
Category Archives for "Networking"

IDG Contributor Network: A new era of campus network design

Applications have become a key driver of revenue, rather than their previous role as merely a tool to support the business process. What acts as the heart for all applications is the network providing the connection points. Due to the new, critical importance of the application layer, IT professionals are looking for ways to improve the architecture of their network.A new era of campus network design is required, one that enforces policy-based automation from the edge of the network to public and private clouds using an intent-based paradigm. To read this article in full, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: A new era of campus network design

Applications have become a key driver of revenue, rather than their previous role as merely a tool to support the business process. What acts as the heart for all applications is the network providing the connection points. Due to the new, critical importance of the application layer, IT professionals are looking for ways to improve the architecture of their network.A new era of campus network design is required, one that enforces policy-based automation from the edge of the network to public and private clouds using an intent-based paradigm. To read this article in full, please click here

New Video Explains Routing Security and How MANRS Can Help

Routing security can be a difficult topic to explain. It’s technical. It’s filled with industry jargon and acronyms. It’s, well, nerdy. But routing security is vital to a stable and secure future Internet, and we here at the Internet Society have been supporting the Mutually Agreed Norms for Routing Security (MANRS) initiative for several years now. To help explain, at a very high level, some of the major routing security issues and how MANRS can help address them, we’re pleased to announce a new explanatory video.

Available with English, French, and Spanish subtitles, this short new video explains three major incidents that can lead to things like denial of service attacks, surveillance, and lost revenue:

  • Route Hijacking – when one network operator or attacker impersonates another
  • Route Leak – when a network operator unintentionally announces that it has a route to a destination
  • IP Address Spoofing – when fake source IP addresses hide a sender’s identity

Network operators of all sizes have a role to play in securing the Internet’s routing infrastructure. By implementing the four simple MANRS Actions, together we can make significant improvements to reduce the most common routing threats. Those four actions are:

IDG Contributor Network: Our vision of the ideal network is as easy as adaption itself

The race to automate An autonomous network was once seen as part of a utopian ideal, albeit one far off into the future. It would make up the backbone of everything we did, managing a hyper-connected world in which everything from the minutiae of knowing when the milk in the fridge needed replacing, to the ability of the network to automatically ramp services up or down, without the need for human intervention.In a recent ACG Research survey of network service providers, internet content providers, cloud service providers and large enterprises, 100 percent of respondents said they felt the need to pursue automation, and 100 percent are optimistic about automation’s future. Additionally, 75 percent of respondents indicated that they’ll have full or significant network automation within the next five years.To read this article in full, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Our vision of the ideal network is as easy as adaption itself

The race to automate An autonomous network was once seen as part of a utopian ideal, albeit one far off into the future. It would make up the backbone of everything we did, managing a hyper-connected world in which everything from the minutiae of knowing when the milk in the fridge needed replacing, to the ability of the network to automatically ramp services up or down, without the need for human intervention.In a recent ACG Research survey of network service providers, internet content providers, cloud service providers and large enterprises, 100 percent of respondents said they felt the need to pursue automation, and 100 percent are optimistic about automation’s future. Additionally, 75 percent of respondents indicated that they’ll have full or significant network automation within the next five years.To read this article in full, please click here

Cisco opens DNA Center network control and management software to the DevOps masses

ORLANDO – Cisco made a bold move this week to broaden the use of its DNA Center by opening up the network controller, assurance, automation and analytics system to the community of developers looking to take the next step in network programming.Introduced last summer as the heart of its Intent Based Networking initiative, Cisco DNA Center features automation capabilities, assurance setting, fabric provisioning and policy-based segmentation for enterprise networks.[ Now see What is quantum computing [and why enterprises should care.] David Goeckeler, executive vice president and general manager of networking and security at Cisco told the Cisco Live customer audience here that DNA Center’s new open platform capabilities mean all its powerful, networkwide automation and assurance tools are available to partners and customers. New applications can use the programmable network for better performance, security and business insights, he said.To read this article in full, please click here

Cisco opens DNA Center network control and management software to the DevOps masses

ORLANDO – Cisco made a bold move this week to broaden the use of its DNA Center by opening up the network controller, assurance, automation and analytics system to the community of developers looking to take the next step in network programming.Introduced last summer as the heart of its Intent Based Networking initiative, Cisco DNA Center features automation capabilities, assurance setting, fabric provisioning and policy-based segmentation for enterprise networks.[ Now see What is quantum computing [and why enterprises should care.] David Goeckeler, executive vice president and general manager of networking and security at Cisco told the Cisco Live customer audience here that DNA Center’s new open platform capabilities mean all its powerful, networkwide automation and assurance tools are available to partners and customers. New applications can use the programmable network for better performance, security and business insights, he said.To read this article in full, please click here

Tool: Oracle Internet Intelligence

New tool from Oracle for monitoring high level traffic and BGP transitions on the Internet – Oracle Internet Intelligence Map Oracle’s Internet Intelligence team is dedicated to reporting and covering issues such as country-level connectivity statistics, transit shifts, and security threats that impact the performance of the global internet. Oracle’s Dyn division is a managed DNS service […]

Automation for Reliability

Statistics says, the more often you do something, the higher the chances of a negative event occurring when you do it.

Applying this revelation, if you fly regularly, the chances increase of a delayed flight, or being involved in an incident or accident. A somewhat macabre reference perhaps.

Let’s take something real which happened to me this week (11th June 2018). Whilst working out of one of Juniper’s regional offices, I returned back to the hotel room to carry on working whilst putting my feet up. Something felt strange in the room but I couldn’t put my finger on the weirdness. After a couple of hours, I realised that all of my belongings were gone from the room. Everything! Thanks to a mix-up with the house keeping system, the maids threw my collection of travel items in to some bags ready for disposal. Thanks to a procedure that the hotel operates, for my items to be thrown to the garbage, a manager is required to sign off on the request. A process saved my belongings and I’m thankful that the managers knew this process and also knew where my stuff was likely to be. Before my items were returned, I Continue reading