
Category Archives for "Networking"

Juniper to MikroTik – BGP commands

About the Juniper to MikroTik series

In the world of network engineering, learning a new syntax for a NOS can be daunting if you need a specific config quickly.  Juniper is a popular option for service providers/data centers and is widely deployed across the world. 

This is a continuation of the Rosetta stone for network operating systems series.  We’ll be working through several protocols over series of posts to help you quickly move between different environments. 

While many commands have almost the exact same information, others are as close as possible.  Since there isn’t always an exact match, sometimes you may have to run two or three commands to get the information needed. 

Using EVE-NG for testing

We conducted all of this testing utilizing EVE-NG and the topology seen below. 

Juniper CommandMikroTik Command
show bgp summaryrouting bgp peer print brief
show bgp neighborrouting bgp peer print status
show route advertising-protocol bgp bgp advertisements print peer=peer_name
show route receive-protocol bgp route print where received-from=peer_name
show route protocol bgpip route print where bgp=yes
clear bgp neighbor soft-inbound Continue reading

Learning Elixir

Elixir is a dynamic functional programming language that runs on the Erlang virtual machine. In this post I will outline my reasoning for learning Elixir and document the resources used in the process. I will update the Books, Videos and Blogs section as I move through the learning...

Worth Reading: Cloud Complexity Lies

Anyone who spent some time reading cloud providers' documentation instead of watching slide decks or vendor keynotes knows that setting up infrastructure in a public cloud is not much simpler than doing it on-premises. You will outsource hardware management (installations, upgrades, replacements…) and might deal with an orchestration system provisioning services instead of configuring individual devices, but you still have to make the same decisions, and take the same set of responsibilities.

Obviously that doesn’t look good in a vendor slide deck, so don’t expect them to tell you the gory details (and when they start talking about the power of declarative API you know you have a winner)… but every now and then someone decides to point out the state of emperor’s clothes, this time Gerben Wierda in his The many lies about reducing complexity part 2: Cloud.

For public cloud networking details, check out our cloud webinars and online course.

VMware After Gelsinger: Integrating Fiefdoms For A Post-Hypervisor World

VMware's next CEO has two tasks: to construct a narrative about VMware's role and value as a company in a post-hypervisor world, and to integrate its various fiefdoms into a cohesive set of products that can provide greater utility when used together than when used individually.

The post VMware After Gelsinger: Integrating Fiefdoms For A Post-Hypervisor World appeared first on Packet Pushers.

Heavy Networking 558: No Time For Hardware – The Case For NFV

Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) transforms routers, load balancers, firewalls and other network devices into virtual instances that can be service-chained, spun up and down as needed, and are cloud-friendly. But if you're a hardware hugger or have been been burned by virtualization in the past, should you avoid NFV? Today's Heavy Networking guests want to change your mind. The Packet Pushers speak with Michael Pfeiffer, a Cloud Networking Architect for a VAR; and Brad Gregory, Senior Product Manager at Equinix.

The post Heavy Networking 558: No Time For Hardware – The Case For NFV appeared first on Packet Pushers.

Heavy Networking 558: No Time For Hardware – The Case For NFV

Network Functions Virtualization (NFV) transforms routers, load balancers, firewalls and other network devices into virtual instances that can be service-chained, spun up and down as needed, and are cloud-friendly. But if you're a hardware hugger or have been been burned by virtualization in the past, should you avoid NFV? Today's Heavy Networking guests want to change your mind. The Packet Pushers speak with Michael Pfeiffer, a Cloud Networking Architect for a VAR; and Brad Gregory, Senior Product Manager at Equinix.

Planning For The Worst Case You Can’t Think Of

Remember that Slack outage earlier this month? The one that happened when we all got back from vacation and tried to jump on to share cat memes and emojis? We all chalked it up to gremlins and went on going through our pile of email until it came back up. The post-mortem came out yesterday and there were two things that were interesting to me. Both of them have implications on reliability planning and how we handle the worst-case scenarios we come up with.

It’s Out of Our Hands

The first thing that came up in the report was that the specific cause for the outage came from an AWS Transit Gateway not being able to scale fast enough to handle the demand spike that came when we all went back to work on the morning of January 4th. What, the cloud can’t scale?

The cloud is practically limitless when it comes to resources. We can create instances with massive CPU resources or storage allocations or even networking pipelines. However, we can’t create them instantly. No matter how much we need it takes time to do the basic provisioning to get it up and running. It’s the old story of Continue reading

IT workforce suffering under COVID-19, waiting on herd immunity for rebound

For the first year since the dot-com bubble popped, IT salaries were largely flat in 2020, and tens of thousands of jobs were lost in 2020, according to a report from independent management consultants Janco Associates.Hardest-hit were middle management jobs at both large enterprises and smaller companies, where salaries actually dropped by about 0.08%, while executive and staff-level jobs remained steady or grew by a similarly small amount.“What’s been hard hit, mostly, are IT organizations and SMBs,” said Victor Janulaitis, the CEO of Janco, which published the report. “That’s where the majority of the IT jobs are in the marketplace today.”To read this article in full, please click here

Stable: GNS3 2.2.17 + VMware Fusion 12.1.0 + macOS 11.1 (Build 20C69)

Even with minor caveats, I seem to be in a better place with macOS 11.1 Big Sur versus macOS 10.15.7 Catalina. Big Sur is not a flawless experience for me yet, but I have hope it will become so as software makers have time to adjust to all of Apple's changes. And I'll take being able to run GNS3 labs without kernel panics as a big win.

