Companies will be able to test self-driving cars, AR/VR, and drones.
It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a… tunnel? In this video, I take on the age old question: what is a tunnel? Is it a protocol, or is it something else?
Past Ericsson executives have ended up at Verizon.
Full Stack Journey 15 features the ever-informative Dr. J Metz. We talk about storage, technology changes in storage, and what these changes mean for IT professionals.
The post Full Stack Journey 015: J Metz appeared first on Packet Pushers.
See how this free tool can help identify applications or processes linked to packets in your trace.
Third vendor in this year’s series of data center switching updates: Cisco.
As expected, Cisco launched a number of new switches in 2017, and EOL’d older models … for pretty varying value of old. For example, most of the original Nexus 9300 models are gone.
Read more ...The Internet Society is excited to announce that four workshops will be held in conjunction with the upcoming Network and Distributed System Security (NDSS) Symposium on 18 February 2018 in San Diego, CA. The workshop topics this year are:
A quick overview of each of the workshops is provided below. Submissions are currently being accepted for emerging research in each of these areas. Watch for the final program details in early January!
The first workshop is a new one this year on Binary Analysis Research (BAR). It is exploring the reinvigorated field of binary code analysis in light of the proliferation of interconnected embedded devices. In recent years there has been a rush to develop binary analysis frameworks. This has occurred in a mostly uncoordinated manner with researchers meeting on an ad-hoc basis or working in obscurity and isolation. As a result, there is little sharing or results and solution reuse among tools. The importance of formalized and properly vetted methods and tools for binary code analysis in order to deal with the scale of growth in these interconnected embedded devices cannot be overstated. Continue reading
As we approach IETF 100 in Singapore next week, this post in the Rough Guide to IETF 100 has much progress to report in the world of Internet Infrastructure Resilience. After several years of hard work, the last major deliverable of the Secure Inter-Domain Routing (SIDR) WG is done – RFC 8205, the BGPSec Protocol Specification, was published in September 2017 as standard. BGPsec is an extension to the Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) that provides security for the path of autonomous systems (ASes) through which a BGP update message propagates.
There are seven RFCs in the suite of BGPsec specifications:
You can read more Continue reading
News summary Dell EMC expands its No. 1 market-leading midrange storage portfolio with new SC All-Flash appliances offering premium performance and data services to help accelerate data center modernization Free software upgrades for Dell EMC Unity customers; includes inline data deduplication, synchronous file replication and ability to perform online “data-in-place” storage controller upgrades New Future-Proof... Read more →