Datanauts 131: Masters And Mentorship

Today on the Datanauts podcast, we land on planet Mentorship to drive around in our exploratory rovers. Why? Mentoring came up on Twitter a while back.

Some of you are for it. You invest in your co-workers and your organization by sharing with others what you know. Some of you are against mentoring, arguing that you don t have the time and aren t getting paid to teach other people.

And then the Twitterverse connected us to Don Jones, who wrote a book called, Be The Master. Seems like a great excuse to fire up the microphone on our rovers and explore planet Mentorship in more detail.

Besides being an author, Don is an an IT pro and PowerShell expert who has created a variety of PowerShell training materials.

We talk about how a master/apprenticeship approach can be more effective than formal education, selfish reasons for being a mentor, how to address imposter syndrome, and how to get support for mentorship at work.

Show Links:


Be The

Don Jones on Twitter

Become The Master Or Go Away – Don

Be the Master with Don Jones – RunAsRadio

The post Datanauts 131: Masters Continue reading

History Of Networking – Tony Przygienda – History of BIER

In this History of Networking episode Tony Przygienda joins us to discuss his involvement in the origins of BIER (Bit Index Explicit Replication). BIER is a new take on an old problem, the efficient forwarding of point-to-multipoint (multicast) traffic.


Tony Przygienda
Russ White
Donald Sharp

Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

The post History Of Networking – Tony Przygienda – History of BIER appeared first on Network Collective.

Cyxtera offers on-demand data center provisioning software

Cyxtera Technologies has launched the Cyxtera Extensible Data Center (CXD) platform, a software platform for data centers that offers customers rapid on-demand provisioning to a host of colocation and connectivity services.Through a combination of a network and services provisioning engine and an intra-data center software-defined network fabric, the CXD platform allows colocation customers to provision services on demand or via a web console.CXD brings cloud-like experience to colocation CXD comes with two key features: the Unified Services Port and Network Exchange. The Unified Services Port enables access to multiple data center services over a single physical port, while the Network Exchange provides automated provisioning to select network service providers. The caveat is they must also be running CXD.To read this article in full, please click here

Cyxtera offers on-demand data center provisioning software

Cyxtera Technologies has launched the Cyxtera Extensible Data Center (CXD) platform, a software platform for data centers that offers customers rapid on-demand provisioning to a host of colocation and connectivity services.Through a combination of a network and services provisioning engine and an intra-data center software-defined network fabric, the CXD platform allows colocation customers to provision services on demand or via a web console.CXD brings cloud-like experience to colocation CXD comes with two key features: the Unified Services Port and Network Exchange. The Unified Services Port enables access to multiple data center services over a single physical port, while the Network Exchange provides automated provisioning to select network service providers. The caveat is they must also be running CXD.To read this article in full, please click here

BGP Hijack of Amazon DNS to Steal Crypto Currency

Yesterday morning we posted a tweet (below) that Amazon’s authoritative DNS service had been impacted by a routing (BGP) hijack.  Little did we know this was part of an elaborate scheme to use the inherent security weaknesses of DNS and BGP to pilfer crypto currency, but that remarkable scenario appears to have taken place.

After posting the hijack tweet, I observed reports of a DNS hijack relating to the cryptocurrency website and thought the two things might be related:

Sure enough, it appears that eNet/XLHost (AS10297) suffered a breach enabling attackers to impersonate Amazon’s authoritative DNS service.  These attackers used AS10297 to announce five routes used by Amazon’s DNS:, Inc., Inc., Inc.
205. Continue reading

IDG Contributor Network: Hello, cellular IoT

The Internet of Things (IoT) is an overused buzz phrase, but hype is finally giving way to some valuable IoT use cases. In 2017, 433.1 million smart home devices were shipped worldwide, according to IDC. Smart speakers are leading the way, and smart locks, fridges, thermostats, pet food dishes and more have become part of our daily, connected lives.What would I do without my smart egg tray?While there are plenty of smart “fill-in-the-blank” devices, the IoT still has some growing up to do. Battery life and standards still present significant challenges, and not all smart devices get along. The good news is, high-performance RF filters are providing faster data throughput, minimizing energy losses and extending battery life. Imagine a world where sensors need a charge only once in a decade?To read this article in full, please click here

