
Category Archives for "Networking"

EVPN-VXLAN Video 2, Aruba Airheads and that bird app

In this post:

EVPN-VXLAN Video 2, Aruba Airheads and that bird app

🎬 EVPN-VXLAN Explainer 2
🧡 My experience at the Aruba Airheads Netherlands event
🥀 Going off Twitter and joining Mastodon

🎬 EVPN-VXLAN Explainer 2

Hot of the presses, well, iMovie rendering, here is the latest EVPN-VXLAN Explainer video:

This one covers how BGP peers build an EVPN session, with the AFI/SAFI in a BGP OPEN. Plus there's a config demo and some packet captures in there, showing a BGP OPEN 'in the wild'.
Check it out and let me know what you think.

🇳🇱 Airheads Netherlands

A couple of weeks ago, I presented a couple of sessions at the Aruba Airheads event in NL, just outside Utrecht.
☝️ My first session was on Aruba Central NetConductor, Aruba's all-encompassing architecture; that unifies wired and wireless networking with a strong focus on security and management.
That went well, and my live demo, as much as I got to show in the timeslot, was a success.
The big challenge with that type of presentation, because it isn't a single product or service, but an architecture and design approach; is to answer the question 'what is it?'. I'm not a fan of marketing at all, so I always attempt to Continue reading

Spice up your sites on Cloudflare Pages with Pages Functions General Availability

Spice up your sites on Cloudflare Pages with Pages Functions General Availability
Spice up your sites on Cloudflare Pages with Pages Functions General Availability

Before we launched Pages back in April 2021, we knew it would be the start of something magical – an experience that felt “just right”. We envisioned an experience so simple yet so smooth that any developer could ship a website in seconds and add more to it by using the rest of our Cloudflare ecosystem.

A few months later, when we announced that Pages was a full stack platform in November 2021, that vision became a reality. Creating a development platform for just static sites was not the end of our Pages story, and with Cloudflare Workers already a part of our ecosystem, we knew we were sitting on untapped potential. With the introduction of Pages Functions, we empowered developers to take any static site and easily add in dynamic content with the power of Cloudflare Workers.

In the last year since Functions has been in open beta, we dove into an exploration on what kinds of full stack capabilities developers are looking for on their projects – and set out to fine tune the Functions experience into what it is today.

We’re thrilled to announce that Pages Functions is now generally available!

Functions recap

Though called “Functions” in Continue reading

Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments

Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments
Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments

Today we’re happy to introduce Deployments for Workers. Deployments allow developers to keep track of changes to their Worker; not just the code, but the configuration and bindings as well. With deployments, developers now have access to a powerful audit log of changes to their production applications.

And tracking changes is just the beginning! Deployments provide a strong foundation to add: automated deployments, rollbacks, and integration with version control.

Today we’ll dive into the details of deployments, how you can use them, and what we’re thinking about next.


Deployments are a powerful new way to track changes to your Workers. With them, you can track who’s making changes to your Workers, where those changes are coming from, and when those changes are being made.

Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments

Cloudflare reports on deployments made from wrangler, API, dashboard, or Terraform anytime you make changes to your Worker’s code, edit resource bindings and environment variables, or modify configuration like name or usage model.

Keep track of Workers’ code and configuration changes with Deployments

We expose the source of your deployments, so you can track where changes are coming from. For example, if you have a CI job that’s responsible for changes, and you see a user made a change through the Cloudflare dashboard, it’s easy Continue reading

The most programmable Supercloud with Cloudflare Snippets

The most programmable Supercloud with Cloudflare Snippets

Your traffic, how you like it

The most programmable Supercloud with Cloudflare Snippets

Cloudflare is used by a highly diverse customer base. We offer simple-to-use products for everything from setting HTTP headers to rewriting the URI path and performing URL redirects. Sometimes customers need more than the out-of-the-box functionality, not just adding an HTTP header - but performing some advanced calculation to create the output. Today they would need to create a feature request and wait for it to be shipped, write a Cloudflare Worker, or keep this modification ‘on origin’ - on their own infrastructure.

To simplify this, we are delighted to announce Cloudflare Snippets. Snippets are a new way to perform traffic modifications that users either cannot do via our productised offerings, or want to do programmatically. The best part? The vast majority of customers will pay nothing extra for using Snippets.

Users now have a choice. Perform the action via a rule. Or, if more functionality is needed, write a Snippet.  Neither will mean waiting. Neither will incur additional cost (although a high fair usage cap will apply). Snippets unblocks users to do what they want, when they want. All on Cloudflare.

