The crazy pace of webinar sessions continued last week. Howard Marks continued his deep dive into Hyper-Converged Infrastructure, this time focusing on go-to-market strategies, failure resiliency with replicas and local RAID, and the eternal debate (if you happen to be working for a certain $vendor) whether it’s better to run your HCI code in a VM and not in hypervisor kernel like your competitor does. He concluded with the description of what major players (VMware VSAN, Nutanix and HPE Simplivity) do.
On Thursday I started my Ansible 2.7 Updates saga, describing how network_cli plugin works, how they implemented generic CLI modules, how to use SSH keys or usernames and passwords for authentication (and how to make them secure), and how to execute commands on network devices (including an introduction into the gory details of parsing text outputs, JSON or XML).
The last thing I managed to cover was the cli_command module and how you can use it to execute any command on a network device… and then I ran out of time. We’ll continue with sample playbooks and network device configurations on February 12th.
You can get access to both webinars with Standard subscription.
In this post I will introduce how to integrate OIDC with oVirt engine using Keycloak and LDAP user federation.
Prerequisites: I assume you have already setup the 389ds
directory server, but the solution is very similar for any other LDAP provider.
As OIDC is not integrated into oVirt directly, we use Apache to do the OIDC authentication for us. The mod_auth_openidc module nicely covers all needed functionality.
Integrate with external OpenID Connect Identity Provider (IDP) to provide Single Sign-On (SSO) across products that use the IDP for authenticating users. We currently have oVirt SSO for providing unified authentication across Administrator and VM portals. The oVirt engine SSO also provides tokens for REST API clients and supports bearer authentication to reuse tokens to access oVirt engine RESTAPI. With external IDP integration the internal oVirt SSO is disabled and browser users will be redirected to the external IDP for authentication. After successful authentication users can access both Admin and VM portals as they normally do. REST API clients don't have to change, they can still obtain a token from engine SSO and use the token for bearer authentication to access oVirt engine RESTAPI. Engine SSO acts as a proxy obtaining the Continue reading
This is a series of posts to demonstrate how to install OKD 3.11 on oVirt and what you can do with it. Part I - How to install OKD 3.11 on oVirt
Installing OKD or Kubernetes on oVirt has many advantages, and it's also gotten a lot easier these days. Admins and users who want to take container platform management for a spin, on oVirt, will be encouraged by this.
Few of the advantages are:
The installation uses openshift-ansible and, specifically the openshift_ovirt
ansible-role. The integration between OpenShift and oVirt is tighter, and provides storage integration. If you need persistent volumes for your containers you can get that directly from oVirt using ovirt-volume-provisioner and ovirt-flexvolume-driver.
For the sake of simplicity, this example will cover an all-in-one OpenShift cluster, on a single VM.
Continue reading
VMworld 2018 Europe in Barcelona is a week away. Want to learn more about NSX Networking and Security in VMware Cloud on AWS, how you can easily deploy and secure workloads in the cloud, or how to build hybrid cloud solutions with the familiarity and capabilities of vSphere? Make sure to attend the below sessions at VMworld 2018 Europe next week. We will go into a deep dive of all the functionality and show how VMware Cloud on AWS is being used by customers. Continue reading
After four live sessions we finished the VMware NSX Technical Deep Dive webinar yesterday. Still have to edit the materials, but right now the whole thing is already over 6 hours long, and there are two more guest speaker sessions to come.
Anyways, in the previous sessions we covered all the good parts of NSX and a few of the bad ones. Everything that was left for yesterday were the ugly parts.
Read more ...One of my readers sent me a series of questions regarding a new cloud deployment where the cloud implementers want to run VXLAN and EVPN on the hypervisor hosts:
I am currently working on a leaf-and-spine VXLAN+ EVPN PoC. At the same time, the systems team in my company is working on building a Cloudstack platform and are insisting on using VXLAN on the compute node even to the point of using BGP for inter-VXLAN traffic on the nodes.
Using VXLAN (or GRE) encap/decap on the hypervisor hosts is nothing new. That’s how NSX and many OpenStack implementations work.
Read more ...The fleet of servers in the enterprise datacenters of the world – distinct from hyperscalers, cloud builders, and HPC centers – are getting a bit long in the tooth. …
Virtualization Is The Real Opportunity For Epyc was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at .
In this post I will introduce how simple it is to integrate SAML with oVirt using Keycloak and LDAP user federation.
Prerequisites: I assume you have already setup the 389ds
directory server, but the solution is very similar for any other LDAP provider.
