Ethereum/TheDAO hack simplified
The news in the Bitcoin world is the Ethereum/DAO hack. I thought I'd write up a simplified explanation.What is Bitcoin?
move these coins I received there, to this guy here
move these coins I received there, to this guy here
VimpelCom pays Ericsson $1 billion to upgrade IT.
This post lists the commands required on each node to build a network of three Ubuntu Linux routers. Each router is connected to the other two routers and is running quagga. Each router is also connected to a PC running Ubuntu Linux.
I use this network configuration to evaluate network emulators and open-source networking software in a simple scenario. Readers may find these commands useful in building their own configuration scripts.
I provide “copy and paste” commands so the network can be configured quickly.
The physical — or virtual — network installation and the management network setup is outside the scope of this post. The method used to build the lab topology depends on the equipment, and/or the network emulator and hypervisor technology you are using.
I assume you already have six machines running and connected in a network as shown above, and I assume you have a management network set up so that each machine can communicate with the host computer and with the Internet.
Each router needs to install the quagga router package, configure quagga, and then configure the network using the quagga VTY shell. Optionally, quagga daemon configuration files may be Continue reading
The post Worth Reading: Docker meets zombies appeared first on 'net work.
The beauty of software is its immediacy.
It's the “write once, run many” principle.
It's the “write once, run many” principle.