
Category Archives for "Networking"

How Many Bandwidths Does An SD-WAN Need? – Video

Note: This article was first published at Packet on March 5, 2018   I was preparing for a podcast and started comparing the complexity of a private vs. public WAN. I doodled some diagrams and realized that using Internet bandwidth for SD-WAN to replace private bandwidth is actually simpler. Perhaps because the familiar is always […]

Playing with Arista eAPI – Dynamic VLAN Assignment-ish

A note

Before we get started, let me first say that just because we can, doesn’t mean we should.  I got a request to show an example of how dynamic VLAN assingment based on mac-address could work and this is the results of that request. Before anyone takes this code and runs with it, let me first say that you really need to think about whether or not this is a good idea for you and your organization.

If you want dynamic VLAN assignment, there are other ways to accomplish this and I would encourage you to look into them before going down this path.

That being said – It was a fun little project and I wanted to share it with you all.

The Project

For this project, the goal is to write a simple script to help us automatically assign the right VLAN to a host based on the MAC address of that host.

Now we all know there are different ways to do this, like pure mac-authentication using a RADIUS server, or even using a mac-based VLAN configuration, but that wouldn’t be as fun as trying to get this work with Arista’s eAPI now would it?

INE Now Accepts Cryptocurrency Payments!

Got some Bitcoins burning a hole in your wallet? You can now use them, and other forms of digital currency, to pay for your training!

At INE, our goal is to offer the best training, anytime, anywhere, which now includes adding more ways to pay.

How It Works:
All Cryptocurrency transactions will be made via Coinbase, for your convenience.

Which Currencies Are Accepted?
We accept Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, and Litecoin.

Have questions about using cryptocurrency with INE?
Contact our sales team.

What’s wrong with the IETF. And what’s right

I have not counted the IETF’s I have attended; I only know the first RFC on which I’m listed as a co-author was published in 2000, so this must be close to 20 years of interacting with the IETF community, and I’m pretty certain I’ve attended at least two meetings a year across that time, and three meetings a year in most of those years. Across that time, there has never been a time when I have not been told, at least once, “the IETF is broken.” And there has not been a single time I cannot remember agreeing with the sentiment.

So, how is the IETF broken? The trend that bothers me the most right now is the gold rush syndrome. A new technology is brought into the IETF, and if it looks like it might somehow be “important,” there is a “land rush” as people stake out new drafts, find use cases, find corner cases, and work to develop drafts and communities around those drafts. This generally results in a sort of ossification process, where there are clear insiders and outsiders, an entirely new vocabulary is developed, and the drafts fly so fast and furious there is Continue reading

The Dawn of New Digital Rights for Finnish Citizens

I’m pleased to introduce our new project New Digital Rights MOOC (Massive Open Online Course), that will teach citizens about  their personal data rights through GDPR and MyData frameworks. It is funded by the Internet Society’s Beyond the Net Funding Programme and made possible with volunteers.

The project is a partnership between ISOC Finland Chapter and Open Knowledge Finland. Other NGO’s and associations like Electronic Frontier Finland, Faktabaari, and student organisations will be engaged.

The aim of the project is to make citizens more aware of their digital rights, initially focusing on explaining GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) and MyData. The solution is to educate people through a MOOC-platform and series of workshops that create content and train people and organizations to use it.

MyData is the biggest part of our work in Open Knowledge Finland at the moment and we have made a whole conference around this Nordic model of personal data management. It is very much entwined with the changes in the GDPR and we felt that while we made people aware of relevant changes in the European data protection, MyData could be explained in parallel to the GDPR, in a separate, cross-referenced module.

As of now, there will not Continue reading

Les débuts des nouveaux droits numériques pour les citoyens finlandais

J’ai le plaisir de vous présenter notre nouveau projet MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) de droits numériques (New Digital Rights) qui enseignera aux citoyens leurs droits en matière de données personnelles à travers les frameworks GDPR et MyData. Il est financé par le programme de financement Beyond the Net de l’Internet Society et rendu possible grâce à des bénévoles.

Le projet est un partenariat entre ISOC Finland Chapter et Open Knowledge Finland. D’autres ONG et associations comme Electronic Frontier Finland, Faktabaari et des organisations d’étudiants seront mobilisées.

Savoir plus (en anglais)

The post Les débuts des nouveaux droits numériques pour les citoyens finlandais appeared first on Internet Society.

The New Way of Generating IPv6 – SLAAC EUI-64 Address Format

There was an old way of generating Interface IPv6 address using SLAAC process (Stateless autoconfiguration). You simply configured that you want SLAAC autoconfiguration and the interface IPv6 was generated by squeezing “FFFE” in hex (11111111 11111110 bits) between two parts of physical MAC address of that interface. Then, after a while, several comments came to IETF about the use of predictable Interface Identifiers in IPv6 addresses. They were pointing to the ease of correlation of host activities within the same network and across multiple networks. If Interface Identifiers are constant across networks this is negatively affecting the privacy and security of

The post The New Way of Generating IPv6 – SLAAC EUI-64 Address Format appeared first on How Does Internet Work.

Construcción de Infraestructura Comunitaria

Cuando Internet no llega a lugares remotos, un modelo que funciona muy bien es aquel en el que la comunidad construye la red para llegar a Internet (no esperar que un proveedor llegue a su comunidad sino construir la red para llegar hasta el proveedor más cercano). Eso implica varios desafíos y requiere cambios tecnológicos, legislativos, nuevos estándares y comunidades que sean capaces de construir y operar la infraestructura comunitaria.

Las redes comunitarias tienen características únicas que requieren una evolución y mudanzas disruptivas tanto en las tecnologías como en la gestión de los recursos (aprovechamiento de la infraestructura pública, gestión del espectro, recursos de Internet, etc.).

Las experiencias prueban que existen muchos modelos que hacen sustentables y efectivas estas redes comunitarias. Ahora debemos comenzar a formalizar y generalizar esos modelos para conseguir la escala e impacto necesarios. Debemos promover cambios en reglamentos y en tecnologías, en gobiernos y en empresas, en fabricantes de equipos y en software open-source. Será necesario organizar y capacitar a las comunidades, involucrar a las ONG para que tengan la capacidad y recursos para ayudarlas, convencer a las empresas que esto no afecta sus negocios y ser sensibles a las necesidades y diferencias de las Continue reading

IDG Contributor Network: Carrier SD-WAN: SD-WAN should be more than just an MPLS complement

Is it only me who finds it just a bit dubious that carriers are advocating SD-WAN? SD-WAN was practically invented to get away from the clutches of carriers, and now we're supposed to trust them to be the stewards of WAN transformation?Carriers lost that privilege when their business model grew out-of-step with how we do business. We grew tired of being charged double Internet prices for MPLS capacity. In an era of self-service, carriers were still making us wait to troubleshoot problems. And we were astonished that new MPLS circuits could take weeks, even months, to bring into a new site when you could often get started with broadband in a matter of days and upgrade to DIA when ready.To read this article in full, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Carrier SD-WAN: SD-WAN should be more than just an MPLS complement

Is it only me who finds it just a bit dubious that carriers are advocating SD-WAN? SD-WAN was practically invented to get away from the clutches of carriers, and now we're supposed to trust them to be the stewards of WAN transformation?Carriers lost that privilege when their business model grew out-of-step with how we do business. We grew tired of being charged double Internet prices for MPLS capacity. In an era of self-service, carriers were still making us wait to troubleshoot problems. And we were astonished that new MPLS circuits could take weeks, even months, to bring into a new site when you could often get started with broadband in a matter of days and upgrade to DIA when ready.To read this article in full, please click here