The following is a guest post written by Pierre-Antoine Mills, Miguel Fernández, and Petra Donka of Prisma. Prisma provides a server-side library that helps developers read and write data to the database in an intuitive, efficient and safe way.
Prisma’s mission is to redefine how developers build data-driven applications. At its core, Prisma provides an open-source, next-generation TypeScript Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) library that unlocks a new level of developer experience thanks to its intuitive data model, migrations, type-safety, and auto-completion.
Prisma ORM has experienced remarkable growth, engaging a vibrant community of developers. And while it was a great problem to have, this growth was causing an explosion in our AWS infrastructure costs. After investigating a wide range of alternatives, we went with Cloudflare’s R2 storage — and as a result are thrilled that our engine distribution costs have decreased by 98%, while delivering top-notch performance.
It was a natural fit: Prisma is already a proud technology partner of Cloudflare’s, offering deep database integration with Cloudflare Workers. And Cloudflare products provide much of the underlying infrastructure for Prisma Accelerate and Prisma Pulse, empowering user-focused product development. In this post, we’ll dig into how we decided to extend our ongoing Continue reading
A few days after I published the EBGP session protection lab, Jeroen van Bemmel submitted a pull request that added TCP-AO support to netlab. Now that the release 1.6.3 is out, I could use it to build the Protect BGP Sessions with TCP Authentication Option (TCP-AO) lab exercise.
A few days after I published the EBGP session protection lab, Jeroen van Bemmel submitted a pull request that added TCP-AO support to netlab. Now that the release 1.6.3 is out, I could use it to build the Protect BGP Sessions with TCP Authentication Option (TCP-AO) lab exercise.
Today's Day Two Cloud covers highlights from a recent Edge Field Day event. Ned Bellavance was a delegate at the event and will share perceptions and insights based on presentations from the event. Topics include a working definition of edge, the constraints of hosting infrastructure in edge locations (power, space, network connectivity and others), and operational models for running software and services in these environments.
The post Day Two Cloud 215: Highlights From The Edge appeared first on Packet Pushers.
Back in the early 2000s, store and forward networking was used by both market data providers, exchanges and customers executing electronic trading applications where the lowest latency execution can make the difference in a strategy from a profit to a loss. Moving closer to the exchange to reduce link latency, eliminating any unnecessary network hops, placing all feed handler and trading execution servers on the same switch to minimize transit time, and leveraging high-performance 10Gb NICs with embedded FPGAs all contributed to the ongoing effort to squeeze out every last microsecond to execute trades and gain a performance edge.
In this podcast episode, Johna and I discuss the concept of technical debt. We provide different definitions of technical debt, with me focusing on the inability to switch solutions easily and Johna emphasizing the trade-off between immediate speed and long-term efficiency. We give examples of technical debt, such as outdated systems and insecure infrastructure, and […]
The post HS057 Technical Debt appeared first on Packet Pushers.
netlab release 1.6.3 added numerous BGP nerd knobs:
We also:
netlab release 1.6.3 added numerous BGP nerd knobs:
We also:
Today on the Tech Bytes podcast, we talk with sponsor Palo Alto Networks about SD-WAN for retail locations. From securing payment card data to supporting customer Wi-Fi to connecting a multitude of IoT devices, a secure, reliable WAN is a must for retail. We talk with Palo Alto Networks about how SD-WAN can help retail locations get and keep shoppers in stores.
The post Tech Bytes: Why Retail Branches Need Next-Gen SD-WAN And SASE (Sponsored) appeared first on Packet Pushers.
It feels like the cybersecurity space is getting more and more crowded with breaches in the modern era. I joke that on our weekly Gestalt IT Rundown news show that we could include a breach story every week and still not cover them all. Even Risky Business can’t keep up. However, the defenders seem to be gaining on the attackers and that means the battle lines are shifting again.
A recent article from The Register noted that dwell times for detection of ransomware and malware hav dropped almost a full day in the last year. Dwell time is especially important because detecting the ransomware early means you can take preventative measures before it can be deployed. I’ve seen all manner of early detection systems, such as data protection companies measuring the entropy of data-at-rest to determine when it is no longer able to be compressed, meaning it likely has been encrypted and should be restored.
Likewise, XDR companies are starting to reduce the time it takes to catch behaviors on the network that are out of the ordinary. When a user starts scanning for open file shares and doing recon on the network you can almost guarantee they’ve Continue reading