Apcera Platform Primes Containers for Enterprise Deployment
Legacy apps and security are two of the big-ticket items.
Legacy apps and security are two of the big-ticket items.
In the course of this three-part series on the challenges and opportunities for enterprise machine learning, we have worked to define the landscape and ecosystem for these workloads in large-scale business settings and have taken an in-depth look at some of the roadblocks on the path to more mainstream machine learning applications.
In this final part of the series, we will turn from pointing to the problems and look at the ways the barriers can be removed, both in terms of leveraging the technology ecosystem around machine learning and addressing more difficult problems, most notably, how to implement the human …
Mainstreaming Machine Learning: Emerging Solutions was written by Nicole Hemsoth at The Next Platform.
At ONUG, IT leaders discuss challenges in shifting from legacy infrastructure, the need for open networking, and the rise of SD-WAN.
Learn best practices to prevent BGP route leaks and hijacks from leading to disaster.