Today on the Tech Bytes podcast, we talk with sponsor Palo Alto Networks about SD-WAN for retail locations. From securing payment card data to supporting customer Wi-Fi to connecting a multitude of IoT devices, a secure, reliable WAN is a must for retail. We talk with Palo Alto Networks about how SD-WAN can help retail locations get and keep shoppers in stores.
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It feels like the cybersecurity space is getting more and more crowded with breaches in the modern era. I joke that on our weekly Gestalt IT Rundown news show that we could include a breach story every week and still not cover them all. Even Risky Business can’t keep up. However, the defenders seem to be gaining on the attackers and that means the battle lines are shifting again.
A recent article from The Register noted that dwell times for detection of ransomware and malware hav dropped almost a full day in the last year. Dwell time is especially important because detecting the ransomware early means you can take preventative measures before it can be deployed. I’ve seen all manner of early detection systems, such as data protection companies measuring the entropy of data-at-rest to determine when it is no longer able to be compressed, meaning it likely has been encrypted and should be restored.
Likewise, XDR companies are starting to reduce the time it takes to catch behaviors on the network that are out of the ordinary. When a user starts scanning for open file shares and doing recon on the network you can almost guarantee they’ve Continue reading
This week's Network Break covers new HCI gear from the Cisco/Nutanix partnership, a sensor to detect Wi-Fi 6e performance, Intel financial engineering, Amazon shipping test satellites for a space broadband service, and more IT news.
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Starting on Aug 25, 2023, we started to notice some unusually big HTTP attacks hitting many of our customers. These attacks were detected and mitigated by our automated DDoS system. It was not long however, before they started to reach record breaking sizes — and eventually peaked just above 201 million requests per second. This was nearly 3x bigger than our previous biggest attack on record.
Concerning is the fact that the attacker was able to generate such an attack with a botnet of merely 20,000 machines. There are botnets today that are made up of hundreds of thousands or millions of machines. Given that the entire web typically sees only between 1–3 billion requests per second, it's not inconceivable that using this method could focus an entire web’s worth of requests on a small number of targets.
This was a novel attack vector at an unprecedented scale, but Cloudflare's existing protections were largely able to absorb the brunt of the attacks. While initially we saw some impact to customer traffic — affecting roughly 1% of requests during the initial wave of attacks — today we’ve Continue reading
Earlier today, Cloudflare, along with Google and Amazon AWS, disclosed the existence of a novel zero-day vulnerability dubbed the “HTTP/2 Rapid Reset” attack. This attack exploits a weakness in the HTTP/2 protocol to generate enormous, hyper-volumetric Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks. Cloudflare has mitigated a barrage of these attacks in recent months, including an attack three times larger than any previous attack we’ve observed, which exceeded 201 million requests per second (rps). Since the end of August 2023, Cloudflare has mitigated more than 1,100 other attacks with over 10 million rps — and 184 attacks that were greater than our previous DDoS record of 71 million rps.
This zero-day provided threat actors with a critical new tool in their Swiss Army knife of vulnerabilities to exploit and attack their victims at a magnitude that has never been seen before. While at times complex and challenging to combat, these attacks allowed Cloudflare the opportunity to develop purpose-built technology to mitigate the effects of the zero-day vulnerability.
If you are using Cloudflare for HTTP DDoS mitigation, you are protected. And below, we’ve included more information on this vulnerability, and Continue reading
Heute hat Cloudflare zusammen mit Google und Amazon AWS die Existenz einer neuartigen Zero-Day-Schwachstelle bekannt gegeben, die als „HTTP/2 Rapid Reset“-Angriff bezeichnet wird. Dieser Angriff nutzt eine Schwachstelle im HTTP/2-Protokoll aus, um enorme, hypervolumetrische Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS)-Angriffe zu generieren. Cloudflare hat in den letzten Monaten eine Flut dieser Angriffe abgewehrt, einschließlich eines Angriffs, der dreimal so groß war wie der größte Angriff, den wir bisher jemals verzeichnet hatten, und der 201 Millionen Anfragen pro Sekunde (rps) überstieg. Seit Ende August 2023 hat Cloudflare mehr als 1.100 weitere Angriffe mit über 10 Millionen rps abgewehrt – und 184 Angriffe, die unseren bisherigen DDoS-Rekord von 71 Millionen rps übertrafen.
