
Category Archives for "Networking"

Warum ich Cloudflare helfe in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz zu wachsen

Warum ich Cloudflare helfe in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz zu wachsen
Warum ich Cloudflare helfe in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz zu wachsen

Warum Cloudflare ?

Ich übernehme bei Cloudflare die Verantwortung für die DACH Region (Deutschland, Austria & Switzerland-CH), um das Geschäft von Cloudflare in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz zu erweitern. Die einzigartige Mission von Cloudflare ein besseres Internet zu gestalten, ist der Grund, warum ich diese Verantwortung übernommen habe. Heute kann ich es kaum erwarten dieses Ziel zu erreichen.

Cloudflare trägt dazu bei 10 Millionen Domains schneller und sicherer zu machen indem die Kunden gegen eine große Anzahl von Online-Angriffen geschützt werden und gleichzeitig die Verfügbarkeit garantiert wird. Dies ist die Grundlage für jedes erfolgreiche Geschäft.

Sicherheit, Datenschutz und Geschwindigkeit sind Schlüsselfunktionen für fast jedes Unternehmen: von sehr großen traditionellen bis hin zu reinen Online-Unternehmen oder Einzelpersonen, die ihre eigene persönliche Marke aufbauen. Dazu könnte ich endlos weitere Beispiele nennen und je mehr ich über Cloudflare’s Mission erfahre desto mehr bin ich begeistert.

Eine von Cloudflare’s größten Stärken ist das globale Netzwerk.
Cloudflare verfügt bereits über Rechenzentren in sieben Städten der DACH Region (weitere folgen), um sicherzustellen, dass das Internet für die Nutzer in der Region schnell, sicher und zuverlässig ist.  

Ich bin stolz, das erste Büro in Deutschland eröffnen zu dürfen. Gleichzeitig habe ich Continue reading

Why I’m helping Cloudflare grow in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland

Why I’m helping Cloudflare grow in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
Why I’m helping Cloudflare grow in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland

Why Cloudflare?

I am incredibly excited to announce that I’m joining Cloudflare as the Head of DACH to help to expand Cloudflare’s demand in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland. Having been in the technology industry for many years, Cloudflare’s mission to help build a better Internet was frankly the reason I joined, and I’m now very eager to start working towards this.

I quickly learned how Cloudflare helps to speed up and secure over 10 million Internet properties by protecting these customers from a wide range of online attacks and providing the reliability needed to run strong businesses. Security, privacy, and performance are key drivers for almost every business: from large traditional enterprises to purely online businesses and even individuals building their own personal brand. I could go on and on. The more I learned, the more excited I became.

One of Cloudflare’s major strengths is its global network. Cloudflare already has data centers in seven cities in the DACH region (with more to come) helping to ensure the Internet is fast, safe, and reliable for users online in the region. So while I get the honor of opening our first office in Germany (in Munich), I loved that Cloudflare had Continue reading

IBM wants to manage your cloud services no matter which ones you run

ORLANDO – IBM has rolled out a multi-cloud management system that promises to help customers manage, move and integrate apps across multivendor cloud infrastructures.IBM’s new Kubernetes-based Multi-cloud Manager runs on the company’s year-old IBM Cloud Private platform but lets customers manage and integrate workloads on clouds from other providers such as Amazon, Red Hat and Microsoft. That means better automation, quicker spin-up of services and better pricing when using the IBM platform, said IBM’s Robin Hernandez, Director, IBM Private Cloud Offering Management.RELATED: How to make hybrid cloud work Hernandez says at the heart of the Multi-cloud Manager is a dashboard interface for managing thousands of Kubernetes applications and huge volumes of data regardless of where in the organization they are located.To read this article in full, please click here

Leaf-and-Spine Fabric Myths (Part 3)

Evil CCIE concluded his long list of leaf-and-spine fabric myths (more in part 1 and part 2) with a layer-2 fabric myth:

Layer 2 Fabrics can't be extended beyond 2 Spine switches. I had a long argument with a $vendor guys on this. They don't even count SPB as Layer 2 fabric and so forth.

The root cause of this myth is the lack of understanding of what layer-2, layer-3, bridging and routing means. You might want to revisit a few of my very old blog posts before moving on: part 1, part 2, what is switching, layer-3 switches and routers.