Juniper multicloud management software targets enterprise data centers

Facing the reality that many enterprise data-center managers now work in a hybrid cloud environment, Juniper Networks is set to release Contrail Enterprise Multicloud, a software package designed to monitor and manage workloads and servers deployed across networking and cloud infrastructure from multiple vendors.Enterprises are moving to the cloud for operational efficiency and cost optimization, but at the moment most big companies are operating hybrid environments, which has added to the complexity of managing computing infrastructure.[ Check out What is hybrid cloud computing and learn what you need to know about multi-cloud. | Get regularly scheduled insights by signing up for Network World newsletters. ] Juniper is competing with a variety of networking and multicloud orchestration tools from major data center players, including VMware's NSX, Cisco's ACI, and HPE's OneSphere. What's more, Juniper does not have as big a presence in the data center as some of its rivals, particularly Cisco.To read this article in full, please click here

Juniper multicloud management software targets enterprise data centers

Facing the reality that many enterprise data-center managers now work in a hybrid cloud environment, Juniper Networks is set to release Contrail Enterprise Multicloud, a software package designed to monitor and manage workloads and servers deployed across networking and cloud infrastructure from multiple vendors.Enterprises are moving to the cloud for operational efficiency and cost optimization, but at the moment most big companies are operating hybrid environments, which has added to the complexity of managing computing infrastructure.[ Check out What is hybrid cloud computing and learn what you need to know about multi-cloud. | Get regularly scheduled insights by signing up for Network World newsletters. ] Juniper is competing with a variety of networking and multicloud orchestration tools from major data center players, including VMware's NSX, Cisco's ACI, and HPE's OneSphere. What's more, Juniper does not have as big a presence in the data center as some of its rivals, particularly Cisco.To read this article in full, please click here

Juniper multicloud management software targets enterprise data centers

Facing the reality that many enterprise data-center managers now work in a hybrid cloud environment, Juniper Networks is set to release Contrail Enterprise Multicloud, a software package designed to monitor and manage workloads and servers deployed across networking and cloud infrastructure from multiple vendors.Enterprises are moving to the cloud for operational efficiency and cost optimization, but at the moment most big companies are operating hybrid environments, which has added to the complexity of managing computing infrastructure.[ Check out What is hybrid cloud computing and learn what you need to know about multi-cloud. | Get regularly scheduled insights by signing up for Network World newsletters. ] Juniper is competing with a variety of networking and multicloud orchestration tools from major data center players, including VMware's NSX, Cisco's ACI, and HPE's OneSphere. What's more, Juniper does not have as big a presence in the data center as some of its rivals, particularly Cisco.To read this article in full, please click here

Espresso: brewing Java for more non-volatility with non-volatile memory

Espresso: brewing Java for more non-volatility with non-volatile memory Wu et al., ASPLOS’18

What happens when you introduce non-volatile memory (NVM) to the world of Java? In theory, with a heap backed by NVM, we should get persistence for free? It’s not quite that straightforward of course, but Espresso gets you pretty close. There are a few things to consider, for example:

  • we probably don’t want all of our objects backed by persistent memory, as it still has higher latency than DRAM
  • we don’t want to make intrusive changes to existing code, and ideally would be able to continue using JPA (but why go through an expensive ORM mapping if we’re not targeting a relational store?)
  • we need to ensure any persistent data structures remain consistent after a crash

Espresso adds a new type of heap, a persistent Java heap (PJH) backed by NVM, and a persistent Java object (PJO) programming abstraction which is backwards compatible with JPA. PJO gives a 3.24x speedup even over JPA backed by H2.


