One of the use cases we covered in Network Automation Use Cases webinar is a fully-automated data center fabric deployment. Dinesh Dutt (Cumulus Networks) started this section with an overview of challenges you might face in data center fabric deployments.
If you want to automate your fabric with Ansible, enroll into the Ansible for Networking Engineers course, or attend the Building Network Automation Solutions course if you want to get a broader view.
Check-out the new white paper on leveraging NSX-V for security within the VxRAIL hyper-converged platform. The paper outlines how VxRAIL hyper-converged solutions leveraging NSX-V for security solves many of the security challenges with traditional silo-based architectures. A brief outline is provided below. Make sure to checkout the white paper for additional details. Continue reading
Friday, August 18th was the day. Yup. Just last week. My 2nd attempt at the CCDE written to re-certify my 3 “Es”. To say I was nervous would very much be a decided understatement. I don’t think I have ever been so nervous to take a Cisco written exam ever before. Seriously ever before.
It’s funny… in all these years of taking the recert exams… I pretty much have always had the same pattern and same view on it. My pattern usually is to take the 1st attempt 6-9 months before my 2 years is slated to be up. My view on it has always been that of “time to refresh my broader knowledge again” and make it deep again. There is that old adage “if you don’t use it you lose it”. Teehee… yeah… that is typically IS-IS for me.
My view this time around was different. And given that my first CCIE was from 1997…. this change in view was a surprise to me. My view was more of it being something I “had to do” instead of “wanted to do”.
Why? Because for the first Continue reading
The second day at the Africa Peering and Interconnection Forum (AfPIF) is dedicated to plenary presentations and discussions between the technical community, private sector, and government representatives.
The discussions aim to foster understanding of the landscape the various players operate in, the challenges faced, opportunities and ways to create synergies that guarantee increased connectivity, and exchange of content within the region.
The Internet Society has worked with NetCommons to promote community networks. They are a conducting a survey to examine users’ concerns about Internet use and explore the potential of alternative Internet provision.
The netCommons project funded by EU (EU Horizon 2020 project netCommons: Network Infrastructure as Commons) aspires to study, support, and further promote community-based networking and communication services that can offer a complement, or even an alternative, to the global Internet’s current dominant model. It involves a collaboration of six organizations, namely the University of Trento in Italy, The Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) in Spain, the National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) in France, the University of Westminster (UK), the Athens University of Economics and Business in Greece, and the non-profit organization Nethood in Switzerland.
Community networks provide citizens with access to a neutral, bottom- up network infrastructure, which increases the transparency of data flow, but they also represent an archetype of networked collective cooperation and action, mixing common or communal ownership and management of an infrastructure with a balanced set of services supported by the local stakeholders. In this way, they are a departure from the standard Internet, which is dominated by commercial Internet providers, global corporate Continue reading
Verizon customers requested Check Point security.
The evolution of its Virtual Network Services could lead to selling network software.
HPE's endorsement has helped this startup grow.
6WIND’s vRouter is based on DPDK.
The company says it has deployed SDN and NFV in 240 networks globally.
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