20th National Cybersecurity Awareness Month kicks off

As National Cybersecurity Awareness Month kicks off, it's a good time to reflect on how secure the systems you manage are – whether they’re running Linux, Windows or some other OS. While Linux is considered by many to be more secure due to its open-source nature and because privileges are clearly defined, it still warrants security reviews, and this month's focus on cybersecurity awareness suggests that an annual review is more than just a good idea.The designation became official in 2004, when President George W. Bush and Congress declared October to be National Cybersecurity Awareness Month. Keep in mind that in 2004, security practice often involved little more than updating antivirus software. Today, cybersecurity practices are much more intense as the threats have grown to be far more significant and far more challenging.To read this article in full, please click here

BrandPost: Network access control: Keeping you cool in hot times

By: Bryan Lechner, Director of Policy, HPE Aruba Networking.The world is getting hotter every year. I personally know people sweating all day long in the US, Southern Europe, and Northern Asia. The air conditioning is consistently failing to cool them down. And let’s agree to the fact that no one wants to work in hot weather; even if we do, we are not 100% efficient. That may be the reason why office spaces are centrally air-conditioned, to maintain the optimum working temperature for employees, and to provide prescribed conditions for servers.But what does any of this have to do with Network Access Control (NAC)?To read this article in full, please click here

Waiting Room adds multi-host and path coverage, unlocking broader protection and multilingual setups

Waiting Room adds multi-host and path coverage, unlocking broader protection and multilingual setups
Waiting Room adds multi-host and path coverage, unlocking broader protection and multilingual setups

Cloudflare Waiting Room protects sites from overwhelming traffic surges by placing excess visitors in a fully customizable virtual waiting room, admitting them dynamically as spots become available. Instead of throwing error pages or delivering poorly-performing site pages, Waiting Room empowers customers to take control of their end-user experience during unmanageable traffic surges.

Waiting Room adds multi-host and path coverage, unlocking broader protection and multilingual setups

A key decision customers make when setting up a waiting room is what pages it will protect. Before now, customers could select one hostname and path combination to determine what pages would be covered by a waiting room. Today, we are thrilled to announce that Waiting Room now supports coverage of multiple hostname and path combinations with a single waiting room, giving customers more flexibility and offering broader site coverage without interruptions to end-user flows. This new capability is available to all Enterprise customers with an Advanced Purchase of Waiting Room.

Waiting Room site placement

As part of the simple, no-coding-necessary process for deploying a waiting room, customers specify a hostname and path combination to indicate which pages are covered by a particular waiting room. When a site visitor makes a preliminary request to that hostname and path or any of its subpaths, they will be issued a Continue reading

Waiting Roomは、マルチホストとパスのカバレッジを拡充し、より広範な保護と多言語セットアップを実現できる製品です

Cloudflare Waiting Roomは、完全にカスタマイズ可能な仮想待機室に過剰なウェブ訪問者を配置し、空き枠ができると動的にこれを受け入れることにより、急激なトラフィック急増からサイトを保護します。Waiting Roomにより、管理しきれないトラフィック急増時にエラーページを表示したりパフォーマンスの低いサイトページを配信したりするのではなく、エンドユーザーエクスペリエンスをコントロールできるようにします。


待機室を設定する際、保護の対象となるページの決定が重要になります。これまでは、ホスト名とパスの組み合わせを1つ選び、待機室の対象となるページを決めることができました。今日、Waiting Roomsでは、単一の待機室で複数のホスト名とパスの組み合わせに対応できるようになりました。これにより、お客様にはより多くの柔軟性がもたらされ、エンドユーザーのフローを中断することなく、より広範なサイトカバレッジを提供できるようになりました。この新機能は、「Waiting Rooms」のアドバンスをご利用のすべてのEnterprise契約のお客様にご利用いただけます。

Waiting Roomsのサイトでの設置


昨年、当社は Waiting Roomのバイパスルール機能を追加し、ホスト名とパスカバレッジの例外を設けるための多くの選択肢をお客様に提供しました。これにより、ユーザーエージェントバイパス、ジオターゲティング、URL除外、管理用IPバイパスなどの機能が活用できるようになりました。また、URL、パス、クエリ文字列を除外する機能を追加することで、顧客サイト上で待機室を適用するページの設定の柔軟性を高めることとなりました。このアップデートにより、Waiting Roomによってゲートされるべきトラフィックをより具体化できるようになった一方、カバレッジは狭いままで多くの顧客が単一の待機室でサイトの大部分を保護することはできませんでした。

