
Category Archives for "Networking"

How to decommission a data center

About the only thing harder than building a data center is dismantling one, because the potential for disruption of business is much greater when shutting down a data center than constructing one.The recent decommissioning of the Titan supercomputer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) reveals just how complicated the process can be. More than 40 people were involved with the project, including staff from ORNL, supercomputer manufacturer Cray, and external subcontractors. Electricians were required to safely shut down the 9 megawatt-capacity system, and Cray staff was on hand to disassemble and recycle Titan’s electronics and its metal components and cabinets. A separate crew handled the cooling system. In the end, 350 tons of equipment and 10,800 pounds of refrigerant were removed from the site.To read this article in full, please click here

How to decommission a data center

About the only thing harder than building a data center is dismantling one, because the potential for disruption of business is much greater when shutting down a data center than constructing one.The recent decommissioning of the Titan supercomputer at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) reveals just how complicated the process can be. More than 40 people were involved with the project, including staff from ORNL, supercomputer manufacturer Cray, and external subcontractors. Electricians were required to safely shut down the 9 megawatt-capacity system, and Cray staff was on hand to disassemble and recycle Titan’s electronics and its metal components and cabinets. A separate crew handled the cooling system. In the end, 350 tons of equipment and 10,800 pounds of refrigerant were removed from the site.To read this article in full, please click here

Video: The Need for Network Layers

After identifying some of the challenges every network solution must address (part 1, part 2, part 3) we tried to tackle an interesting question: “how do you implement this whole spaghetti mess in a somewhat-reliable and structured way?

The Roman Empire had an answer more than 2000 years ago: divide-and-conquer (aka “eating the elephant one bite at a time”). These days we call it layering and abstractions.

In the Need for Network Layers video I listed all the challenges we have to address, and then described how you could group them in meaningful modules (called networking layers).

You need free subscription to watch the video, or a paid subscriptions to watch the whole webinar.

Backup the data in AWS Elastic Block Store

A recent Amazon outage resulted in a small number of customers losing production data stored in their accounts. This, of course, led to typical anti-cloud comments that follows such events. The reality is that these customers data loss had nothing to do with cloud and everything to do with them not understanding the storage they were using and backing it up.Over Labor Day weekend there was a power outage in one of the availability zones in the AWS US-East-1 region.  Backup generators came on, but quickly failed for unknown reasons. Customers’ Elastic Block Store (EBS) data is replicated among multiple servers, but the outage affected multiple servers. While the bulk of data stored in EBS was fine or was able to be easily recovered after outage, .5 percent of the data could not be recovered. Customers among the .5 percent who did not have a backup of their EBS data actually lost data.To read this article in full, please click here

How To Network To Get A Mental Health Research Job

Once you have received all of the education you need in order to get a mental health research job, the next thing you have to do is look for a job that you are most suited for. Depending on your education and your interest, a mental health research job ranges from being an actual researcher to a data analyst to a facility manager to a research moderator who monitors the way the research is being conducted. Oftentimes, it takes a great deal of networking and effort on your part to get the right mental health research job that you desire. Here are a few ways to network to help you find your dream job in this very special field.

3 Ways to Get a Mental Health Research Job

Take an Internship

Sometimes you can work as an unpaid intern in a mental health research facility while still getting your formal education. The benefit of this is the experience you’ll receive, as well as possible class credit and professional references.

In other cases, once you have your degree and take all the necessary tests, you may be able to secure a paid internship or an entry level job in mental health Continue reading

Deutsche Telekom Taps VMware for Disaster Recovery

VMware's vCloud Availability will power Deutsche Telekom's Dynamic Services for Infrastructure...

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Splunk Bumps Up VC Fund, Plunks Out New Pricing Tiers

Splunk unveils data-to-everything platform, a VC arm, and new partner initiatives, to "remove the...

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Microsoft Gifts Semmle to GitHub, Plans $40B Stock Buyback

Semmle’s semantic code analysis engine allows developers and security teams to discover and track...

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IPv6 Buzz 035: Selling Your IPv4 Addresses For Fun And Profit

Your IPv4 addresses are a financial asset because the market for v4 address space is rising. The question is, for how long? Guest Lee Howard joins the IPv6 Buzz podcast crew to discuss the financial implications of selling IPv4 addresses. They also discuss the performance and operational benefits of moving to IPv6.

The post IPv6 Buzz 035: Selling Your IPv4 Addresses For Fun And Profit appeared first on Packet Pushers.

Datadog Rebuffs Cisco’s $7B Offer, Fetches $648M in Its IPO

Despite a reported $7 billion buyout attempt by Cisco, Datadog raised $648 million in its IPO...

