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In this post, I’m quickly going to describe how to upgrade NorthStar 2.1 to 3.0. For a detailed installation and user guide refer to the 3.0 release notes here.
Firstly, let’s start off by verifying the current host OS and NorthStar versions. Note. NorthStar 3.0 requires a minimum of Centos 6.7 or above.
[root@northstar ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 6.9 (Final)
To check the current version of NorthStar, navigate to the about section via the drop down menu located at the top right of the GUI
Download the NorthStar 3.0 application from Juniper.net NorthStar download page. Once downloaded, extract the RPM and copy to your host machine. Below I have copied the NorthStar-Bundle-3.0.0-20170630_141113_70366_586.x86_64.rpm to the /root/rpms/ directory.
[root@northstar ~]# ls /root/rpms/ -l
total 3843976
-rw-r–r–. 1 root root 881371892 Mar 11 2016 NorthStar-Bundle-2.0.0-20160311_005355.x86_64.rpm
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 856402720 Jul 11 2016 NorthStar-Bundle-2.1.0-20160710_201437_67989_360.x86_64.rpm
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 2148942508 Jun 30 19:24 NorthStar-Bundle-3.0.0-20170630_141113_70366_586.x86_64.rpm
-rw-r–r– 1 root root 21878016 Dec 28 2016 NorthStar-Patch-2.1.0-sp1.x86_64.rpm
-rw-r–r–. 1 root root 27610536 Mar 11 Continue reading
Vendors chasing a multibillion dollar market.
The post Worth Reading: AMD and the Infinity Fabric appeared first on rule 11 reader.
Cisco stole some marketing thunder from MEF, which is taking over ONF's work on the technology.
Long-running legal fight between networking rivals takes another turn.
You chance to attend Invite-only conference for networking
The post Your Chance to attend future:net conference appeared first on EtherealMind.
Extreme's purchase of Brocade assets gets postponed; Arista loses to Cisco on import dispute; A fun map shows the top tech companies in each state.
Are you ready for the flood of context-based networking solutions? If not, it’s time to invest in sandbags. After the launch of Cisco’s Intuitive Network solution set at Cisco Live, the rest of the context solutions are coming out to play. Granted, some of them are like Apstra and have been doing this for a while. Others are going to be jumping on the bandwagon of providing a solution that helps with context. But why are we here and why now?
The truth is that we’ve had context in the network for decades now. It’s not a part number that we can order from a vendor. It’s not a command that we type into the CLI to activate. In fact, it’s nothing that you can see at all right now, unless there’s a mirror handy.
The context in networks has been provided by people for as far back as anyone can remember. You do it every day without consciously realizing it. You interpret error messages and disregard those that aren’t important. People know how to program VLANs correctly to segment traffic in certain ways. Security context, application context, and more are delivered by breathing, thinking humans.
We have Continue reading
AWS has its own container service but usage is ‘less than stellar.’
The post Worth Reading: Is Decentralized Storage Sustainable? appeared first on rule 11 reader.
Company needs "fast and efficient" integration of MRV to stabilize revenues.
The company launched on Kickstarter in 2013.
In IT monitoring, performance and health metrics both serve a purpose.
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Fig 1.1- Sample OSPF topology |
Cloudflare runs 3,588 containers, making up 1,264 apps and services that all need to be able to find and discover each other in order to communicate -- a problem solved with service discovery.
You can use Cloudflare for service discovery. By deploying microservices behind Cloudflare, microservices’ origins are masked, secured from DDoS and L7 exploits and authenticated, and service discovery is natively built in. Cloudflare is also cloud platform agnostic, which means that if you have distributed infrastructure deployed across cloud platforms, you still get a holistic view of your services and the ability to manage your security and authentication policies in one place, independent of where services are actually deployed.
Service locations and metadata are stored in a distributed KV store deployed in all 100+ Cloudflare edge locations (the service registry).
Services register themselves to the service registry when they start up and deregister themselves when they spin down via a POST to Cloudflare’s API. Services provide data in the form of a DNS record, either by giving Cloudflare the address of the service in an A (IPv4) or AAAA (IPv6) record, or by providing more metadata like transport protocol and port in an SRV record.