
Category Archives for "Networking"

Linux Interfaces on Software Gone Wild

Continuing the Linux networking discussion we had in Episode 86, we focused on Linux interfaces in Episode 87 of Software Gone Wild with Roopa Prabhu and David Ahern.

We started with simple questions like “what is an interface” and “how do they get such weird names in some Linux distributions” which quickly turned into a complex discussion about kernel objects and udev, and details of implementing logical interfaces that are associated with ASIC front-panel physical ports.

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Macau: Cloudflare Data Center 127

Macau: Cloudflare Data Center 127

Macau: Cloudflare Data Center 127

Cloudflare's 127th data center is now live in Macau, helping make over 7 million Internet facing applications safer and faster. This is our 44th data center in Asia.

Cloudflare 將在澳門啟用全球第127個數據中心, 幫助超過 7,000,000 客戶的互聯網資產運行得更快、更安全。澳門也是我們在亞洲的第44個數據中心。

O 127º centro de dados da Cloudflare agora está em funcionamento em Macau, ajudando a tornar mais de 7 milhões de aplicações voltadas para a Internet de forma mais segura e rápida. Estamos felizes em compartilhar que este é o nosso 44º centro de dados na Ásia.

Macau: Cloudflare Data Center 127
CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 image by kidchen915

Blending Chinese and Portuguese culture, just last year, Macau welcomed over 30 million visitors. Visit Macau to experience its unique and extravagant entertainment scene, see scenic spots such as the Ruins of St Paul, Senado Square, attempt the world's highest bungy jump from Macau Tower, or enjoy the foodie paradise Macau delivers!


Combinando cultura chinesa e portuguesa, o ano passado, Macau recebeu mais de 30 milhões de visitantes. Recomendamos que visite Macau para experimentar a cena de entretenimento única e extravagante, explore os pontos cénica, como ruínas de São Paulo, Praça do Senado, e ainda, tente o "bungee jumping" mais alto do mundo deste da Torre de Macau, ou aproveite Continue reading

Join us at OCP Summit 2018!

Like a kid waiting to open a birthday present, there’s a special kind of excitement buzzing around the Cumulus Networks office. As March 20th-21st draws closer and closer, you can feel the energy going up. Why is that you ask? It’s because that’s the date of OCP Summit 2018, of course! In just a few weeks, we’ll be on our way to the San Jose Convention Center to join up with the OCP community and discuss all the nerdy goodness we can about open networking. We’re looking forward to meeting as many great minds and innovators as we can (and fortunately, it’s not too late for you to sign up!) As members of the Open Compute Project, we cannot wait for this event.

Hold on, what’s OCP?

For those unfamiliar with this amazing project, Open Compute Project (OCP) was started by Facebook in 2009 with the goal to create the world’s most energy efficient data center — one that could scale at any level at the lowest possible cost. Their four core tenets focus on increasing efficiency, improving scalability, maintaining openness and making an impact. A small team of engineers remained dedicated to these tenets and, 2 Continue reading

Voting open for 2018 Internet Society Board of Trustees elections

The 2018 Internet Society Board of Trustees elections have begun!

Electronic ballots were emailed today to all voting representatives. They will have until Monday, 9 April at 15:00 UTC to cast their ballots.

In this year’s election cycle, Organization Members are asked to elect one Trustee to the Board. So voting representatives may vote for only one of the candidates on the Organization Members ballot.

Similarly, in this year’s election cycle, Chapters are asked to elect one Trustee to the Board. So voting representatives may vote for only one of the candidates on the Chapters ballot.

All new Trustees will serve three-year terms commencing in June.

Additional details on the elections, as well as information on all of the candidates can be found here:

To facilitate dialogue between OMAC members and candidates for the Organization Members election, and between Chapter leaders and candidates for the Chapters election, the Elections Committee has again launched an online Candidate Forum. In response to feedback from members, we moved the Forum from the Connect platform to a Mailman mailing list.

Everyone subscribed to the OMAC list was subscribed automatically to the ISOC Organization Members Candidate Forum list. Everyone subscribed to the Continue reading

BrandPost: What Is Programmable infrastructure?

In an increasingly mobile world, network providers are grappling with a data explosion. Millions of mobile users are running video and other applications that require significant bandwidth.At the same time, those providers are saddled with legacy systems and protocols that leave them bloated and slow. Even to add simple services, they have to contend with hundreds of manual processes for set up, revisions, and tear down of even the simplest services.With challenges like that, anticipating and responding to dynamic traffic levels and service requests is nearly impossible. These legacy networks simply cannot handle the growing and unpredictable demands on providers, and the problem is only going to worsen.To read this article in full, please click here

BrandPost: What is Programmable infrastructure?

In an increasingly mobile world, network providers are grappling with a data explosion. Millions of mobile users are running video and other applications that require significant bandwidth.At the same time, those providers are saddled with legacy systems and protocols that leave them bloated and slow. Even to add simple services, they have to contend with hundreds of manual processes for set up, revisions, and tear down of even the simplest services.With challenges like that, anticipating and responding to dynamic traffic levels and service requests is nearly impossible. These legacy networks simply cannot handle the growing and unpredictable demands on providers, and the problem is only going to worsen.To read this article in full, please click here

BrandPost: What is Programmable Infrastructure?

In an increasingly mobile world, network providers are grappling with a data explosion. Millions of mobile users are running video and other applications that require significant bandwidth.At the same time, those providers are saddled with legacy systems and protocols that leave them bloated and slow. Even to add simple services, they have to contend with hundreds of manual processes for set up, revisions, and tear down of even the simplest services.With challenges like that, anticipating and responding to dynamic traffic levels and service requests is nearly impossible. These legacy networks simply cannot handle the growing and unpredictable demands on providers, and the problem is only going to worsen.To read this article in full, please click here

Administravia 030818: Added Navigation

I was asked by a reader to add categories and links for videos; I actually added three new categories, one for short videos, another for long videos, and a third for written posts. You can find these under the bottom menu item on the left. I am having a problem with the menu not showing up correctly, so I move the resources under the third menu item, as well.

Finally, I added a new archive page, which shows you all the posts in the “left” category across the three years this blog has been “in production.” I couldn’t figure out how to narrow things down so pictures and other stuff are not included, so there is more on the page than needed right now, but it’s a start.

Kate Ekanem: Promoting the Education, Literacy, and Empowerment of Girls in Nigeria

While the personal is almost always political, sometimes the person affected takes action that changes the course of history. That’s what Kate Ekanem has done. The founder of Kate Tales Foundation has spent her entire adult life promoting education, literacy, and empowerment of girls in her home country of Nigeria. And it started with herself.

“I was born into a family stuck with intense adversity, and a rural community with no access to quality education, basic health facility, reliable or no Internet facility, or social and educational opportunities,” Ekanem said. “There was no public library, no clean water, poor power supply, and streets filled with littered debris. Girls were resolving to getting pregnant [by] older men to escape the sting of poverty they were born into.”

After losing her mother at the age of two, Ekanem struggled as the only girl in a family of half-brothers. Her education took a backseat to the boys—something that she never fully accepted.

“I know what it feels like to rise in the morning and have nothing to eat. I know what it feels like to have an unending burning question, but dare not ask, because girls were not supposed to talk when Continue reading