Tracking ENIs used by EKS with AWS CLI
I’ve recently been spinning up lots of Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) clusters (using Pulumi, of course) in order to test various Cilium configurations. Along the way, I’ve wanted to verify the association and configuration of Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs) being used by the EKS cluster. In this post, I’ll share a couple of AWS CLI commands that will help you track the ENIs used by an EKS cluster.
When I first set out to find the easiest way to track the ENIs used by the nodes in an EKS cluster, I thought that AWS resource tags might be the key. I was right—but not in the way I expected. In the Pulumi program (written in Go) that I use to create EKS clusters, I made sure to tag all the resources.
For example, when defining the EKS cluster itself I assigned tags:
eksCluster, err := eks.NewCluster(ctx, "eks-cluster", &eks.ClusterArgs{
Name: pulumi.Sprintf("%s-test", regionNames[awsRegion]),
// Some code omitted here for brevity
Tags: pulumi.StringMap{
"Name": pulumi.Sprintf("%s-test", regionNames[awsRegion]),
"owner": pulumi.String(ownerTag),
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