As SAML is not integrated into oVirt directly, we use Apache to do the SAML authentication for us. The mod_auth_mellon module nicely covers all needed functionality.
First we need to configure oVirt's apache. SSH to the oVirt engine and create a directory where we'll store all SAML related certificates.
ssh root@engine
yum install -y mod_auth_mellon
mkdir -p /etc/httpd/saml2
When we install the mod_auth_mellon
package, it will create /etc/httpd/conf.d/auth_mellon.conf
We need to modify this file to our needs, as follows:
<Location />
MellonEnable "info"
MellonDecoder "none"
MellonVariable "cookie"
MellonSecureCookie On
MellonSessionDump On
MellonSamlResponseDump On
MellonSessionLength 86400
MellonUser "NAME_ID"
MellonEndpointPath /saml2
MellonSPCertFile /etc/httpd/saml2/ovirtsp-cert.cert
MellonSPPrivateKeyFile /etc/httpd/saml2/ovirtsp-key.key
MellonSPMetadataFile /etc/httpd/saml2/ovirtsp-metadata.xml
MellonIdPMetadataFile /etc/httpd/saml2/idp-metadata.xml
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} ^(.*)$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [L,NS,P,E=REMOTE_USER:%1]
RequestHeader set X-Remote-User %{REMOTE_USER}s
<LocationMatch ^/ovirt-engine/sso/(interactive-login-negotiate|oauth/token-http-auth)|^/ovirt-engine/api>
<If "req('Authorization') !~ /^(Bearer| Continue reading
In this post I will introduce how simple it is to integrate SAML with oVirt using Keycloak and LDAP user federation.
Prerequisites: I assume you have already setup the 389ds
directory server, but the solution is very similar for any other LDAP provider.
As SAML is not integrated into oVirt directly, we use Apache to do the SAML authentication for us. The mod_auth_mellon module nicely covers all needed functionality.
First we need to configure oVirt's apache. SSH to the oVirt engine and create a directory where we'll store all SAML related certificates.
ssh root@engine
yum install -y mod_auth_mellon
mkdir -p /etc/httpd/saml2
When we install the mod_auth_mellon
package, it will create /etc/httpd/conf.d/auth_mellon.conf
We need to modify this file to our needs, as follows:
<Location />
MellonEnable "info"
MellonDecoder "none"
MellonVariable "cookie"
MellonSecureCookie On
MellonSessionDump On
MellonSamlResponseDump On
MellonSessionLength 86400
MellonUser "NAME_ID"
MellonEndpointPath /saml2
MellonSPCertFile /etc/httpd/saml2/ovirtsp-cert.cert
MellonSPPrivateKeyFile /etc/httpd/saml2/ovirtsp-key.key
MellonSPMetadataFile /etc/httpd/saml2/ovirtsp-metadata.xml
MellonIdPMetadataFile /etc/httpd/saml2/idp-metadata.xml
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{LA-U:REMOTE_USER} ^(.*)$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [L,NS,P,E=REMOTE_USER:%1]
RequestHeader set X-Remote-User %{REMOTE_USER}s
<LocationMatch ^/ovirt-engine/sso/(interactive-login-negotiate|oauth/token-http-auth)|^/ovirt-engine/api>
<If "req('Authorization') !~ /^(Bearer| Continue reading
Skydive network is an open source real-time network topology and protocols analyzer providing a comprehensive way of understanding what is happening in your network infrastructure. The common use cases will be, troubleshooting, monitoring, SDN integration and much more. It has features such as:
Skydive allows oVirt administrators to see the network configuration and topology of their oVirt cluster. Administrators can capture traffic from VM1 to VM2 or monitor the traffic between VMs or hosts. Skydive can generate traffic between 2 running VMs on different hosts and then analyze. Administrators can create alerts in Skydive UI to notify when traffic is disconnected or down.
git clone
Create inventory file
<analyzer_FQDN> ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_ssh_pass=<ssh_password>
<agent_FQDN> ansible_ssh_user=root Continue reading
Skydive network is an open source real-time network topology and protocols analyzer providing a comprehensive way of understanding what is happening in your network infrastructure. The common use cases will be, troubleshooting, monitoring, SDN integration and much more. It has features such as:
Skydive allows oVirt administrators to see the network configuration and topology of their oVirt cluster. Administrators can capture traffic from VM1 to VM2 or monitor the traffic between VMs or hosts. Skydive can generate traffic between 2 running VMs on different hosts and then analyze. Administrators can create alerts in Skydive UI to notify when traffic is disconnected or down.
git clone
Create inventory file
<analyzer_FQDN> ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_ssh_pass=<ssh_password>
<agent_FQDN> ansible_ssh_user=root Continue reading
DPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) is a set of open-source high-performance packet processing libraries and user space drivers.
oVirt support for DPDK was introduced in 2017, and is now enhanced in terms of deployment via Ansible and usage via Open Virtual Network.
