Network Interconnections is one of the most important topics for the operator network as it directly related with the cost of the sending traffic out from their networks. I published a network interconnection video on my Facebook page. I explain the peering types, settlement free peering , paid peering , remote peering , IP […]
The post Network Interconnections Video by Orhan Ergun appeared first on Cisco Network Design and Architecture | CCDE Bootcamp |
Companies need to ask themselves some questions before deciding on a cloud model.
Some networking practitioners start their network automation journey with the Python or Ansible dilemma. Engineers and architects usually want to understand the bigger picture first, and figure out the potential showstoppers and roadblocks. One of them left this feedback on the Network Automation 101 webinar:
A must-have overview of fundamental Network Automation concepts. I wouldn't face an automation project without understanding these concepts first.
It uses machine learning to “auto-tune” data protection policies.
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