, and set their default gateway to Using this, they were able to get access to resources behind the routers, such as Server-1 at All worked well.

Obviously there was a lot more to the network than what I’ve shown here, but it’s not important.

The Issue

I said it was working well – so what was wrong? One day I was using Wireshark to diagnose a network issue between PC-A and Server-1. I ran Wireshark on PC-A, with a capture filter of “host″. The packet flow Continue reading

C10M: The coming DDR4 revolution

Computer memory has been based on the same DRAM technology since the 1970s. Recent developments have been versions of the DDR technology, DDR2, DDR2, and now DDR4. The capacity and transfer speed have been doubling every couple years according to Moore's Law, but the latency has been stuck at ~70 nanoseconds for decades. The recent DDR4 standard won't fix this latency, but will give us a lot more tools to mitigate its effects.

Latency is bad. If a thread needs data from main memory, it must stop and wait for around 1000 instructions before the data is returned from memory. CPU caches mitigate most of this latency by keeping a copy of frequently used data in local, high-speed memory. This allows the processor to continue at full speed without having to wait.

The problem with Internet scale is that it can't be cached. If you have 10 million concurrent connections, each requiring 10-kilobytes of data, you'll need 100-gigabytes of memory. However, processors have only 20-megabytes of cache -- 50 thousand times too small to cache everything. That means whenever a packet arrives, the memory associated with that packet will not be in cache. The CPU will have to stop and Continue reading

That Apache 0day was troll

Last week, many people saw what they thought was an Apache 0day. They say logs with lots of suggestive strings that looked like this:

[28/Jul/2014:20:04:07 +0000] “GET /?x0a/x04/x0a/x02/x06/x08/x09/cDDOSSdns-STAGE2;; HTTP/1.0″ 301 178 “-” “chroot-apach0day-HIDDEN BINDSHELL-ESTAB” “-”
Somebody has come forward and taken credit for this, admitting it was troll.

This is sort of a personality test. Many of us immediately assumed this was a troll, but that's because we are apt to disbelieve any hype. Others saw this as some new attack, but that's because they are apt to see attacks out of innocuous traffic. If your organization panicked at this "0day attack", which I'm sure some did, then you failed this personality test.

I don't know what tool the troll used, but I assume it was masscan, because that'd be the easiest way to do it. To do this with masscan, get a Debian/Ubuntu VPS and do the following:

apt-get install libpcap-dev dos2unix
git clone
cd masscan
echo "GET /my0dayexploit.php?a=x0acat+/etc/password HTTP/1.0" >header.txt
echo "Referer:" >>header.txt
echo "" >>header.txt
unix2dos header.txt
iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --destination-port 4321 -j DROP

bin/masscan Continue reading

Taking the Bull by the Horns

Over the past few years, I’ve had the opportunity to work with best and the brightest in the industry.  The reach started with my co-workers, partners, and vendors, but gradually expanded due to the likes of maintaining a blog and occasionally being on Twitter.  In a recent exchange with someone who gave me a massive pivot and jump start in my career almost 10 years ago, it reminded me of a presentation this same person gave back then.  
One of the key themes of this presentation was “Intrinsic Motivation.”  This was the first time I had ever heard the phrase – the speaker talked about one’s inner desire and self-motivation as the reason for wanting, learning, and doing.  It’s a feeling that is hard to describe, but I remember thinking during the presentation, “Hmm, I think I may have that.”  It’s not something many of us talk about, but those that have it can often see it or sense it in others.  On the surface, it could be called a passion.  It could be a hobby you love or when work starts to overlap as your hobby.  Maybe it’s just OCD coupled Continue reading

Podcast Spotlight — Software Gone Wild

Bright orange RSS icon

Today’s podcast spotlight goes to Software Gone Wild. This is a newer podcast hosted by our friend Ivan Pepelnjak. The topics are focused on the growing pains the networking industry is experiencing and various forms of automation that are attempting to solve them. This includes various aspects of SDN, NFV and how others are using technology to deliver bigger/better/faster solutions.

Recent episodes include Network Automation @ Spotify and The F-Script with my good friend John Herbert.


Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with the Software Gone Wild podcast or any organization linked to,  represented in or derived from content found in this article. This article represents my own opinions and may not be that of my employer.


The post Podcast Spotlight — Software Gone Wild appeared first on PacketU.

Refactoring Code: Fun With REST and JSON

Recently I’ve been writing some automation code for Atlassian’s JIRA project management / bug tracking product. Think of JIRA as a generic AGILE-aware tool that can provide everything from project tracking all the way down to task tracking, trouble ticketing … Continue reading

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What Happens When 20 Programs Poll The Network?

Packetpushers show 198 was a great episode about Network Automation. At one point, Greg asks:

“What happens when you’ve got 20 apps polling one device?”

Well, you might hit the same problem I did:

SECURITY-SSHD-6-INFO_GENERAL : Incoming SSH session rate limit exceeded

I have some Python scripts that poll performance and configuration data from a couple of ASR9Ks, and I was getting some gaps in my data. The scripts run on different polling cycles (some hourly, some every 15 minutes, etc). It wasn’t consistent, but now and then my script would fail to collect any data.

I dug into it, and found that I was hitting the default SSH rate limit of 60 per minute, calculated as 1 per second. Because I couldn’t control the exact scheduling of when my polls ran, I inserted a short random wait timer into some of them. That helped, and I had fewer failures, but it still wasn’t quite right.

So I used the command “ssh server rate-limit 120″ to allow 2 SSH connections per second. That has helped, and now I’m not getting any failures.

But it won’t be pretty if I do have 20 different apps all trying to poll at once.

(Yes, I know, I should Continue reading

No, the CIA didn’t spy on other computers

The computer's the CIA spied on were owned and operated by the CIA.

I thought I'd mention this detail that is usually missing from today's news about the CIA spying on Senate staffers. The Senate staffers were investigating the CIA's torture program, reviewing classified documents. The CIA didn't trust the staffers, so they setup a special computer network just for the staffers to use -- a network secured and run by the CIA itself.

The CIA, though, spied on what the staffers did on the system. This allowed the CIA to manipulate investigation. When the staffers found some particularly juicy bit of information, the CIA was able to yank it from the system and re-classify it so that the staffers couldn't use it. Before the final report was ready, the CIA was already able to set the political machine in motion to defend itself from the report.

Thus, what the CIA did was clearly corrupt and wrong. It's just that it isn't what most people understand when they read today's headlines. It wasn't a case of the CIA hacking into other people's computers.

Many stories quote CIA director Brennan who said earlier this year:
I think a lot of people Continue reading

Network Break 13

We have renamed the show to "The Network Break"

Author information

Greg Ferro

Greg Ferro is a Network Engineer/Architect, mostly focussed on Data Centre, Security Infrastructure, and recently Virtualization. He has over 20 years in IT, in wide range of employers working as a freelance consultant including Finance, Service Providers and Online Companies. He is CCIE#6920 and has a few ideas about the world, but not enough to really count.

He is a host on the Packet Pushers Podcast, blogger at and on Twitter @etherealmind and Google Plus.

The post Network Break 13 appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Greg Ferro.