While still experimental, OVN-DPDK in oVirt is now available in version 4.2.
Host configuration for DPDK usage is now automated using Ansible. This primarly includes:
The role is installed via Ansible galaxy:
# ansible-galaxy install oVirt.dpdk-setup
An example playbook:
- hosts: dpdk_host_0
"0000:02:00.1": "vfio-pci"
"0000:02:00.2": "igb"
"0000:02:00.3": ""
configure_kernel: true
bind_drivers: true
set_ovs_dpdk: false
- ovirt-ansible-dpdk-setup
The role is controlled by 3 boolean variables (all set to true
by default) and a dictionary of devices and their drivers:
– determines whether the kernel should be configured for DPDK usage (hugepages, CPU partitioning). WARNING: When set to true
it is very likely to trigger a reboot of the host, unless all required configuration is already Continue readingDPDK (Data Plane Development Kit) is a set of open-source high-performance packet processing libraries and user space drivers.
oVirt support for DPDK was introduced in 2017, and is now enhanced in terms of deployment via Ansible and usage via Open Virtual Network.
While still experimental, OVN-DPDK in oVirt is now available in version 4.2.
Host configuration for DPDK usage is now automated using Ansible. This primarly includes:
The role is installed via Ansible galaxy:
# ansible-galaxy install oVirt.dpdk-setup
An example playbook:
- hosts: dpdk_host_0
"0000:02:00.1": "vfio-pci"
"0000:02:00.2": "igb"
"0000:02:00.3": ""
configure_kernel: true
bind_drivers: true
set_ovs_dpdk: false
- ovirt-ansible-dpdk-setup
The role is controlled by 3 boolean variables (all set to true
by default) and a dictionary of devices and their drivers:
– determines whether the kernel should be configured for DPDK usage (hugepages, CPU partitioning). WARNING: When set to true
it is very likely to trigger a reboot of the host, unless all required configuration is already Continue readingVMware NSX is going worldwide! We’ll be out and about through the end of the year, spreading networking and security love across America, Asia Pacific, and Europe. Our goal is to help agile organizations move toward a Virtual Cloud Network with consistent connectivity, branch optimization, and security across all infrastructure.
Whether we’ll be at a booth, product demo, talk, or otherwise – we want to connect! Join us at any of the major conferences and NSX upcoming events listed below to chat with our product experts. And, if you think you’ll be in attendance, be sure to tweet at us to let us know!
Checkpoint CPX – 2/4
When: February 2 – 4, 2019
Where: Las Vegas, NV
Click here to learn more
Networking Field Day – 2/13
When: February 13 – 15, 2019
Where: Palo Alto, CA
Click here to learn more
Mobile World Congress – 2/25
When: February 25 – 28, 2019
Where: Barcelona, Spain
Click here to learn more
RSAC – 3/4
When: March 4 – 8, 2019
Where: San Francisco, CA
Click here to learn more
Cisco Live APJ– 3/5
When: March 5 Continue reading
Grafana, The open platform for beautiful analytics and monitoring, recently added support for PostgreSQL.
It in now possible to connect Grafana to oVirt DWH, in order to visualize and monitor the oVirt environment.
Grafana dashboard example
Adding a Read-Only User to the History Database
You may want to add a read only user to connect the history database :
Note: In oVirt 4.2 we ship postgres 9.5 through the Software Collection.
In order to run psql you will need to run:
# su - postgres
$ scl enable rh-postgresql95 -- psql ovirt_engine_history
Create the user to be granted read-only access to the history database:
ovirt_engine_history=# CREATE ROLE [user name] WITH LOGIN ENCRYPTED PASSWORD '[password]';
Grant the newly created user permission to connect to the history database:
ovirt_engine_history=# GRANT CONNECT ON DATABASE ovirt_engine_history TO [user name];
Grant the newly created user usage of the public schema:
ovirt_engine_history=# GRANT USAGE ON SCHEMA public TO [user name];
Exit the database
ovirt_engine_history=# \q
Generate the rest of the permissions that will be granted to the newly created user and save them to a file:
$ scl enable rh-postgresql95 -- psql -U postgres -c "SELECT 'GRANT SELECT ON ' || relname Continue reading