Snippets will support the import of code written in various languages, Continue reading

How Cloudflare uses Terraform to manage Cloudflare

How Cloudflare uses Terraform to manage Cloudflare
How Cloudflare uses Terraform to manage Cloudflare

Configuration management is far from a solved problem. As organizations scale beyond a handful of administrators, having a secure, auditable, and self-service way of updating system settings becomes invaluable. Managing a Cloudflare account is no different. With dozens of products and hundreds of API endpoints, keeping track of current configuration and making bulk updates across multiple zones can be a challenge. While the Cloudflare Dashboard is great for analytics and feature exploration, any changes that could potentially impact users really should get a code review before being applied!

This is where Cloudflare's Terraform provider can come in handy. Built as a layer on top of the cloudflare-go library, the provider allows users to interface with the Cloudflare API using stateful Terraform resource declarations. Not only do we actively support this provider for customers, we make extensive use of it internally! In this post, we hope to provide some best practices we've learned about managing complex Cloudflare configurations in Terraform.

Why Terraform

Unsurprisingly, we find Cloudflare's products to be pretty useful for securing and enhancing the performance of services we deploy internally. We use DNS, WAF, Zero Trust, Email Security, Workers, and all manner of Continue reading

Server-side render full stack applications with Pages Functions

Server-side render full stack applications with Pages Functions
Server-side render full stack applications with Pages Functions

Pages Functions are now out of beta and generally available, bringing dynamic computation within 50ms of 95% of users globally. Built on top of Cloudflare Workers, Pages projects are easy to deploy and instantly benefit from this low latency, with over 275 data centers across the globe.

With Page Functions comes the ability to add dynamic server-side rendering to your applications. Pages makes it easy to deploy applications built using all the major meta-frameworks such as Astro, Next.js, Qwik, Remix, Solid, and Svelte. There is no better time to start deploying your server-side rendered full-stack applications to Cloudflare Pages.

Go server-side with Pages Functions

When Pages launched in December 2020, it was focused on being a high-performance host for static assets. Pages was a perfect choice for anyone building websites which could be generated ahead of time with static site generation. Jamstack was all the rage, and Cloudflare's network was an excellent choice for its ability to serve static files to visitors from around the globe.

Once deployed the files would be effortlessly hosted and served at incredible speeds across the world to your users. These statically generated applications can run client-side code in the browser to Continue reading

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0
How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

Radar 2.0 was built on the learnings of Radar 1.0 and was launched last month during Cloudflare's Birthday Week as a complete product revamp. We wanted to make it easier for our users to find insights and navigate our data, and overall provide a better and faster user experience.

How we built it: the technology behind Cloudflare Radar 2.0

We're building a Supercloud. Cloudflare's products now include hundreds of features in networking, security, access controls, computing, storage, and more.

This blog will explain how we built the new Radar from an engineering perspective. We wanted to do this to demonstrate that anyone could build a somewhat complex website that involves demanding requirements and multiple architectural layers, do it on top of our stack, and how easy it can be.

Hopefully, this will inspire other developers to switch from traditional software architectures and build their applications using modern, more efficient technologies.

High level architecture

The following diagram is a birds-eye view of the Radar 2.0 architecture. As you can see, it's divided into three main layers:

  • The Core layer is where we keep our data lake, data exploration tools, and backend API.
  • The Cloudflare network layer is where we host and run Radar and serve the public APIs.
  • Continue reading

Announcing the first Workers Launchpad cohort and growth of the program to $2 billion

Announcing the first Workers Launchpad cohort and growth of the program to $2 billion

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Announcing the first Workers Launchpad cohort and growth of the program to $2 billion

During Birthday Week 2022, we announced a $1.25 billion funding program for startups building on our developer platform, Cloudflare Workers. This was done in partnership with 26 leading VC firms who have been investing in or seeking to invest in Workers-based startups.

Today, we’re excited to reveal the first cohort of Launchpad Startups as well as 14 additional VC partners, bringing the Launchpad to $2 billion in potential funding from 40 VC firms in total.

Who are our new VC partners?

We are excited to welcome 14 additional firms to the Workers Launchpad, which you can find included in the image below. They have worked with hundreds of companies that have grown to become leaders in their areas including Asana, Canva, Figma, Netlify, Vercel, Area 1 Security (which Cloudflare acquired in 2022), and many others. Notably, they also represent a diverse group of investors who support startups across North and South America, Europe, and Asia.

Announcing the first Workers Launchpad cohort and growth of the program to $2 billion

Many of these investors have seen the competitive advantages of building on Workers through their own portfolio companies firsthand and are looking forward to providing the Continue reading

Incremental adoption of micro-frontends with Cloudflare Workers

Incremental adoption of micro-frontends with Cloudflare Workers

Bring micro-frontend benefits to legacy Web applications

Incremental adoption of micro-frontends with Cloudflare Workers

Recently, we wrote about a new fragment architecture for building Web applications that is fast, cost-effective, and scales to the largest projects, while enabling a fast iteration cycle. The approach uses multiple collaborating Cloudflare Workers to render and stream micro-frontends into an application that is interactive faster than traditional client-side approaches, leading to better user experience and SEO scores.

