Free the MANO! The OPNFV board agrees to let projects expand to higher layers.
The VNFs are there, but can carrier networks handle them?
The network must be looked at in its entirety.
For the first time in ten years there has been an update to the classic Red Book, Readings in Database Systems, which offers "readers an opinionated take on both classic and cutting-edge research in the field of data management."
Editors Peter Bailis, Joseph M. Hellerstein, and Michael Stonebraker curated the papers and wrote pithy introductions. Unfortunately, links to the papers are not included, but a kindly wizard, Nindalf, gathered all the referenced papers together and put them in one place.
What's in it?
After a pretty long time no write, the big day came, when I decided to revive a project most dear to me.
For those of you who remember n3topedia, and for those of you who’ve never heard of it, a purpose statement may be worthy at this point. From a strictly educational blog, n3topedia will be transformed in a tech blog.
I am pretty certain that networking posts will be an important part of this, but my focus will also be on letting you know whatever feels interesting and useful. Both the format and the approach will be slightly different, more lively and interactive.
I am hoping you will all enjoy reading it as much as I enjoy writing it.