JPA is the standard Java Persistence API. Java classes are decorated with persistence annotations describing their mapping to an underlying relational database. It’s an Continue reading

Comment la commutation « White Box » canalise Trader Joe’s

L’année 2018 est une année phénoménale pour être dans le secteur de la mise en réseau désagrégé. Il n’y a jamais eu un meilleur moment d’y être – non seulement pour les vendeurs, mais aussi pour les chefs d’entreprise eux-mêmes. Le marché pour l’innovation du réseau s’est enfin precisé après une longue balade à travers le désert qui compose la piété du SDN académique, et le hardware sur lequel fonctionne l ‘infrastructure réseau désagrégé basé sur le Linux est maintenant de calibre mondiale – les mêmes ASICs et le même hardware qu’utilisent les vendeurs actuels, et probablement les mêmes câbles électriques, si l’on digne regarder d’assez près.

Alors où entre Trader Joe’s – un supermarché américain très performant – dans cette équation ? En quatre mots: la proposition de valeur. Alors que les vendeurs de l’OS réseau « white box » comme Pica8 n’ont pas délibérément cherché à émuler les valeurs de l’entreprise Trader Joe’s, il s’avère que c’est plus ou moins ce que nous avons fait. La configuration de nos valeurs est curieusement similaire.

Meilleure qualité au moindre coût? Oui.

Service et réactivité comme buts principaux? Encore oui.

Utiliser les mêmes produits que nos plus grands compétiteurs, mais sans noms de marque? Continue reading

Comment la commutation « White Box » canalise Trader Joe’s

L’année 2018 est une année phénoménale pour être dans le secteur de la mise en réseau désagrégé. Il n’y a jamais eu un meilleur moment d’y être – non seulement pour les vendeurs, mais aussi pour les chefs d’entreprise eux-mêmes. Le marché pour l’innovation du réseau s’est enfin precisé après une longue balade à travers le désert qui compose la piété du SDN académique, et le hardware sur lequel fonctionne l ‘infrastructure réseau désagrégé basé sur le Linux est maintenant de calibre mondiale – les mêmes ASICs et le même hardware qu’utilisent les vendeurs actuels, et probablement les mêmes câbles électriques, si l’on digne regarder d’assez près.

Alors où entre Trader Joe’s – un supermarché américain très performant – dans cette équation ? En quatre mots: la proposition de valeur. Alors que les vendeurs de l’OS réseau « white box » comme Pica8 n’ont pas délibérément cherché à émuler les valeurs de l’entreprise Trader Joe’s, il s’avère que c’est plus ou moins ce que nous avons fait. La configuration de nos valeurs est curieusement similaire.

Meilleure qualité au moindre coût? Oui.

Service et réactivité comme buts principaux? Encore oui.

Utiliser les mêmes produits que nos plus grands compétiteurs, mais sans noms de marque? Continue reading

BGP leaks and cryptocurrencies

BGP leaks and cryptocurrencies

Over the few last hours, a dozen news stories have broken about how an attacker attempted (and perhaps managed) to steal cryptocurrencies using a BGP leak.

BGP leaks and cryptocurrencies
CC BY 2.0 image by elhombredenegro

What is BGP?

The Internet is composed of routes. For our DNS resolver , we tell the world that all the IPs in the range to can be accessed at any Cloudflare PoP.

For the people who do not have a direct link to our routers, they receive the route via transit providers, who will deliver packets to those addresses as they are connected to Cloudflare and the rest of the Internet.

This is the normal way the Internet operates.

There are authorities (Regional Internet Registries, or RIRs) in charge of distributing IP addresses in order to avoid people using the same address space. Those are IANA, RIPE, ARIN, LACNIC, APNIC and AFRINIC.

What is a BGP leak?

BGP leaks and cryptocurrencies
CC BY 2.0 image by Magnus D

The broad definition of a BGP leak would be IP space that is announced by somebody not allowed by the owner of the Continue reading

5G is overhyped and expectations need reining in

5G is nearly here. The next generation of wireless connectivity promises superfast speeds, ultra-low latency and more network capacity than ever. 5G auctions have or are due to take place in the US, UK, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Germany, Australia and host of other countries.To read this article in full, please click here(Insider Story)