顧客がよりカバレッジのWaiting Roomsを必要とした理由

幅広いカバレッジを持つ製品機能が顧客にとって重要であった理由について、簡単ではあるもののインパクトのある例をいくつか挙げてみます。example.comというオンラインストアがあるとします。単一の待機室で、ホームページから商品閲覧、チェックアウトまで、顧客の利用体験全体をカバーできるようにしたいと考えたとします。多くのサイトでは、フロー内のこれらのステップを次のようにパスを用いて指定します:「example.com/, example.com/shop/product1、 example.com/checkout」。Waiting Roomは設定されたパスの最後にワイルドカードを想定するため、これらのサイトではこのユースケースはすでに十分なものでした。したがって、example.com/に待機室を設置すれば、この顧客利用体験のあらゆる段階で関連することになるすべてのURLをカバーすることができました。このセットアップでは、一度待機室を通過したWeb訪問者は、Waiting Roomに対し同一のユーザーであることをURL間の遷移の際に明示する同一待機室のクッキーを使用しているため、ユーザーフローのどのステップでも再キューされなおすことはありません。

しかし、多くのサイトでは、パスの代わりもしくはパスと併せサブドメインを使い、この種のショッピングフローの各段階を区切っています。例えば、多くのサイトでは、チェックアウトページをcheckout.example.comのような別のサブドメインに置いています。以前は、このようなサイト構造を持つ顧客がサイト全体を単一の待機室で保護する場合、example.com/ に待機室をデプロイし、checkout.example.com/に別の待機室を配置する必要がありました。このやり方は、多くの顧客にとって理想的なものではありませんでした。あるサイトのWeb訪問者が、同じ顧客利用体験の2つの異なる部分でキューに入れられる可能性があったからです。これは、checkout.example.com/の待機室がexample.com/をカバーするのではなく、Web訪問者を別のユーザーとして同じカウントすることが理由です。

とはいえ、1つのサイトで待機室を分けた方が賢明な場合もあります。例えば、チケット販売Webサイトは、そのエイペックスドメイン(example.com)に待機室を置くことができます。 また、特定のイベント(example.com/popular_artist_tour)のページでは、プレキューを持つ個別の待機室を設定しています。example.com/に設定された待機室は、あるイベントのチケット販売が開始されたときに、サイトへの主要な入り口が圧倒されてクラッシュすることがないようにします。 特定のイベントページに置かれた待機室は、サイトの他の部分に行くトラフィックに影響を与えることなく、単一のイベントのためのトラフィックがイベントの前にキューを開始できることを保証します。

最終的には、顧客がサイトの保護に1つまたは複数の待機室を望むかどうかにかかわらず、当社は顧客がユースケースとサイト構造に最適な待機室をデプロイする柔軟性を提供したいと考えました。今回、Waiting Roomが単一の待機室で複数のホスト名とパスカバレッジに対応できるようになったことを発表できることを大変うれしく思います。


今回、同じゾーンに属する複数のホスト名とパスの組み合わせ(またはルート)に待機室を設定できるようになりました。Traffic > 待機室を開き、Create(作成)を選択します。ドメイン名は、すでに入力されています。待機室設定にさらにルートを追加するには、Add Hostname and Path(ホスト名とパスの追加)を選択します。次に、同じ待機室にカバーさせる別のホスト名とパスを入力してください。各パスの最後はワイルドカード扱いとなります。そのため、待機室にカバーさせたいURLごとに待機室を作成する必要はありません。すでに入力した他のホスト名とパスの組み合わせではカバーできないURLに対してのみ、追加ルートを作成してください。

Add Hostname and Path(ホスト名とパスを追加)を選択し、複数のホスト名とパスの組み合わせを待機室に追加します。




Waiting Roomの既存の設定オプションでは、すでにパスのバリエーションに対応していました。しかし、これは顧客がサイト全体をゲートしたい場合にのみ、example.com/に待機室を置くことで可能でした。多くのeコマースのお客様から、同じ商品を販売する需要の高い商品ページを異なる言語オプションでゲート表示できるようにしてほしいという要望がよせられていました。例えば、example.com/en/product_123、および example.com/es/product_123の両方のURLをカバーするために同じ待機室とトラフィック制限が望まれていました。これまでは、複雑なバイパスルールのロジックがなければそれは不可能でした。



