I was reviewing the non-ACI Nexus 9000 products this week and started thinking that the Nexus 9000 will become Cisco's response to whitebox disruption.
The post Is the Cisco Nexus 9000 is a Whitebrand strategy ? appeared first on EtherealMind.
DNS is a crucial component in modern scale-out application architectures, so when Alex Vayl and Kris Beevers from NSONE contacted me just as I was starting to work on my Active-Active Data Centers presentation, I was more than interested to hear what their solution can do.
The result: Episode 29 of Software Gone Wild in which we discussed a number of topics including:
Read more ... The Googles and Facebooks aren't necessarily set in their choices of Ethernet switches.
Why Labeled BGP on White Box Will Disrupt How We Buy Routers
For those of us that are old enough to have or remember a record collection, there is familiarity (and probably a little nostalgia) for the term “flip side.” In this context, flip side refers to the B-side of a standard vinyl record, and refers to secondary recordings or bonus tracks that weren’t as heavily marketed as their A-side counterparts.
Why am I writing about an antiquated music medium? And what does this have to do with networking? I bring this up because it’s an interesting parallel with what’s happening with network overlays – and specifically, how these are viewed from the “flip side,” or in other words, the different points of view from the consumer and the provider.
First off, some background. In the simplest terms, an overlay is a logical network that enables you to create paths and connections on top of (and in many cases, regardless of) the physical connections between the end points. More importantly, overlays are a critical construct because they enable network operators to create more virtual subnets – which in turn support multi-tenancy, VM mobility, and service differentiation.
These are all Continue reading
I had the honor of accepting two awards yesterday on behalf of the Cumulus Networks team. We’re pleased because the honors were awarded based on a broad poll of real people in real IT shops, including some of the world’s biggest enterprises and service providers. You can’t buy these; we didn’t even know that the poll was being taken. Those voters, who we think of as our IT brethren, chose us for “Bare Metal Switch OS Market Leader,” for one of only two “Special Achievement” awards (together with our partner, VMware), and three other accolades.
When we founded Cumulus Networks, we were driven by a vision of how high-capacity interconnect would change modern applications.
We set out to make great networking technology available to the masses, addressing three critical needs: affordability, an efficient operating model, and availability via a variety of channels. These tenants have become the definition of open networking.
To fulfill these goals, we built the company with IT professionals from all disciplines: development, operations, support and logistics. Continue reading
IoT Needs Security-Enabled Networks with SDN
The HP NFV Report webinar will feature in-depth insights on NFV use cases, architectural features of NFV deployment, what's new with the NFV market, and more. Sign up now!