
Category Archives for "Networking"

Fabric visibility with Cumulus Linux

A leaf and spine fabric is challenging to monitor. The fabric spreads traffic across all the switches and links in order to maximize bandwidth. Unlike traditional hierarchical network designs, where a small number of links can be monitored to provide visibility, a leaf and spine network has no special links or switches where running CLI commands or attaching a probe would provide visibility. Even if it were possible to attach probes, the effective bandwidth of a leaf and spine network can be as high as a Petabit/second, well beyond the capabilities of current generation monitoring tools.

The 2 minute video provides an overview of some of the performance challenges with leaf and spine fabrics and demonstrates Fabric View - a monitoring solution that leverages industry standard sFlow instrumentation in commodity data center switches to provide real-time visibility into fabric performance.

Fabric View is free to try, just register at and request an evaluation. The software requires an accurate network topology in order to characterize performance and this article will describe how to obtain the topology from a Cumulus Networks fabric.

Complex Topology and Wiring Validation in Data Centers describes how Cumulus Networks' prescriptive topology manager (PTM) provides Continue reading

SDN in 2014: A year of non-stop action

The past year was a frantic one in the SDN industry as many players made strategic and tactical moves to either get out ahead of the curve on software-defined networking, or try to offset its momentum. Here’s a rundown of what transpired in 2014 as a place setter for the year ahead in SDN. + ALSO ON NETWORK WORLD See a list of all our 2014 wrap ups + December Juniper unveils a version of its Junos operating system for Open Compute Platform switches, commencing a disaggregation strategy that’s expected to be followed by at least a handful of other major data center switching players in an effort to appeal to white box customers.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Automation Isn’t Just About Speed

In talking with folks about automation, the conversation almost always come around to “speed, speed, speed”. It’s easy to see why this is the first benefit that pops into mind – we’ve all spent gratuitous amounts of time doing repetitive, time-consuming tasks. It’s obvious why the prospect of automating these tasks and getting the time back is such an attractive one, even though most of us that have tried know that this is an absolute reality:

automation Automation Isnt Just About Speed


All kidding (but some…..seriousing?) aside, is speed the only benefit? In the realm of IT infrastructure, should we pursue automation only when this other piece of brilliance tells us it’s worth it?

Consider a small deployment of a few switches, a router, maybe some servers. Using manual methods to configure the relatively small amount of infrastructure isn’t really sexy, but it’s also not a huge time suck either. There’s just not a lot of infrastructure in these small deployments, and manual configuration doesn’t really impact the rate of change.

As a result, when discussing automation concepts with small, and even medium-size shops, I’m usually met with understandable skepticism. There’s a huge part of IT industry that assumes that all of our Continue reading

Check your Control Plane

Here it's a short post to explain how you can monitor the control plane activity with ddos-protection's statistics and a simple op-script. ddos-protection is a default feature only available on MPC cards which allows to secure the linecard's CPU and the...

Check your Control Plane

Here it's a short post to explain how you can monitor the control plane activity with ddos-protection's statistics and a simple op-script. ddos-protection is a default feature only available on MPC cards which allows to secure the linecard's CPU and the...

Automation Isn’t Just About Speed

In talking with folks about automation, the conversation almost always come around to “speed, speed, speed”. It’s easy to see why this is the first benefit that pops into mind - we’ve all spent gratuitous amounts of time doing repetitive, time-consuming tasks. It’s obvious why the prospect of automating these tasks and getting the time back is such an attractive one, even though most of us that have tried know that this is an absolute reality:

Automation Isn’t Just About Speed

In talking with folks about automation, the conversation almost always come around to “speed, speed, speed”. It’s easy to see why this is the first benefit that pops into mind - we’ve all spent gratuitous amounts of time doing repetitive, time-consuming tasks. It’s obvious why the prospect of automating these tasks and getting the time back is such an attractive one, even though most of us that have tried know that this is an absolute reality:

Facebook’s AIs want you to stop you making a fool of yourself

I’ve always found the tendency of  Facebook users to over-share a little strange. You see people exposing their lives in ways that are occasionally charming, often inexplicable, and frequently downright ridiculous or ill-advised (or often both of the latter at the same time).

drunk kids Gregg O'Connell / Flickr

Probably shouldn't be posted on Facebook.

In the latter category are the posts of people who are obviously in advanced states of inebriation doing things that don’t require a caption to reveal that they are being idiots. These kind of posts are the sort of thing that, once sober, will be regretted and will never, ever disappear becoming fodder for the poster’s mother’s disapproval and unwanted attention from employers both current and future. 

To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

My Podcasts

Since taking a new role at Cisco, my drive time is less consistent. As a result, finding opportunities to listen to podcasts is more of a challenge. Earlier this week, a road trip I took provided some time to start getting caught up on my listening. Using iCatcher allows me to easily tweet what I’m listening too. As a result of sharing what I listened to, I received some requests regarding the podcasts I listen to. I wanted to share this ever changing list with the PacketU community.

Technology Podcasts

  • Cisco Champion Radio
  • Cisco TAC Security Podcast Series
  • No Strings Attached Show
  • Packet Pushers Podcast
  • Risky Business
  • Software Gone Wild by
  • The Class-C Block
  • The IPv6 Show
  • The Southern Fried Security Podcast
  • VUPaaS – Virtualization as a Service

Business and Leadership

  • Freakonomics Radio
  • Home Work
  • The EntreLeadership Podcast

Also beyond the technology focus of this audience, I often listen to Cold Case Christianity–a Christian Apologetics podcast and Focus on the Family–a faith based podcast focused on strengthening families.

