
Category Archives for "Networking"

Huawei Invests $1.5B in Developers, Teases AI Cloud

Huawei plans to invest $1.5 billion in developer tools and teased a bevy of AI cloud services and...

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Heavy Networking 472: Grappling With Wireless QoS

If you are deploying an enterprise QoS scheme, wireless QoS matters to you. On today's episode, we go through the basics of wireless QoS, covering some of the standards, terminology, and thinking required to get your head around how we can prioritize packets over a shared medium. Our guest is Ryan Adzima.

The post Heavy Networking 472: Grappling With Wireless QoS appeared first on Packet Pushers.

BrandPost: Sharpen Your Edge for Digital Transformation 2.0

In an age when every company is a technology business, digital transformation becomes imperative for enterprises to remain competitive. The first wave of digital transformation focused on moving workloads to the cloud. Enterprises undergoing large-scale digital transformations centralized data processing and storage by migrating entire operations to public or private cloud services. The recent influx of connected devices and the resulting data explosion is putting a strain on this model, and now companies are looking toward the next wave of transformation that will move them closer to the edge and their customers.Today, the explosion of IoT devices, autonomous vehicles, robotic systems, and other digital platforms has resulted in a deluge of data and a vast expansion at the edge of the network. This is putting a strain on the network and requires new ways of processing, analyzing, and acting on this data in real time. This intersection of new technologies and the massive amounts of data they produce put us at an inflection point when we consider the architectures that will help us manage the global economy.To read this article in full, please click here

When TCP sockets refuse to die

When TCP sockets refuse to die

While working on our Spectrum server, we noticed something weird: the TCP sockets which we thought should have been closed were lingering around. We realized we don't really understand when TCP sockets are supposed to time out!

When TCP sockets refuse to die

Image by Sergiodc2 CC BY SA 3.0

In our code, we wanted to make sure we don't hold connections to dead hosts. In our early code we naively thought enabling TCP keepalives would be enough... but it isn't. It turns out a fairly modern TCP_USER_TIMEOUT socket option is equally as important. Furthermore it interacts with TCP keepalives in subtle ways. Many people are confused by this.

In this blog post, we'll try to show how these options work. We'll show how a TCP socket can timeout during various stages of its lifetime, and how TCP keepalives and user timeout influence that. To better illustrate the internals of TCP connections, we'll mix the outputs of the tcpdump and the ss -o commands. This nicely shows the transmitted packets and the changing parameters of the TCP connections.


Let's start from the simplest case - what happens when one attempts to establish a connection to a server which discards inbound SYN packets?

$  Continue reading

Weekly Wrap: VMware CEO States IBM Paid Too Much for Red Hat

Weekly Wrap for Sept. 20, 2019: Kubernetes is central to the VMware-IBM rivalry; Cloudflare's IPO...

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Community Spotlight – Terry Slattery

Terry Slattery has a distinguished career in networking and is well known for his contributions to the Cisco CLI, being the second person to obtain the CCIE, providing consultation to many organizations, and the list goes on. If it’s happened in networking, there’s a very good chance that Terry has experience in it. Today Terry joins us to to talk about how he got started into networking and how he’s navigated a very successful career in networking.

Terry Slattery
Jordan Martin

The post Community Spotlight – Terry Slattery appeared first on Network Collective.

It’s A Wireless Problem, Right?

How many times have your users come to your office and told you the wireless was down? Or maybe you get a phone call or a text message sent from their phone. If there’s a way for people to figure out that the wireless isn’t working they will not hesitate to tell you about it. But is it always the wireless?

Path of Destruction

During CWNP Wi-Fi Trek 2019, Keith Parsons (@KeithRParsons) gave a great talk about Tips, Techniques, and Tools for Troubleshooting Wireless LAN. It went into a lot of detail about how many things you have to look at when you start troubleshooting wireless issues. It makes your head spin when you try and figure out exactly where the issues all lie.

However, I did have to put up a point that I didn’t necessarily agree with Keith on:

Cascadia Code | Windows Command Line Tools For Developers

Another free and open monospaced font for code development this time from Microsoft. A key differentiator is the inclusion of ligatures for programming symbols (see below). Ligature support is rare among text editors and very rare for TTF encoded fonts. Its more common to see OTF ligatures supported. Also, no italics support yet. Creating fonts […]

The post Cascadia Code | Windows Command Line Tools For Developers appeared first on EtherealMind.

Opinionated Automation: Packaged, Extensible & Closed Systems

Network engineers for the last twenty years have created networks from composable logical constructs, which result in a network of some structure. We call these constructs “OSPF” and “MPLS”, but they all inter-work to some degree to give us a desired outcome. Network vendors have contributed to this composability and network engineers have come to expect it by default. It is absolute power from both a design and an implementation perspective, but it’s also opinionated. For instance, spanning-tree has node level opinions on how it should participate in a spanning-tree and thus how a spanning-tree forms, but it might not be the one you desire without some tweaks to the tie-breaker conditions for the root bridge persona.

Moving to the automated world primarily means carrying your existing understanding forward, adding a sprinkle of APIs to gain access to those features programmatically and then running a workflow, task or business process engine to compose a graph of those features to build your desired networks in a deterministic way.

