A New Galaxy


We launched Galaxy back around the beginning of 2014 with the intent of creating a place for the community to find and share Ansible roles.

Since that time some truly amazing things have happened including: tremendous growth in the Ansible community, huge successes with Tower, and the steady growth of our company to name just a few. During this time Galaxy grew as well, reaching more than 16,000 users and over 3,000 Ansible roles.

Galaxy as a web site and an application, however, changed very little since the early part of 2014. The home page looks almost exactly as it did the day we launched the site. About the only thing we changed was removing the BETA label and maybe fixing a bug or two.

Well, I’m happy to announce that this is changing. Galaxy will now get the attention it deserves - the attention our community and users deserve. Starting 4 weeks ago we officially made the decision and commitment to treat Galaxy as a product. Galaxy is now on a regular release schedule, and we have a team in place, dedicated to building Galaxy. Our first release launches today. Yay!

From this point forward Ansible is committed to making Continue reading

Buzzblog is on vacation

Starting in however many more minutes it takes me to post this and continuing until Tuesday, Sept. 8, I will be on vacation and therefore failing to blog. Unless I feel like it.No, I don’t fish. To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Announcing Some Exciting Updates to Our Data Center, Routing & Switching, and Collaboration Materials!

CCIE Candidates! We’re excited to announce a few updates to our CCIE Data Center, R&S, and Collaboration product portfolios!

Data Center:

1) Our Volume 1 WB (and DSG) has been overhauled. Jason now has all labs that can be done on our Technology Racks covered in this book. It’s very thorough and covers everything you’ll see on the lab from a technology basis.

2) Our Volume 2 WB (and DSG) has had a MAJOR overhaul. Quite a few updates, changes and we’re happy that all 5 labs are very up-to-date. This workbook consists of 5 Mock Labs that must be done on our Full-Scale Mock Lab Racks – which have been booked solid for several months.

3) We have just finished the addition of 5 more Full-Scale Mock Lab racks! First, they’ve cost us a fortune, but our commitment to you is to have the resources you need to prepare for your lab. There are timeslots ready and open NOW if you need time on these Full-Scale Mock Lab racks.

Routing & Switching:

1) JP has finalized an updated R&S V5 Volume 1 WB (and DSG), and it’s posted and available now.

2) We anticipate having our R&S V5 Continue reading

PlexxiPulse—Join Our Webinar Series

Thanks to hyperconvergence and virtualization, storage and compute have rapidly evolved over the last decade. Conversely, network architectures have remained virtually unchanged. Here at Plexxi, we believe it’s networking’s turn to innovate through consolidation and convergence. On August 27 from 2:00-3:30 p.m. EST, we’ll be hosting a webinar on how the network can finally keep pace with storage and compute. We’ll take thirty minutes to discuss application centric networking, convergence and how to optimize networks for east/west traffic. You can register here, we hope you can make it.

Below please find a few of our top picks for our favorite news articles of the week. Enjoy!

Tech.co: What Converged Infrastructure Means for Today’s Businesses
By Rick Delgado
Many organizations are currently undergoing a significant shift in how they operate, particular when it comes to IT departments. The idea is to slowly but surely move away from the traditional data center technologies that have been in use for years. With the traditional data center, operations have gotten quite complex and require expert IT personnel to keep up with the ever increasing workload. The complicated infrastructure and large teams simply weren’t compatible with business goals in many ways, which Continue reading

NASA touts real technologies highlighted in imminent ‘The Martian’ flick

The upcoming movie about a NASA astronaut left for dead on Mars in the 2030s features a number of technologies NASA says are currently under development.NASA said the book and the movie, “The Martian,” merges fictional and factual chronicles about Mars, building upon the work NASA and others have done exploring Mars and moving it into a future where NASA astronauts are regularly traveling to the red planet to live and explore.+More on Network World: 15 reasons why Mars is one hot, hot, hot planet+Indeed, as Matt Damon, who plays the central character Mark Watney in the movie says: “I have to make water and grow food on a planet where nothing grows” to basically stretch a couple months worth of food and supplies into four years becomes a modern day MacGyver in a spacesuit and uses some amazing technologies to try to survive.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

