Routing Startup 128 Technology Raises $21.5M in Series C
The additional funding will be used to expand globally.
The additional funding will be used to expand globally.
For quite some time now we have been receiving daily requests from students all over the world, asking for our help learning Docker, using Docker and teaching their peers how to use Docker. We love their enthusiasm, so we decided it was time to reach out to the student community and give them the helping hand they need!
Understanding how to use Docker is now a must have skill for students. Here are 5 reasons why:
Are you a student who is excited about the prospect of using Docker but still don’t know exactly what Docker is or where to start learning? Now that your finals are over and you have all Continue reading
Companies like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft have bought large chunks of IPv4 space.
The agreement replaces myriad software license agreements.
In our ongoing quest to understand the human mind and banish abnormalities that interfere with life we’ve always drawn upon the most advanced science available. During the last century, neuroimaging – most recently, the Magnetic Resonance Imaging scan (MRI) – has held the promise of showing the connection between brain structure and brain function.
Just last year, cognitive neuroscientist David Schnyer and colleagues Peter Clasen, Christopher Gonzalez, and Christopher Beevers published a compelling new proof of concept in Psychiatry Research: Neuroimaging. It suggests that machine learning algorithms running on high-performance computers to classify neuroimaging data may deliver the most …
Machine Learning on Stampede2 Supercomputer to Bolster Brain Research was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
The SD-WAN architecture is well suited for the cloud because a company can install a WAN CPE but manage the system from the cloud.
Many organizations continue to invest in MPLS even if they have SD-WAN.
The first ever Internet Infrastructure Security Guidelines for Africa (“the Guidelines”) was launched at the African Internet Summit (AIS2017) in Nairobi, Kenya on 30 May 2017. The Guidelines are developed by the Internet Society jointly with the African Union Commission (AUC) and advances four essential principles of Internet infrastructure security -- Awareness, Responsibility, Cooperation, and adherence to Fundamental Rights and Internet Properties. It aims to help African Union States in approaching their cyber security preparedness and is a significant first step in producing a visible and positive change in the African Internet infrastructure security landscape.
In a few weeks, Geek Summer Camp, aka Cisco Live 2017, begins. So what do people do at Summer Camp, …
The post Cisco Live 2017 – Campus Game appeared first on Fryguy's Blog.
Hear from Ethan Banks of Packet Pushers on how and why networking is changing, and what networking professionals can do to adapt.