<!DOCTYPE html>
    <title>Waiting Room powered by Cloudflare</title>
      <h1 id="inline-msg">
        You are now in line.
      <h1 id="patience-msg">
        Thank you for your patience.
    <h2 id="waitTime"></h2>

      var locale = location.pathname.split("/")[1] || "en";
      var translations = {
        "en": {
          "waittime_60_less": "Your estimated wait time is {{waitTime}} minute.",
          "waittime_60_greater": "Your estimated wait time is {{waitTimeHours}} hours and {{waitTimeHourMinutes}} minutes.",
          "inline-msg": "You are now in line.",
          "patience-msg": "Thank you for your patience.",
        "es": {
          "waittime_60_less": "El tiempo de espera estimado es {{waitTime}} minuto.",
          "waittime_60_greater": "El tiempo de espera estimado es {{waitTimeHours}} de horas y {{waitTimeHourMinutes}} minutos.",
          "inline-msg": "Ahora se encuentra en la fila de espera previa.",
          "patience-msg": "Gracias por su paciencia.",

       Continue reading

Waiting Room añade la cobertura de múltiples hosts y rutas de acceso, y ofrece así una protección más amplia y configuraciones multilingües

Cloudflare Waiting Room protege los sitios contra las sobrecargas vinculadas a los picos de tráfico, colocando el exceso de visitantes en una sala de espera virtual, completamente personalizable, donde son admitidos dinámicamente a medida que se liberan plazas. En lugar de mostrar páginas de error o entregar páginas del sitio con un bajo rendimiento, Waiting Room permite a los clientes tomar el control de su experiencia de usuario final durante los picos de tráfico inmanejables.

Personaliza el aspecto de tu sala de espera para mejorar la experiencia del usuario final.

Una decisión clave que toman los clientes al configurar una sala de espera es acerca de qué páginas protegerán. Hasta ahora, los clientes podían seleccionar una sola combinación de nombre de host y ruta de acceso para determinar las páginas cubiertas por una sala de espera. Hoy nos complace anunciar que Waiting Room ahora ofrece compatibilidad con varias combinaciones de nombres de host y rutas de acceso con una sola sala de espera, y ofrece así a los clientes más flexibilidad y una cobertura más amplia del sitio sin interrupciones de los flujos de los usuarios finales. Esta nueva funcionalidad está disponible para todos los clientes Enterprise con una versión Advanced de Waiting Room.

Colocación de un sitio en Waiting Room

Durante la implementación de Continue reading

Waiting Room ajoute la prise en charge d'hôtes et de chemins d'accès multiples, offrant une protection plus étendue et des configurations multilingues

Cloudflare Waiting Room protège les sites contre les surcharges liées aux pics de trafic en transférant l'excédent de visiteurs vers une salle d'attente virtuelle, entièrement personnalisable, dans laquelle les visiteurs sont admis dynamiquement, au fur et à mesure que des places se libèrent. Au lieu d'afficher des pages d'erreur ou de proposer une expérience insatisfaisante de l'affichage des pages du site, Waiting Room permet aux clients de prendre le contrôle de l'expérience de leurs utilisateurs finaux pendant les pics de trafic ingérables.

Personnalisez l'apparence et la fonctionnalité de votre salle d'attente afin d'améliorer l'expérience des utilisateurs finaux !

L'une des principales décisions que prennent les clients lors de la configuration d'une salle d'attente consiste à sélectionner les pages que protégera celle-ci. Jusqu'à présent, les clients pouvaient sélectionner un nom d'hôte et un chemin d'accès lors de la désignation des pages protégées par une instance de Waiting Room. Aujourd'hui, nous sommes ravis d'annoncer que Waiting Room propose désormais la prise en charge de combinaisons de noms d'hôtes et de chemins d'accès multiples pour une salle d'attente unique, offrant ainsi aux clients davantage de flexibilité et une prise en charge plus étendue des sites, sans interruption des flux des utilisateurs finaux.Cette nouvelle fonctionnalité est accessible à tous les clients Enterprise ayant préacheté Waiting Room.

Ajout d'un site Continue reading

Seeding Ansible Automation Platform Content At Installation Time

In a previous blog, I announced the tech preview of containerized Red Hat Ansible Automation Platform. With that we introduced a new feature to enable you to pre-seed configuration and content at installation time. This blog will take you through how that works.

