Comparing Swarm, Swarmkit and Swarm Mode

One of the big features in Docker 1.12 release is Swarm mode. Docker had Swarm available for Container orchestration from 1.6 release. Docker released Swarmkit as an opensource project for orchestrating distributed systems few weeks before Docker 1.12(RC) release. I had some confusion between these three projects. In this blog, I have tried to put … Continue reading Comparing Swarm, Swarmkit and Swarm Mode

Juniper patches high-risk flaws in Junos OS

Juniper Networks has fixed several vulnerabilities in the Junos operating system used on its networking and security appliances, including a flaw that could allow hackers to gain administrative access to affected devices.The most serious vulnerability, rated 9.8 out of 10 in the Common Vulnerability Scoring System, is located in the J-Web interface, which allows administrators to monitor, configure, troubleshoot and manage routers running Junos OS. The issue is an information leak that could allow unauthenticated users to gain admin privileges to the device.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Juniper patches high-risk flaws in Junos OS

Juniper Networks has fixed several vulnerabilities in the Junos operating system used on its networking and security appliances, including a flaw that could allow hackers to gain administrative access to affected devices.The most serious vulnerability, rated 9.8 out of 10 in the Common Vulnerability Scoring System, is located in the J-Web interface, which allows administrators to monitor, configure, troubleshoot and manage routers running Junos OS. The issue is an information leak that could allow unauthenticated users to gain admin privileges to the device.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Juniper patches high-risk flaws in Junos OS

Juniper Networks has fixed several vulnerabilities in the Junos operating system used on its networking and security appliances, including a flaw that could allow hackers to gain administrative access to affected devices.The most serious vulnerability, rated 9.8 out of 10 in the Common Vulnerability Scoring System, is located in the J-Web interface, which allows administrators to monitor, configure, troubleshoot and manage routers running Junos OS. The issue is an information leak that could allow unauthenticated users to gain admin privileges to the device.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Cybersecurity is only as strong as your weakest link—your employees

You can have the most secure system in the world, but hackers will always seek out the path of least resistance. When your defenses are good, the weak link is often your employees. Data breaches are most likely to be the result of employee error or an inside job, according to the ACC Foundation: State of Cybersecurity Report.It’s good to focus on firewalls, malware defenses and data protection, but too often employees are an afterthought.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Cybersecurity is only as strong as your weakest link—your employees

You can have the most secure system in the world, but hackers will always seek out the path of least resistance. When your defenses are good, the weak link is often your employees. Data breaches are most likely to be the result of employee error or an inside job, according to the ACC Foundation: State of Cybersecurity Report.It’s good to focus on firewalls, malware defenses and data protection, but too often employees are an afterthought.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: The rise of captive centers: Is it the death knell for outsourcing?

I’m sure it has not gone unnoticed by those who keep a close eye on the industry: Several large companies have announced they will set up or expand captive centers in countries like India to take on new work or, in some cases, existing work from their outsourcing partners. The companies are from a range of industries, including financial services, retail and oil, and gas.Captive centers have long been considered a superior choice when the nature of certain work is proprietary, too complex to hand off to a third party, or requires a higher degree of control. It often means a company is weighing value over cost efficiency for a particular project or line of work.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

GE and Microsoft team on IoT platform

GE's industrial Internet of Things platform, Predix, is going to be available on the Microsoft Azure cloud, but not immediately. It will be globally commercial available in the second quarter of 2017.GE believes that Predix needs to be a complete product, from the edge (the sensor on the shop floor) to the cloud, or Azure in this instance. The upshot: It will be easier to integrate tools such as Microsoft's Cortana, the intelligent personal assistant, with Predix.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

The threat hunter’s guide to securing the enterprise

It’s time to face facts: Attackers are stealthy enough to evade your monitoring systems. If you’re sitting back waiting for alarms to go off, there’s a good chance you’re already hosed.Despite spending more than $75 billion on security products and services, enterprises are frequently compromised, highly sensitive data is stolen, and the fallout can be devastating. Worse, enterprises don’t discover they’ve been breached for weeks to months after initial compromise, taking between 120 to 200 days on average to even detect an attack. That’s a six-month head start on reconnaissance and exploitation -- more time on your network than most of your recent hires.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

