It’s focused on meeting demand for its products.
It’s October in the UK and blimey charlie, it’s a bit chilly. Good news then that the OpenStack Summit is in Barcelona! In comparison to Canada or Japan, it’s on my doorstep! Spain being the home of English holiday makers, the smell of sun cream, sangria and chicken nugget dinners awaits.
It Felt Different
Needless to say, I play investigator at these summits. Whether it’s the SDN congress, OpenStack or other networking events, the cynical grump hat is donned. Before I even managed to investigate anything, I felt something different. The hype lever was set to average and this show felt almost corporate. Good news or bad news? Something I’ve struggled to quantify all week and even now as I sit on the home bound flight to Blighty, I continue to ponder.
Big bang news was lacking like previous shows. Realistic use cases, real commentary and on-stage demos made this feel different. One of the demos made me both cringe and chuckle as Mark Collier played real life chaos monkey, pulling fibres and eventually even cutting through them during an EPC demo which included OPNFV Doctor and Vitrage. This demoed OpenStack’s capability to integrate with monitoring and life cycle tooling. Continue reading
Q3 revenues grew, and losses could have been worse.
Our monthly summary of executive moves and changes.
It's more than Puppet/Chef for containers, CoreOS says.