At Red Hat, we are very lucky to have some super talented people. Some of these great folks have worked tirelessly on producing Ansible Content Collections for managing configuration within the platform. Using this as the foundation, we have wrapped enablement around that to provide a fully automated way of doing this, in a seamless fashion.


The Benefits

Many people today already use a configuration-as-code (CaC) approach to managing the platform and laying down standards for their users. If that’s your case, then this simply extends and simplifies this capability.

If this is a new concept to you, then these examples may be of interest:

  • Standardize your user’s out of the box (OOTB) experience, in one go, at installation time.
    • Are there platform artifacts that you always need to apply to each and every installation? Define those as code and simply point the installation at that code and it will pre-configure the platform

2023년 10월 4일 조회 실패

2023년 10월 4일, Cloudflare에서는 DNS 확인 문제를 겪었으며, 이 문제는 UTC 07:00에 시작하여 UTC 11:00에 끝났습니다. 또는 Warp, Zero Trust 등의 제품 또는을 사용하는 타사 DNS 확인자를 사용하는 사람 중 일부는 유효한 쿼리에 대해 SERVFAIL DNS 응답을 받았을 수도 있습니다. 이번에 서비스가 중단되어 정말 죄송합니다. 이번 서비스 중단은 공격이 아니라 내부 소프트웨어 오류로 발생했습니다. 이 블로그에서는 어떤 장애였는지, 장애가 왜 발생했는지, 이런 일이 다시 발생하지 않도록 우리가 무엇을 하고 있는지 설명하겠습니다.


도메인 네임 시스템(DNS)에서 모든 도메인 네임은 DNS 영역 내에 존재합니다. 이 영역은 함께 제어되는 도메인 이름과 호스트 이름의 모음입니다. 예를 들어, Cloudflare에서는 도메인 이름 cloudflare.com을 관리하며, 우리는 이를 "cloudflare.com" 영역이라고 부릅니다. .com의 최상위 도메인(TLD)은 타사 소유이며 "com" 영역에 있습니다. TLD는 cloudflare.com에 접속하는 방법에 대한 지침을 제공합니다. 모든 TLD 위에는 루트 영역이 있으며, 이 영역은 TLD에 도달하는 방법에 대한 지침을 제공합니다 . 즉, 루트 영역은 다른 모든 도메인 이름을 확인할 수 있는 중요한 영역입니다. DNS의 다른 중요한 부분과 마찬가지로 루트 영역은 DNSSEC로 서명되며, 이는 루트 영역 자체에 암호화 서명이 포함되어 있음을 의미합니다.

루트 영역은 루트 서버에 게시되지만, 루트 서버에 연결할 수 없는 경우에도 루트 영역의 정보를 계속 사용할 수 있도록 DNS 운영자가 루트 영역의 Continue reading

Migration Coordinator – Selecting the migration mode

Migration Coordinator is a fully supported free tool, that is built into NSX Data Center, that is designed to help customers migrating from NSX for vSphere to NSX (aka NSX-T).  NSX-T 2.4, was the first release, about three years back, to introduce Migration Coordinator with couple of modes to enable migrations. Today, migration coordinator supports over 10 different ways to migrate from NSX for vSphere to NSX.

The last three blogs in this series covered the various modes available along with the pros and cons of each mode.

  1. Migration Coordinator: Approaches and Modes
  2. Migration Coordinator – In Place Migration Modes
  3. Migration Coordinator – Lift and Shift Migration Modes

This blog will focus on selecting the migration mode based on your requirements.

Terms, Tools and Modes

Before digging into how to go about selecting the right mode for the migration, let’s take a quick look at some of the terms, tools and high-level view of the modes available for migration, when leveraging Migration Coordaintor.