NASA touts real technologies highlighted in imminent ‘The Martian’ flick

The upcoming movie about a NASA astronaut left for dead on Mars in the 2030s features a number of technologies NASA says are currently under development.NASA said the book and the movie, “The Martian,” merges fictional and factual chronicles about Mars, building upon the work NASA and others have done exploring Mars and moving it into a future where NASA astronauts are regularly traveling to the red planet to live and explore.+More on Network World: 15 reasons why Mars is one hot, hot, hot planet+Indeed, as Matt Damon, who plays the central character Mark Watney in the movie says: “I have to make water and grow food on a planet where nothing grows” to basically stretch a couple months worth of food and supplies into four years becomes a modern day MacGyver in a spacesuit and uses some amazing technologies to try to survive.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Stuff The Internet Says On Scalability For August 21st, 2015

Hey, it's HighScalability time:

Hunter-Seeker? Nope. This is the beauty of what a Google driverless car sees. Great TED talk.
  • $2.8 billion: projected Instagram ad revenue in 2017; 1 trillion: Azure event hub events per month; 10 million: Stack Overflow questions asked; 1 billion: max volts generated by a lightening strike; 850: apps downloaded every second from the AppStore; 2000: years data can be stored in DNA; 60: # of robots needed to replace 600 humans; 1 million: queries per second with Nginx, Ubuntu, EC2

  • Quotable Quotes:
    • Tales from the Lunar Module Guidance Computer: we landed on the moon with 152 Kbytes of onboard computer memory.
    • @ijuma: Included in JDK 8 update 60 "changes GHASH internals from using byte[] to long, improving performance about 10x
    • @ErrataRob: I love the whining over the Bitcoin XT fork. It's as if anarchists/libertarians don't understand what anarchy/libertarianism means.
    • Network World: the LHC Computing Grid has 132,992 physical CPUs, 553,611 logical CPUs, 300PB of online disk storage and 230PB of nearline (magnetic tape) storage. It's a staggering amount of processing capacity and data storage that relies on having no single point of failure.
    • @petereisentraut: Chef is Continue reading

IDG Contributor Network: Quantum computing breakthrough renews concerns of cybersecurity apocalypse

The term "cryptopocalypse" was probably first coined at the Black Hat USA information security convention in 2013.A talk presented by four security and technology experts at the show explored cryptographic weaknesses and attempted to answer the hypothetical question: "What happens the day after RSA is broken?"RSA is a widely used public-key cryptosystem used in digital signatures.The answer, they determined then, was: "almost total failure of trust in the Internet," for one thing. The reason? Almost everything we do on the Internet is in some way protected by cryptography.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here


One of the most dangerous errors instilled into us by nineteenth-century progressive optimism is the idea that civilization is automatically bound to increase and spread. The lesson of history is the opposite; civilization is a rarity, attained with difficulty and easily lost.
C.S. Lewis, Rehabilitations


The post Civilization appeared first on 'net work.

Plenty of fish, and exploits too, on dating website

Recent visitors to Plenty of Fish (pof.com), an online dating website with over 3 million daily active users, had their browsers redirected to exploits that installed malware. The attack was launched through a malicious advertisement that was distributed through a third-party ad network, researchers from security firm Malwarebytes said in a blog post Thursday. The malicious ad pointed to the Nuclear exploit kit, a Web-based attack tool that exploits known vulnerabilities in browsers and popular browser plug-ins like Flash Player, Java, Adobe Reader and Silverlight.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Why corporate security pros should care about the Ashley Madison breach

Corporate security executives should have a professional interest in the Ashley Madison breach because publicly posted data about its customers represents a fertile field for spear phishers trying to attack business networks. Anyone whose name and contact information appears in the 9.7GB stolen names contact information will likely be susceptible to opening emails purportedly from Ashley Madison, divorce lawyers and private investigators, says Tom Kellerman, chief cybersecurity officer for Trend Micro. + ALSO ON NETWORK WORLD Hackers release full data dump from Ashley Madison, extramarital dating site +To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here

Mother Nature teaches Google a lesson

Four successive lightning strikes on a local utility grid in Europe caused a data loss at Google's Belgium data center. For Google, a company with a self-described "appetite for accuracy" in its data center operations, admitting an unrecoverable data loss as small as 0.000001% -- as it did -- likely came with a little bit of pain.The lightning strikes occurred Aug. 13 and the resulting storage system problems weren't fully resolved for five days. Google's post mortem found room for improvement in both hardware upgrades and in the engineering response to the problem.To read this article in full or to leave a comment, please click here