This approach is great if you are starting a new project or have the capacity to rewrite your current application from scratch. But in reality most projects are too large to be rebuilt from scratch and can adopt architectural changes only in an incremental way.

In this post we propose a way to replace only selected parts of a legacy client-side rendered application with server-side rendered fragments. The result is an application where the most important views are interactive sooner, can be developed independently, and receive all the benefits of the micro-frontend approach, while avoiding large rewrites of the legacy codebase. This approach is framework-agnostic; in this post we demonstrate fragments built with React, Qwik, and SolidJS.

The pain of large frontend applications

Many large frontend applications developed today fail to deliver good user Continue reading

Ways to look at logged in users on Linux

There are quite a few ways on Linux to get a list of the users logged into the system and see what they are doing. The commands described in this article all provide very useful information.users The users command displays a simple list of logged-in users. In this example, one user is logged in twice and is, therefore, listed twice.$ users nemo popeye shs shs Note that the users are listed in alphabetical order.who The who command provides additional information. The login terminal is identified along with the login date and time. The final field displays the terminal or the IP address of the connecting system.To read this article in full, please click here

Ways to look at logged in users on Linux

There are quite a few ways on Linux to get a list of the users logged into the system and see what they are doing. The commands described in this article all provide very useful information.users The users command displays a simple list of logged-in users. In this example, one user is logged in twice and is, therefore, listed twice.$ users nemo popeye shs shs Note that the users are listed in alphabetical order.who The who command provides additional information. The login terminal is identified along with the login date and time. The final field displays the terminal or the IP address of the connecting system.To read this article in full, please click here

AMD partners with Arm developer for exascale computing

AMD has announced plans to work with French chip designer SiPearl to build exascale-level supercomputing systems that use SiPearl's Arm-based Rhea processor with AMD's Instinct GPU accelerators.SiPearl is a relatively small startup that began operation in 2019 with a license for Arm’s Neoverse high-performance technology. It has forged a number of alliances with partners including Intel, Nvidia, HPE, and Graphcore.SiPearl is also involved with the European Processor Initiative (EPI), a consortium selected by the European Union to support the development of a European microprocessor specifically for high performance computing (HPC), as well as emerging applications such as artificial intelligence. The EPI's goal is to develop an Arm-based processor for an exascale supercomputer by 2023.To read this article in full, please click here

AMD partners with Arm developer for exascale computing

AMD has announced plans to work with French chip designer SiPearl to build exascale-level supercomputing systems that use SiPearl's Arm-based Rhea processor with AMD's Instinct GPU accelerators.SiPearl is a relatively small startup that began operation in 2019 with a license for Arm’s Neoverse high-performance technology. It has forged a number of alliances with partners including Intel, Nvidia, HPE, and Graphcore.SiPearl is also involved with the European Processor Initiative (EPI), a consortium selected by the European Union to support the development of a European microprocessor specifically for high performance computing (HPC), as well as emerging applications such as artificial intelligence. The EPI's goal is to develop an Arm-based processor for an exascale supercomputer by 2023.To read this article in full, please click here

Multihoming Cannot Be Solved within a Network

Henk made an interesting comment that finally triggered me to organize my thoughts about network-level host multihoming1:

The problems I see with routing are: [hard stuff], host multihoming, [even more hard stuff]. To solve some of those, we should have true identifier/locator separation. Not an after-thought like LISP, but something built into the layer-3 addressing architecture.

Proponents of various clean-slate (RINA) and pimp-my-Internet (LISP) approaches are quick to point out how their solution solves multihoming. I might be missing something, but it seems like that problem cannot be solved within the network.

Cisco announces $600M restructuring plan, including layoffs

Cisco today said it will take a $600 million charge associated with layoffs and restructuring of its businesses. In an 8-K filing for its fiscal first-quarter, the company announced a restructuring plan “in order to rebalance the organization and enable further investment in key priority areas. This rebalancing will include talent movement options and restructuring.” The company said it will make some real estate changes as well.During a financial call with analysts, CEO Chuck Robbins talked briefly about the restructuring but said employees will hear more details on Thursday.To read this article in full, please click here

A Kubernetes Primer

As Kubernetes continues to gain popularity, engineers have to know how Kubernetes works, and why it might make sense in their environment. What benefits does Kubernetes have in your environment and ultimately, what do technologies like containerization do for organizations. In this blog post, I’ll provide some basic background on containers and Kubernetes, and some […]

The post A Kubernetes Primer appeared first on Packet Pushers.