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Verizon Goes to 11 With Mobile 5G Launch in New York City

Verizon is deploying its 5G service in New York City on Sept. 26. The move brings all four...

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IoT Privacy for Policymakers: Solutions Need Informed Discussion

The consumer Internet of Things market is growing exponentially – one prediction suggests that people will be using 25 billion connected devices by 2021. These new products promise innovation and convenience, but they can also erode privacy boundaries and expose consumers to risk without their knowledge or consent. Is that a good bargain?

The policy brief “IoT Privacy for Policymakers” explores this question and more.

Do consumers have enough information and choice to make meaningful decisions? Do vendors and service providers have the opportunity and incentive to bring privacy-enhancing innovations to the market? Can the downsides of IoT be mitigated through policy actions – and if so, how?

IoT Privacy for Policymakers” explains the scope and nature of IoT privacy and the issues it raises. As ever, those issues are multi-party. They cross the boundaries of jurisdictions and sectoral regulations. There are no single-stakeholder solutions, so a multistakeholder approach is needed. Solutions need informed discussion that includes consumer rights, economic incentives, technical options, and regulatory measures. This paper is a positive step in that direction.

The policy brief also includes a “how to” on implementing Privacy by Design and four Guiding Principles and Recommendations:

BrandPost: A Network for All Edges: Why SD-WAN, SDP, and the Application Edge Must Converge in the Cloud

The software-defined movement keeps marching on. Software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) is redefining the branch edge by displacing legacy technologies like MPLS, WAN optimizers, and routers. Software-defined Perimeter (SDP) is displacing whole network access via mobile VPN with secure and optimized access from any device to specific applications in physical and cloud datacenters. These seem like unrelated developments, despite the “software-defined” buzz, because enterprise IT thinks about physical locations, mobile users, and applications separately. Each enterprise edge, location, person, or application is usually served by different technologies and often by different teams.To read this article in full, please click here

Arcadia Power Can Help You Go Green & Lower Your Power Bill

We only have one planet, and using clean, renewable energy resources is perhaps the easiest way to preserve and maintain our future. Luckily, clean energy farms generate far more power than ever before, so whether you want to ensure a cleaner tomorrow, or if you just want to save money on your power bill, you can do so with Arcadia Power. Arcadia Power is a platform that makes it easy for homeowners and renters to choose renewable energy. All you have to do is sign up with Arcadia Power and connect your utility bill. It’ll hunt down ways to connect you to clean energy farms near you. Best of all, you might save money on your utility bill if clean energy is cheaper in your area. And did we mention that signing up with Arcadia Power is free? To read this article in full, please click here

Space internet service closer to becoming reality

Test results from recent Low Earth Orbit internet satellite launches are starting to come in—and they're impressive.OneWeb, which launched six Airbus satellites in February, says tests show throughput speeds of over 400 megabits per second and latency of 40 milliseconds. Further, the future internet service provider (ISP) says a satellite re-alignment will offer southern U.S. coverage sooner than originally thought.Also read: The hidden cause of slow internet and how to fix it Internet service for the Arctic Arctic internet blackspots above the 60th parallel, such as Alaska, will be the first to benefit from OneWeb’s partial constellation of Low Earth Orbit (LEO) broadband satellites, OneWeb says.To read this article in full, please click here

Paramiko, Netmiko, NAPALM or Nornir?

I had a fantastic chat with David Bombal a while ago in which we covered tons of network automation topics including “should I use Nornir or NAPALM or Netmiko?

The only answer one can give would be “it depends… on what you’re trying to do” as these three tools solve completely different challenges.

Paramiko is SSH implementation in Python. It’s used by most Python tools that want to use SSH to connect to other hosts (including networking devices).

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New Role with Valve

I have started a new role as a Network Engineer with Valve Corporation. My period of unemployment was short-lived, and I am gainfully employed once more.

Not Another Vendor?

Did I think about going to work for another vendor? Yes, I did. I thought a lot about what I want to do, and what type of company I want to work for. Small/medium/large, vendor/customer, Product Manager vs Engineer, etc.

For now, I decided I want to solve business problems using whichever tools are appropriate, rather than building and selling a single product. I didn’t want to work for a company that just consumes technology though. I want to work somewhere that has interesting problems, and will do whatever is needed to solve those problems - build/buy/cobble together.

Why Valve?

Valve is big enough to offer the right level of challenge, but also small enough that I can make a difference. I’m not lost in the machine, but I am working on a global network.

Valve is also quite a different company. Check out the Employee Handbook to get a sense of Continue reading