This is where things get interesting in my opinion. Take Cisco’s ACI platform. It’s closed and proprietary in the sense of you can’t change the way it works internally. You’re lumped with a Continue reading

Privacy Regulations Are Evolving: Are Organizations Ready?

Privacy statements are both a point of contact to inform users about their data and a way to show governments the organization is committed to following regulations. On September 17, the Internet Society’s Online Trust Alliance (OTA) released Are Organizations Ready for New Privacy Regulations? The report, using data collected from the 2018 Online Trust Audit, analyzes the privacy statements of 1,200 organizations using 29 variables and then maps them to overarching principles from three privacy laws around the world: General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union, California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States, and Personal Information Protection and Electronics Document Act (PIPEDA) in Canada. 

In many cases, organizations lack key concepts covering data sharing in their statements. Just 1% of organizations in our Audit disclose the types of third parties they share data with. This is a common requirement across privacy legislation. It is not as onerous as having to list all of the organizations; simply listing broad categories like “payment vendors” would suffice. 

Data retention is another area where many organizations are lacking. Just 2% had language about how long and why they would retain data. Many organizations have Continue reading

How to decommission a data center

About the only thing harder than building a data center is dismantling one, because the potential for disruption of business is much greater when shutting down a data center than constructing one.The recent decommissioning of the Titan supercomputer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) reveals just how complicated the process can be. More than 40 people were involved with the project, including staff from ORNL, supercomputer manufacturer Cray, and external subcontractors. Electricians were required to safely shut down the 9 megawatt-capacity system, and Cray staff was on hand to disassemble and recycle Titan’s electronics and its metal components and cabinets. A separate crew handled the cooling system. In the end, 350 tons of equipment and 10,800 pounds of refrigerant were removed from the site.To read this article in full, please click here

How to decommission a data center

About the only thing harder than building a data center is dismantling one, because the potential for disruption of business is much greater when shutting down a data center than constructing one.The recent decommissioning of the Titan supercomputer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) reveals just how complicated the process can be. More than 40 people were involved with the project, including staff from ORNL, supercomputer manufacturer Cray, and external subcontractors. Electricians were required to safely shut down the 9 megawatt-capacity system, and Cray staff was on hand to disassemble and recycle Titan’s electronics and its metal components and cabinets. A separate crew handled the cooling system. In the end, 350 tons of equipment and 10,800 pounds of refrigerant were removed from the site.To read this article in full, please click here

Video: The Need for Network Layers

After identifying some of the challenges every network solution must address (part 1, part 2, part 3) we tried to tackle an interesting question: “how do you implement this whole spaghetti mess in a somewhat-reliable and structured way?

The Roman Empire had an answer more than 2000 years ago: divide-and-conquer (aka “eating the elephant one bite at a time”). These days we call it layering and abstractions.

In the Need for Network Layers video I listed all the challenges we have to address, and then described how you could group them in meaningful modules (called networking layers).

You need free subscription to watch the video, or a paid subscriptions to watch the whole webinar.

Backup the data in AWS Elastic Block Store

A recent Amazon outage resulted in a small number of customers losing production data stored in their accounts. This, of course, led to typical anti-cloud comments that follows such events. The reality is that these customers data loss had nothing to do with cloud and everything to do with them not understanding the storage they were using and backing it up.Over Labor Day weekend there was a power outage in one of the availability zones in the AWS US-East-1 region.  Backup generators came on, but quickly failed for unknown reasons. Customers’ Elastic Block Store (EBS) data is replicated among multiple servers, but the outage affected multiple servers. While the bulk of data stored in EBS was fine or was able to be easily recovered after outage, .5 percent of the data could not be recovered. Customers among the .5 percent who did not have a backup of their EBS data actually lost data.To read this article in full, please click here

How To Network To Get A Mental Health Research Job

Once you have received all of the education you need in order to get a mental health research job, the next thing you have to do is look for a job that you are most suited for. Depending on your education and your interest, a mental health research job ranges from being an actual researcher to a data analyst to a facility manager to a research moderator who monitors the way the research is being conducted. Oftentimes, it takes a great deal of networking and effort on your part to get the right mental health research job that you desire. Here are a few ways to network to help you find your dream job in this very special field.

3 Ways to Get a Mental Health Research Job

Take an Internship

Sometimes you can work as an unpaid intern in a mental health research facility while still getting your formal education. The benefit of this is the experience you’ll receive, as well as possible class credit and professional references.

In other cases, once you have your degree and take all the necessary tests, you may be able to secure a paid internship or an entry level job in mental health Continue reading

Deutsche Telekom Taps VMware for Disaster Recovery

VMware's vCloud Availability will power Deutsche Telekom's Dynamic Services for Infrastructure...

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Splunk Bumps Up VC Fund, Plunks Out New Pricing Tiers

Splunk unveils data-to-everything platform, a VC arm, and new partner initiatives, to "remove the...

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Microsoft Gifts Semmle to GitHub, Plans $40B Stock Buyback

Semmle’s semantic code analysis engine allows developers and security teams to discover and track...

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