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BrandPost: The Marketplace Requirement for a Secure SD-WAN

When SD-WANs first began to be discussed, the focus of the discussion was on the potential cost savings that would result from incorporating more cost-effective broadband connectivity into the WAN. Reducing cost is clearly an important goal, but achieving that goal is only meaningful if the WAN is also providing all the requisite functionality. This blog will discuss the importance of WAN functionality such as security and the ability to effectively support cloud computing. This blog will also identify the key characteristics of a secure SD-WAN.Required WAN Functionality The functionality that WANs must provide was identified in the 2018 Guide to WAN Architecture and Design. That guide presented the results of a survey in which the respondents were presented with fifteen factors and asked to choose the top three factors that would likely have the most impact on their WAN over the next twelve months. The factors that were the most important are shown in Figure 1.To read this article in full, please click here

The Road to Success – Not Always Straight

A lot of people look to me for mentoring and advice. When you see someone in the industry having success, it’s easy to think that they know it all and never have any setbacks, that their career was a straight path to success from day one. When I look at someone like Ivan Pepelnjak, a person I have a tremendous respect for, I imagine him knowing it all from day one. Of course, in reality, he had to learn it the hard way like the rest of us.

A couple of days ago I thought about writing a little about my background. To show people that it’s normal to have some bumps in your career and that success is not achieved overnight.

When I think back of my career so far, there’s two or three things that really bother me and where I had to learn some hard lessons.

When I was done with upper secondary school, I was SO tired of school. I had no motivation. My grades were mediocre. I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. All I knew was that I had an interest in IT and that I was going to go Continue reading

My First Grace Hopper Celebration

My First Grace Hopper Celebration
My First Grace Hopper Celebration

Cloudflare #GHC18 team

I am 25+ years into my career in technology, and this was the very first time I attended a conference geared towards women.

A couple of weeks ago I went to Grace Hopper Celebration (#GHC18), and I can still feel the exuberant energy from the 22,000 women over the intensive 3 day conference. I attended with our Cloudflare team; our purpose was to connect with women in the greater tech community and recruit new talent to join our team and mission to help build a better Internet.

Cloudflare prioritizes GHC because we recognize that diversity in our company, and particularly in our technical departments, is crucial to our success. We believe that the best companies are diverse companies. This was Cloudflare’s second time sponsoring GHC, and I was part of the planning committee. This year I headed to the event with 20 of my colleagues to meet all of the incredible attendees, hold on-site interviews, and even host our own Cloudflare panel and luncheon.

Getting to #GHC18

Early Tuesday morning, the day before the conference, as I joined the Southwest Airlines boarding line at Oakland Airport, my fellow passengers were not the usual contingent of Continue reading

Wave energy to power undersea data centers

Offshore, underwater data centers are going to be powered using wave motion, says a sustainable energy developer. And it's going to happen soon.Commercial wave energy company Ocean Energy says it’s almost completed a marine hydrokinetic wave generator build and that the 1.25 Megawatt power-production capacity vessel will be ready to deploy in 2019.The 125-feet-long wave converter OE Buoy will provide enough electricity for a subsea data center platform, the company claims.“Technology companies will be able to benefit from wave power [in] marine-based data storage and processing centers,” Ocean Energy CEO John McCarthy said in a press release earlier this month. “OE Buoy presents them with the potential double-benefit of ocean cooling and ocean energy in the one device.”To read this article in full, please click here

Wave energy to power undersea data centers

Offshore, underwater data centers are going to be powered using wave motion, says a sustainable energy developer. And it's going to happen soon.Commercial wave energy company Ocean Energy says it’s almost completed a marine hydrokinetic wave generator build and that the 1.25 Megawatt power-production capacity vessel will be ready to deploy in 2019.The 125-feet-long wave converter OE Buoy will provide enough electricity for a subsea data center platform, the company claims.“Technology companies will be able to benefit from wave power [in] marine-based data storage and processing centers,” Ocean Energy CEO John McCarthy said in a press release earlier this month. “OE Buoy presents them with the potential double-benefit of ocean cooling and ocean energy in the one device.”To read this article in full, please click here

Episode 37 – Imposter Syndrome

Join us as we share a peek behind the curtain on some content created exclusively for our Network Collective community members. In this episode, the Network Collective hosts share their thoughts on imposter syndrome and some of the ways they work through this fairly common condition.


We would like to thank VIAVI Solutions for sponsoring this episode of Network Collective. VIAVI Solutions is an application and network management industry leader focusing on end-user experience by providing products that optimize performance and speed problem resolution. Helping to ensure delivery of critical applications for businesses worldwide, Viavi offers an integrated line of precision-engineered software and hardware systems for effective network monitoring and analysis. Learn more at


Jordan Martin
Eyvonne Sharp
Russ White

Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

The post Episode 37 – Imposter Syndrome appeared first on Network Collective.