The following table summarizes some of the key terms used in regard to migrations:

Terms Description
In-place Migrate using the same hardware
Lift and Shift Migrate to either new or repurposed hardware.
DFW Only Only Continue reading

BrandPost: Selecting Cybersecurity Solutions for Hybrid and Hyperscale Data Centers

Hybrid and hyperscale data centers need cybersecurity solutions that won’t hinder an organization from doing its business. However, there are far too many data center environments that still rely on outdated traditional firewalls. Because these legacy firewalls underperform and underserve, IT teams are being pushed into making perilous trade-offs between security and performance. Since there is much at stake—and so little expert guidance available—choosing the right solutions can be extremely difficult for organizations. Below are eight key factors for IT leadership to consider when securing their modern data center infrastructure:To read this article in full, please click here

Heavy Wireless 012: Why Wireless Pros Should Get To Know LoRaWAN

LoRaWAN is a wireless protocol that's well suited for use cases that require long-range, low-power operations such as sensors, asset and livestock tracking, municipal "smart city" initiatives, and more. On today's Heavy Wireless, Keith Parsons welcomes Raymond Hendrix and Troy Martin to discuss the architecture of a LoRaWAN solution, its applications, and its pros and cons. They also share resources for further learning, including the Things Network and the LoRa Alliance.

Heavy Wireless 012: Why Wireless Pros Should Get To Know LoRaWAN

LoRaWAN is a wireless protocol that's well suited for use cases that require long-range, low-power operations such as sensors, asset and livestock tracking, municipal "smart city" initiatives, and more. On today's Heavy Wireless, Keith Parsons welcomes Raymond Hendrix and Troy Martin to discuss the architecture of a LoRaWAN solution, its applications, and its pros and cons. They also share resources for further learning, including the Things Network and the LoRa Alliance.

The post Heavy Wireless 012: Why Wireless Pros Should Get To Know LoRaWAN appeared first on Packet Pushers.

Kyndryl expands network security lineup with Palo Alto SD-WAN, SASE

Kyndryl continues to fill out its stable of network security partners, most recently inking an alliance with Palo Alto Networks for cybersecurity, SD-WAN and secure access service edge (SASE) services.As part of the deal, Kyndryl will integrate Palo Alto's security products and services into its own managed security services, which include security monitoring, incident response, and threat intelligence.  Palo Alto brings a wide range of security offerings, including a family of next-generation firewalls, the Prisma Cloud security platform for cloud-based applications and workloads, endpoint security, and operational automation support.To read this article in full, please click here

Kyndryl expands network security lineup with Palo Alto SD-WAN, SASE

Kyndryl continues to fill out its stable of network security partners, most recently inking an alliance with Palo Alto Networks for cybersecurity, SD-WAN and secure access service edge (SASE) services.As part of the deal, Kyndryl will integrate Palo Alto's security products and services into its own managed security services, which include security monitoring, incident response, and threat intelligence.  Palo Alto brings a wide range of security offerings, including a family of next-generation firewalls, the Prisma Cloud security platform for cloud-based applications and workloads, endpoint security, and operational automation support.To read this article in full, please click here

The AI Boom Props Up Datacenter Infrastructure Spending

If there is one thing that is absolutely immune from inflationary curbs and that is, to a certain degree, also contributing to inflationary pressures in the global economy, it is generative AI.

The post The AI Boom Props Up Datacenter Infrastructure Spending first appeared on The Next Platform.

The AI Boom Props Up Datacenter Infrastructure Spending was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Data centers aren’t ready for AI, Schneider warns

Schneider Electric is warning the demands of power and cooling for AI are beyond what standard data center designs can handle and says new designs are necessary.That may be expected from a company like Schneider, which makes power and cooling systems used in data centers. But it doesn’t mean Schneider isn't correct. AI is a different kind of workload than standard server-side applications, such as databases, and the old ways just don’t cut it anymore.Schneider's white paper notes that AI needs ample supply of three things: power, cooling, and bandwidth. GPUs are the most popular AI processors and the most power intensive. Whereas CPUs from Intel and AMD draw about 300 to 400 watts, Nvidia’s newest GPUs draw 700 watts per processor and they are often delivered in clusters of eight at a time.To read this article in full, please click here

Data centers aren’t ready for AI, Schneider warns

Schneider Electric is warning the demands of power and cooling for AI are beyond what standard data center designs can handle and says new designs are necessary.That may be expected from a company like Schneider, which makes power and cooling systems used in data centers. But it doesn’t mean Schneider isn't correct. AI is a different kind of workload than standard server-side applications, such as databases, and the old ways just don’t cut it anymore.Schneider's white paper notes that AI needs ample supply of three things: power, cooling, and bandwidth. GPUs are the most popular AI processors and the most power intensive. Whereas CPUs from Intel and AMD draw about 300 to 400 watts, Nvidia’s newest GPUs draw 700 watts per processor and they are often delivered in clusters of eight at a time.To read this article in full, please click here