The threat hunter’s guide to securing the enterprise

It’s time to face facts: Attackers are stealthy enough to evade your monitoring systems. If you’re sitting back waiting for alarms to go off, there’s a good chance you’re already hosed.Despite spending more than $75 billion on security products and services, enterprises are frequently compromised, highly sensitive data is stolen, and the fallout can be devastating. Worse, enterprises don’t discover they’ve been breached for weeks to months after initial compromise, taking between 120 to 200 days on average to even detect an attack. That’s a six-month head start on reconnaissance and exploitation -- more time on your network than most of your recent hires.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

The threat hunter’s guide to securing the enterprise

It’s time to face facts: Attackers are stealthy enough to evade your monitoring systems. If you’re sitting back waiting for alarms to go off, there’s a good chance you’re already hosed.Despite spending more than $75 billion on security products and services, enterprises are frequently compromised, highly sensitive data is stolen, and the fallout can be devastating. Worse, enterprises don’t discover they’ve been breached for weeks to months after initial compromise, taking between 120 to 200 days on average to even detect an attack. That’s a six-month head start on reconnaissance and exploitation -- more time on your network than most of your recent hires.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Review: Acer Chromebook 14 for Work aims at corporate IT

The Acer Chromebook 14 for Work is part of a new generation of Chromebooks. This isn't a low-end laptop aimed at budget shoppers, nor is it Google's Chromebook Pixel, which originally sold for $1,299 and was designed for people who work in the cloud and want hardware as good as anything Apple produces.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here(Insider Story)

How to go on the offensive vs security foes

Focus to detectionImage by Christer van der MeerenThe industry is now moving from a focus on prevention, in which organizations try to make the perimeter impenetrable and avoid being hacked, to a focus on rapid detection, where companies can quickly identify and mitigate threats that are within the perimeter already.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

How to go on the offensive vs security foes

Focus to detectionImage by Christer van der MeerenThe industry is now moving from a focus on prevention, in which organizations try to make the perimeter impenetrable and avoid being hacked, to a focus on rapid detection, where companies can quickly identify and mitigate threats that are within the perimeter already.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

How to train new grads on corporate security

Millennials bring a lot to the workplace, whether they're pushing the boundaries of company culture or forcing companies to modernize. But there are a few risks associated with hiring recent grads -- especially if it's their first job in the industry -- and one of those risks is data security.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here(Insider Story)

How to train new grads on corporate security

Millennials bring a lot to the workplace, whether they're pushing the boundaries of company culture or forcing companies to modernize. But there are a few risks associated with hiring recent grads -- especially if it's their first job in the industry -- and one of those risks is data security.In a recent study from the Ponemon Institute in partnership with Experian, which surveyed over 16,000 people at companies with data protection and privacy training programs, 66 percent of respondents cited employees as the biggest security threat to their company. And 55 percent said that their organization had, at some point, experienced a "security incident or data breach due to a malicious or negligent employee," according to the report.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here(Insider Story)

How to make your phone look and work more like stock Android

Nexus phones are typically thought of as the ultimate form of Android greatness. They deliver timely updates straight from Google, are bloatware free, and get special perks like access to beta releases of Android.But there are many good reasons why you may want to go for something other than a Nexus phone. The Nexus 6P is an unwieldy beast unless you have sizable paws. The 5X is too plasticky and underpowered—it's affordable, but you sort of get what you pay for.+ ALSO ON NETWORK WORLD The 14 most influential smartphones ever +To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IBM beta-tests secure cloud blockchain service

IBM is cranking up the security on its cloud-based blockchain service. On Thursday it began beta-testing a new high-security service plan for IBM Blockchain, with dedicated infrastructure for each customer. Until now, it has offered only a starter cloud service for developers who wish to experiment with blockchain technology. That service runs in a multitenant cloud, with infrastructure shared among hundreds of blockchains. The new service plan is still cloud-based, but "you get your own resources dedicated to you," said IBM Vice President for Blockchain Technologies Jerry Cuomo.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

IBM beta-tests secure cloud blockchain service

IBM is cranking up the security on its cloud-based blockchain service. On Thursday it began beta-testing a new high-security service plan for IBM Blockchain, with dedicated infrastructure for each customer. Until now, it has offered only a starter cloud service for developers who wish to experiment with blockchain technology. That service runs in a multitenant cloud, with infrastructure shared among hundreds of blockchains. The new service plan is still cloud-based, but "you get your own resources dedicated to you," said IBM Vice President for Blockchain Technologies Jerry Cuomo.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here