Regardless of how much I write about (the ridiculousness of using) stretched VLANs, I keep getting questions along the same lines. This time it’s:
What type of applications require L2 Extension and L3 extension?
I don’t think I’ve seen anyone use L3 extension (after all, isn’t that what Internet is all about), so let’s focus on the first one.
Stretched VLANs (or L2 extensions) are used to solve a number of unrelated problems, because once a vendor sold you a hammer everything starts looking like a nail, and once you get used to replacing everything with nails, you want to use them in all possible environments, including public and hybrid clouds.
Read more ... The company says a Tier 1 North American operator is a customer.
The technology comes from its recent acquisition of LivingObjects.
"We are a new type of carrier that offers cloud DNA to the old world of WAN.”
On layer 2 networks, high availability can be achieved by:
Layer 2 networks need very little configuration but come with a major drawback in highly available scenarios: an incident is likely to bring the whole network down.2 Therefore, it is safer to limit the scope of a single layer 2 network by, for example, using one distinct network in each rack and connecting them together with layer 3 routing. Incidents are unlikely to impact a whole IP network.
In the illustration below, top of the rack switches provide a default gateway for hosts. To provide redundancy, they use an MC-LAG implementation. Layer 2 fault domains are scoped to a rack. Each IP subnet is bound to a specific rack and routing information is shared between top of the rack switches and core routers using a routing protocol like OSPF.
There are two main issues with this design:
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At the Internet Society, we are worried about the state of the Internet today. This global “network of networks” is now a critical part of our daily lives. We use it to communicate and connect with our families, friends, co-workers and customers. It is the engine that powers the global economy. It is our source of entertainment, of education, and of information. The Internet brings so many opportunities to all.
But… those opportunities are now under attack from several threats:
Wireless networks aren’t easy, just ask the cable companies.
The vendor is looking to distribute compute needs between the baseband and RF.
Rook helped support HBO’s Game of Thrones season 7 premier.
Last week we added another Google Cloud Platform Course to our video Library. You can find this course, Google Cloud Platform: Networking Fundamentals, on our All Access Pass streaming site and also at
Why You Should Take This Course:
Google Cloud Platform enables developers to build, test and deploy applications on Googles highly-scalable, secure, and reliable infrastructure.
About the Course:
This course covers specifically Google Cloud Platform Networking services. We will review the features and functions of Google Cloud Platform Networking Services so that you will understand the GCP options available.
We will also dive into GCP Networking fundamentals such as Software Defined Networking, Load Balancing, Autoscaling and Virtual Private Clouds. As an added bonus, we will also dive into identity and access management from a networking security perspective.
This course is taught by Joseph Holbrook and is 3 hours and 51 minutes long.
What You’ll Learn:
After taking this class students will understand what GCP Cloud services will enable their organization around networking services. Whether you’re a developer or architect, this course will help you understand the basic capabilities and some of the useful advanced features of GCP networking services and features.
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A lot of folks ask me about learning theory—they don’t have the time for it, or they don’t understand why they should. This video is in answer to that question.
FCC Chairman Ajit Pai compared the proposal to a lead balloon made out of a Ford Pinto.
Download the Huawei Case Study, . If telecom operators want to remain relevant and competitive in today’s evolving digital world, they will have to face the prospect of a digital transformation—and to do so, they will need to upgrade from their rigid legacy business systems to a digital-first environment. This new value-driven business model must be... Read more →