I’m always looking for new sources for good information. If you have podcasts that you enjoy listening to, please share them by sending them to @packetu or commenting below.

Disclaimer: This Continue reading

iPexpert’s Newest “CCIE Wall of Fame” Additions 12/19/2014

Please Join us in congratulating the following iPexpert clients who have passed their CCIE lab!

  • Mark Walbank, CCIE #45915 (Data Center)
  • David Vernum , CCIE #45880 (Data Center)
  • Wilson Huang, CCIE #46040 (Wireless)

We Want to Hear From You!

Have you passed your CCIE lab exam using any iPexpert or Proctor Labs self-study products, or attended our CCIE Bootcamps? If so, we’d like to add you to our CCIE Wall of Fame!

Policy-based Tunnel Selection (PBTS) on Cisco IOS-XR

Recently, I had to look after PBTS on Cisco ASR9K platform and faced some issues, here are some results about my tests. PBTS has the same goal as CBTS on Cisco IOS (Class-Based Tunnel selection) but for Cisco IOS-XR. It provides a tool to direct traffic into specific RSVP-TE tunnels (in the future Segment-Routing tunnels) […]

Author information

Youssef El Fathi

Youssef El Fathi

Youssef is a network engineer working for a french service provider. He is also a dual CCIE (RS, SP). You can find him on Twitter.

The post Policy-based Tunnel Selection (PBTS) on Cisco IOS-XR appeared first on Packet Pushers Podcast and was written by Youssef El Fathi.

PlexxiPulse—Networking For Agile Datacenters, Distributed Cloud Environments and Big Data Applications

This week, we announced new product starter kits that will make it easier for companies to adopt software-defined networking in a way that fits their unique networking environments. The kits are designed for three distinct uses — agile datacenters, distributed cloud environments and Big Data applications — avoiding the “one-size-fits-all” starter kit approach of some other vendors. Visit our product page to learn more. Below are our top picks for networking stories this week.

In this week’s PlexxiTube of the week, Dan Backman discusses the benefits of Plexxi’s Big Data fabric beyond Hadoop applications.

eWEEK: Plexxi Launches SDN Starter Kits for Cloud, Big Data
By Jeff Burt
Plexxi officials want to make it easier for organizations to adopt software-defined networking. Plexxi, a startup in the increasingly crowded software-defined networking (SDN) space, is unveiling three starter kits aimed at agile data centers, cloud environments and big data applications. Company officials said the goal of the starter kits is to give businesses and service providers the tools they need to deploy SDN infrastructures that are tailored to their particular workloads, avoiding what they said is a more one-size-fits-all approach that other vendors are taking.

TechTarget: Networking pros describe their 2015 SDN projects
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Juniper OCX – Welcome to the Revolution

Early December 2014, Juniper announced their OCX products that are focused on open, disaggregated networking systems.  As one of the instigators of the revolution, it will be intriguing to see which side Juniper is really on.

While competing with Juniper will be interesting, we’re happy to see them recognize the customer drive towards Open Networking.  Juniper indicates that they are joining the ranks of start-ups like Cumulus Networks and industry leaders such as Dell in this inevitable industry transition… avoiding the “head in the sand” perspective maintained by some other networking vendors.

There were four main sources of information as part of the announcement.

Initial reading shows us a focus very aligned with Open Networking. They say things like…

Juniper announced the OCX1100 that combines … Junos® operating system with Open Compute Project (OCP) enabled hardware

Let me say that again: Customers will have the ability to remove Junos and deploy another vendor’s operating system

To some not familiar with Juniper, news that we are embracing an open hardware design might sound counterintuitive in that anything “open” is not aligned with our strategy. On the contrary, Juniper has always embraced open architectures and open Continue reading

That’s It for 2014

A dozen webinars, tens of public presentations and on-site workshops, numerous highly interesting ExpertExpress sessions, three books and over 250 blog posts. That should be enough for a year; it’s time to go offline.

I hope your company has a New Year freeze (and not let’s upgrade everything over New Year policy), so you’ll be able to do the same and enjoy some time during the rest of the year with your loved ones. See you in 2015!

What is a data center operating system (DCOS)?

I’ve become aware of a new industry term called the “Data Center Operating System” (DCOS). The big idea seems to be abstracting away individual elements of the data center, allowing compute nodes to get spun up on top of infrastructure building blocks, whether physical or cloud. In theory, you supply hardware or cloud […]

Improving PicoHTTPParser further with AVX2

Vlad Krasnov recently joined CloudFlare to work on low level optimization of CloudFlare's servers. This is the first of a number of blog posts that will include code he's optimized and open sourced.

In a recent post, Kazuho's Weblog describes an improvement to PicoHTTPParser. This improvement utilizes the SSE4.2 instruction PCMPESTRI in order to find the delimiters in a HTTP request/response and parse them accordingly. This update, compared to the previous version of the code, is impressive.

CC BY-SA 2.0 image by Intel Free Press

PCMPESTRI is a versatile instruction that allows scanning of up to 16 bytes at once for occurrences of up to 16 distinct characters (bytes), or up to 8 ranges of characters (bytes). It can also be used for string and substring comparison. However, there are a few drawbacks: the instruction has a high latency of 11 cycles, and is limited to 16 bytes per instruction. It's also under utilized for range comparison in PicoHTTPParser, because it only tests two or three ranges per invocation (out of eight it is capable of). Furthermore, some simple math (16 bytes / 11 cycles) shows that using this instruction limits the parser to 1.45 bytes/cycle throughput.

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Big thinkers think about giving, doing, and ideas. Small thinkers think about getting and having. If you’re comparing to or gossiping about others — you’re not thinking at all.