Diese Zero-Day-Schwachstelle gab den Bedrohungsakteuren ein wichtiges neues Werkzeug in ihrem Werkzeugkasten an Schwachstellen an die Hand, mit dem sie ihre Opfer in einem noch nie dagewesenen Ausmaß ausnutzen und angreifen können. Diese Angriffe waren mitunter komplex und schwierig zu bekämpfen. Cloudflare bot sich dadurch jedoch die Gelegenheit, eine speziell konzipierte Technologie zu entwickeln, um die Auswirkungen der Zero-Day-Schwachstelle abzuwehren.
Wenn Sie Cloudflare für die HTTP-DDoS-Abwehr nutzen, sind Sie geschützt. Im Folgenden finden Sie weitere Continue reading
Hoy temprano, Cloudflare, Google y Amazon AWS, divulgaron la existencia de una nueva vulnerabilidad zero-day que se conoce como ataque “HTTP/2 Rapid Reset”. Este ataque aprovecha un punto débil en el protocolo HTTP/2 para generar enormes ataques hipervolumétricos por denegación de servicio distribuido (DDoS). Cloudflare ha mitigado un aluvión de estos ataques en los últimos meses, incluso uno tres veces más grande que cualquier ataque anterior que hayamos observado, que superó las 201 millones de solicitudes por segundo (rps). Desde fines de agosto de 2023, Cloudflare ha mitigado otros más de 1100 ataques con más de 10 millones de rps — y 184 ataques fueron de una magnitud mayor a nuestro récord de ataques DDoS previos de 71 millones de rps.
Este zero-day brindó a los ciberdelincuentes una nueva herramienta fundamental en su navaja suiza de vulnerabilidades para aprovecharse de sus víctimas y atacarlas a una magnitud que nunca habíamos visto. Si bien a veces estos ataques son complejos y difíciles de combatir, brindaron a Cloudflare la oportunidad de desarrollar tecnología con el propósito de mitigar los efectos de la vulnerabilidad zero-day.
Cloudfare에서는 2023년 8월 25일부터 다수의 고객을 향한 일반적이지 않은 일부 대규모 HTTP 공격을 발견했습니다. 이 공격은 우리의 자동 DDos 시스템에서 탐지하여 완화되었습니다. 하지만 얼마 지나지 않아 기록적인 규모의 공격이 시작되어, 나중에 최고조에 이르러서는 초당 2억 1백만 요청이 넘었습니다. 이는 우리 기록상 가장 대규모 공격이었던 이전의 공격의 거의 3배에 달하는 크기입니다.
우려되는 부분은 공격자가 머신 20,000개로 이루어진 봇넷만으로 그러한 공격을 퍼부을 수 있었다는 사실입니다. 오늘날의 봇넷은 수십만 혹은 수백만 개의 머신으로 이루어져 있습니다. 웹 전체에서 일반적으로 초당 10억~30억 개의 요청이 목격된다는 점을 생각하면, 이 방법을 사용했을 때 웹 전체 요청에 달하는 규모를 소수의 대상에 집중시킬 수 있다는 가능성도 완전히 배제할 수는 없습니다.
이는 전례 없는 규모의 새로운 공격 벡터였으나, Cloudflare는 기존 보호 기능을 통해 치명적인 공격을 대부분 흡수할 수 있었습니다. 처음에 목격된 충격은 초기 공격 웨이브 동안 고객 트래픽 요청의 약 1%에 영향을 주었으나, 현재는 완화 방법을 개선하여 시스템에 영향을 주지 않고 Cloudflare 고객을 향한 공격을 차단할 수 있습니다.
우리는 업계의 다른 주요 대기업인 Google과 AWS에서도 같은 시기에 이러한 공격이 있었음을 알게 되었습니다. 이에 따라 지금은 우리의 모든 고객을 이 새로운 DDoS 공격 방법으로부터 어떤 영향도 받지 않도록 보호하기 위하여 Cloudflare의 시스템을 강화했습니다. 또한 Google 및 AWS와 Continue reading