
Category Archives for "Networking"

IDG Contributor Network: Evolution of IT departments to support IoT and digital transformation

You can’t spell IoT without IT, but that doesn’t mean IT departments are big fans of Internet of Things deployments. In fact, we’ve observed that IoT tends to exacerbate some of the challenges that IT departments face within their organizations.Understanding and anticipating IT’s primary areas of concern can help IoT deployments succeed.Lines are blurring Traditionally, the IT department has operated in a vacuum. The focus of IT departments has been in internal support, network management and managing enterprise applications. IoT deployments have been the traditional focus of operations teams that typically deploy point solutions to solve a business issue.To read this article in full, please click here

Updated: First Set of Building Next-Generation Data Centers Self-Study Materials

When I started the Building Next-Generation Data Centers online course, I didn’t have the automated infrastructure to support it, so I had to go with the next best solution: a reasonably-flexible Content Management System, and Mediawiki turned out to be a pretty good option.

In the meantime, we developed a full-blown course support system, included guided self-paced study (available with most online course), and progress tracking. It was time to migrate the data center material into the same format.

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Measuring ECDSA in DNSSEC – A Final Report

Four years ago we started looking at the level of support for ECDSA in DNSSEC. At the time we concluded that ECDSA was just not supported broadly enough to be usable. Four years later, let's see if we can provide an updated answer to the question of the viability of ECDSA.

NSX Sessions to geek out at VMworld 2018

VMworld 2018 is around the corner and we have an exciting lineup of over 80+ breakout sessions, customer deployment stories and Hands-on Labs for you from the VMware NSX family!

For the tech nerds interested in deep-dives and deployment strategies, we have a list of recommended “geek” NSX VMworld 2018 sessions to choose from in various focus areas.



Deep Dive into NSX Data Center Security for Clouds, Containers, and More [SAI1527BU]
Speakers: Ganapathi Bhatt
This technical session will focus on key security features and use cases for VMware NSX-T Data Center in a multi-hypervisor, heterogeneous workload environment (VMs, containers, bare metal), the architecture and implementation of NSX-T distributed firewalls and edge firewalls, and the grouping/policy model for NSX-T Data Center. You will also find out how VMware NSX Data Center extends a uniform security policy model to VMware NSX Cloud and VMware Cloud on AWS environments.

Securing Horizon and Citrix End-User Computing with NSX Data Center [SAI1851BU]
Speakers: Geoff Wilmington
Organizations deploying virtual desktop infrastructures are tasked with designing for security, networking, and network services for this infrastructure. This can be a complex design process and include multiple products to meet the requirements. When coupling VMware NSX Data Continue reading

Instructor Spotlight: Keith Bogart

Keith Bogart is one of INE’s most esteemed and experienced instructors. Keith has been with INE for 4 years designing and instructing videos and bootcamps, as well as hosting live web-series, designing workbooks, and contributing to our IEOC Forum and INE Blog. Keith has a CCNA in Routing and Switching, CCIE in Dial-ISP, CWNA and is currently working towards his CCNA Security certification.

Before he was with INE, Keith worked as a service representative, technical assistance engineer and network consulting engineer at Cisco Systems. After 17 years at Cisco and a short time with a small start-up, Keith brought his talents to INE and became our #1 CCNA Routing & Switching instructor.

So what has Keith been up to?

On a typical day you can find Keith in our North Carolina office working on his latest project – a new CCNA Security Bootcamp. This bootcamp is still in its early stages of design, however, according to Keith, it’s shaping up to be a 5-day Bootcamp that will be offered online at least twice in the first half of 2019.

PrettyTable – Printing anything in Table


As the scripting and programming deals in logging into the device and fetching data, there will be a time where presentability of Data matters. PrettyTable is one such package which greatly helps in reading things

A simple example, re-visiting the code to get the list of routes from the Device

PrettyTable will help in tabulating the Data, the installation and usage can be found here

Pip Package  –

Usage –

Once we have the code, let take a look at how the program looks

The Table form looks something like this


Hope this help for anyone who gets started with presentability of Data, honestly, there was one time I got crazy with the print statement just to make the data presentable.




