The Wedge 100 is the latest addition to the OCP.
Revenue is up 9 percent from $14.5 billion in the same quarter last year.
Traditional enterprise networking is under siege — threatened by choice, by open source, and by open standards. The same revolution that made Linux the standard for server operating systems is now happening to network switching. With over 1.5 million ports in production, 50+ certified hardware platforms across 8 hardware vendors, Cumulus Linux® is the de-facto platform for Open Networking, and a perfect example of what the next generation data centers should include.
But the age-old claim that “It’s Just Linux, you can do whatever you want!” can complicate solving specific problems customers have in the enterprise. Based on feedback from community members, we’ve created the Solutions Marketplace on the Cumulus Networks Community Website. The Solutions Marketplace is a repository of community-submitted projects, user space applications, automation scripts, and extensions to Cumulus Linux. This enables collaboration and fosters innovation through a common platform to develop upon openly and freely using Cumulus VX.
The Solutions Marketplace with Cumulus Linux expedites the path to production due to the availability of existing community expertise. Best practices are shared, which means you don’t have to start from zero when building out your data center. A disaggregated hardware/software model enables flexible environments and leverages Continue reading
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SDN industry groups plan to merge, combining their standards and open source efforts.
The ONF, in particular, is undergoing big changes.