The post Stable: GNS3 2.2.17 + VMware Fusion 12.1.0 + macOS 11.1 (Build 20C69) appeared first on Packet Pushers.

My Journey Towards the Cisco Certified DevNet Specialist – DevOps – By Nick Russo

On 19 January 2021, I took and passed the Implementing DevOps Solutions and Practices (DEVOPS) exam on my first attempt. This is the sixth DevNet exam I’ve passed … and probably the last! Much like my experience with enterprise and service provider automation, I have years of real-life experience solving a diverse set of business problems using DevOps skills. I’ve spoken about the topic on various podcasts and professional training courses many times. Even given that experience, the exam blueprint introduced me to new technologies such as Cisco AppDynamics and Prometheus, to name a few.

I found DEVOPS to be more difficult than the product-specific concentration exams like ENAUTO, SPAUTO, and SAUTO. Because the exam has very little Cisco-specific content (AppDynamics is about the extent of it), you’ll need extensive hands-on, detail-oriented experience with many third-party products. To name a few: Ansible, Terraform, Docker, Kubernetes, Prometheus, ELK, git/GitHub, Travis CI, Jenkins, and Drone. Like most Cisco specialties, it isn’t enough just to watch video training to learn the details of these technologies; labbing and self-learning are both essential to pass this challenging exam.

Unlike DEVASC, DEVCOR, ENAUTO, and SAUTO, I did not Continue reading

Introducing Project Fair Shot: Ensuring COVID-19 Vaccine Registration Sites Can Keep Up With Demand

Introducing Project Fair Shot: Ensuring COVID-19 Vaccine Registration Sites Can Keep Up With Demand
Introducing Project Fair Shot: Ensuring COVID-19 Vaccine Registration Sites Can Keep Up With Demand

Around the world government and medical organizations are struggling with one of the most difficult logistics challenges in history: equitably and efficiently distributing the COVID-19 vaccine. There are challenges around communicating who is eligible to be vaccinated, registering those who are eligible for appointments, ensuring they show up for their appointments, transporting the vaccine under the required handling conditions, ensuring that there are trained personnel to administer the vaccine, and then doing it all over again as most of the vaccines require two doses.

Cloudflare can't help with most of that problem, but there is one key part that we realized we could help facilitate: ensuring that registration websites don't crash under load when they first begin scheduling vaccine appointments. Project Fair Shot provides Cloudflare's new Waiting Room service for free for any government, municipality, hospital, pharmacy, or other organization responsible for distributing COVID-19 vaccines. It is open to eligible organizations around the world and will remain free until at least July 1, 2021 or longer if there is still more demand for appointments for the vaccine than there is supply.

Crashing Registration Websites

The problem of vaccine scheduling registration websites crashing under load isn't theoretical: it is happening over Continue reading

Cloudflare Waiting Room

Cloudflare Waiting Room
Cloudflare Waiting Room

Today, we are excited to announce Cloudflare Waiting Room! It will first be available to select customers through a new program called Project Fair Shot which aims to help with the problem of overwhelming demand for COVID-19 vaccinations causing appointment registration websites to fail. General availability in our Business and Enterprise plans will be added in the near future.

Wait, you’re excited about a… Waiting Room?

Most of us are familiar with the concept of a waiting room, and rarely are we excited about the idea of being in one. Usually our first experience of one is at a doctor’s office — yes, you have an appointment, but sometimes the doctor is running late (or one of the patients was). Given the doctor can only see one person at a time… the waiting room was born, as a mechanism to queue up patients.

While servers can handle more concurrent requests than a doctor can, they too can be overwhelmed. If, in a pre-COVID world, you’ve ever tried buying tickets to a popular concert or event, you’ve probably encountered a waiting room online. It limits requests inbound to an application, and places these requests into a virtual queue. Once the number Continue reading

Network-layer DDoS attack trends for Q4 2020

Network-layer DDoS attack trends for Q4 2020
Network-layer DDoS attack trends for Q4 2020

DDoS attack trends in the final quarter of 2020 defied norms in many ways. For the first time in 2020, Cloudflare observed an increase in the number of large DDoS attacks. Specifically, the number of attacks over 500Mbps and 50K pps saw a massive uptick.

In addition, attack vectors continued to evolve, with protocol-based attacks seeing a 3-10x increase compared to the prior quarter. Attackers were also more persistent than ever — nearly 9% of all attacks observed between October and December lasted more than 24 hours.

Below are additional noteworthy observations from the fourth quarter of 2020, which the rest of this blog explores in greater detail.

  • Number of attacks: For the first time in 2020, the total number of attacks observed in Q4 decreased compared to the prior quarter.
  • Attack duration: 73% of all attacks observed lasted under an hour, a decrease from 88% in Q3.
  • Attack vectors: While SYN, ACK, and RST floods continued to be the dominant attack vectors deployed, attacks over NetBIOS saw a whopping 5400% increase, followed by those over ISAKMP and SPSS.
  • Global DDoS activity: Our data centers in Mauritius, Romania, and Brunei recorded the highest percentages of DDoS activity relative to non-attack Continue reading