Research: Are We There Yet? RPKI Deployment Considered

The Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) system is designed to prevent hijacking of routes at their origin AS. If you don’t know how this system works (and it is likely you don’t, because there are only a few deployments in the world), you can review the way the system works by reading through this post here on

Gilad, Yossi & Cohen, Avichai & Herzberg, Amir & Schapira, Michael & Shulman, Haya. (2017). Are We There Yet? On RPKI’s Deployment and Security. 10.14722/ndss.2017.23123.

The paper under review today examines how widely Route Origin Validation (ROV) based on the RPKI system has been deployed. The authors began by determining which Autonomous Systems (AS’) are definitely not deploying route origin validation. They did this by comparing the routes in the global RPKI database, which is synchronized among all the AS’ deploying the RPKI, to the routes in the global Default Free Zone (DFZ), as seen from 44 different route servers located throughout the world. In comparing these two, they found a set of routes which the RPKI system indicated should be originated from one AS, but were actually being originated from another AS in the default free zone.

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Finally, a smart way for insurers to leverage IoT in smart homes

Like many consumers, I tend to be automatically suspicious of insurance companies’ plans to track my behavior. And like many tech journalists, I’m also skeptical of clever new smart home automation schemes. But painful personal experience has me all excited about a new pilot program involving Travelers insurance and Notion smart home sensors.According to a post in Coverager: “Travelers has tapped Notion, the home awareness solution and smart home sensor, to offer smart home monitoring systems to Travelers customers in California. Travelers is working with Notion to provide data-driven insights to customers through Notion’s home monitoring system in order to prevent and mitigate threats such as water leaks, fire damage, and thefts.To read this article in full, please click here

The Week in Internet News: US Gov’t Wants More Encryption – For Itself

Encryption for us, not for you: The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is researching ways to improve mobile encryption for federal users, even as the FBI continues to fight against encrypted data on the smartphones of ordinary users. FifthDomain has a story on the DHS effort.

Safety labels for the IoT: The Internet of things needs food safety-style labels detailing the safety and privacy controls on IoT devices, suggests a story at Motherboard.

Consumer Reports and other groups have begun working on a new open source standard intended to help make Internet-connected hardware safer, the story says.

Let’s Encrypt gains support: Let’s Encrypt, the Internet Society-supported secure certificate authority, has picked up endorsements from major root programs like Microsoft, Google, Apple, Mozilla, Oracle, and Blackberry, Packt Hub reports. The zero-cost service allows website operators to pick up SSL certificates for free.

That’s a lot of AI: Intel sold $1 billion worth of Artificial Intelligence chips in 2017, Reuters reports. That’s even a conservative estimate, Intel says. Prepare now for the smart robot takeover!

Hired by AI: Meanwhile, AI is coming to the hiring process, Bloomberg reports, and that may not be such a bad thing. AI may actually be Continue reading

Apcela optimizes Office 365 performance, improving user productivity

More than 120 million Microsoft Office accounts have moved from on-premises to the cloud since the launch of Microsoft Office 365. Many of those accounts belong to users in large enterprises that weren’t fully prepared for the transition. The fact is as many as 30 to 40 percent of enterprises struggle with some level of application performance as they make the shift to cloud.Some of the signs of poor performance (and the source of users’ frustration) include Outlook responding slowly when the user tries to open messages, VoIP calls over Skype for Business having rough spots, and documents being slow to open, close and save in Word. Performance problems in the Office applications manifest in many other ways, as well.To read this article in full, please click here

Apcela optimizes Office 365 performance, improving user productivity

More than 120 million Microsoft Office accounts have moved from on-premises to the cloud since the launch of Microsoft Office 365. Many of those accounts belong to users in large enterprises that weren’t fully prepared for the transition. The fact is as many as 30 to 40 percent of enterprises struggle with some level of application performance as they make the shift to cloud.Some of the signs of poor performance (and the source of users’ frustration) include Outlook responding slowly when the user tries to open messages, VoIP calls over Skype for Business having rough spots, and documents being slow to open, close and save in Word. Performance problems in the Office applications manifest in many other ways, as well.To read this article in full, please click here