One of the Software Defined Evangelists has declared 2015 as the Year of SD-WAN, and my podcast feeds are full of startups explaining how wonderful their product is compared to the mess made by legacy routers, so one has to wonder: is SD-WAN really something fundamentally new, or is it just another old idea in new clothes?
Read more ...The networking market is at an exciting pivot point, evolving away from legacy enterprise networking to the cloud. While the public cloud providers (“titans”) may take a “do it yourself” approach to engineering cloud network designs, mainstream enterprises demand a “cloudified” turnkey solution and want to emulate cloud operators. The increasingly massive scale of address tables, devices, flooding, broadcast traffic from discovery protocols, subnets and routing protocols have accelerated the need for disruption in networking workflows, making Arista a unique and welcome pioneer for customers ready to make SDN a reality.
To appreciate the need for SDN and cloud solutions one must step back and understand why the cloud network is dramatically different from legacy networking.
First, in a cloud, everything is dynamic. Resources become available and go off-line, users are logging in and out, and workloads are going up or down depending on compute needs. This is a fundamental difference of cloud versus static computing in enterprises.
Second, cloud data centers are much larger than typical enterprise datacenters and can contain tens, even hundreds of thousands of servers. Legacy management practices and policies that are used in smaller datacenters don’t apply to clouds since Continue reading
This is a liveblog of the Docker Networking breakout session. This session is led by Madhu Venugopal and Jana Radhakrishnan, both formerly of Socketplane (and now with Docker following the acquisition). They are introduced by John Willis, also formerly of Socketplane and well-known within the DevOps community.
Some display issues plague the session at the beginning, so it appears that Murphy’s Law is back with a vengeance.
Madhu starts out the session with an overview of why networking (in particular Docker networking) is so important. Networking is vast and complex, and networking is an inherent part of distributed applications. Therefore, it’s important to make networking developer-friendly and application-driven. He shares a vision: “We’ll do for networking what Docker did for compute”. So what are the goals from this vision?
Libnetwork is a key part of this effort. It was open-sourced in April, with over 200 pull requests and 200 GitHub stars. Windows and FreeBSD ports are in progress. Libnetwork is part of the Docker 1.7 release with limited functionality, allowing users to test it before it is fully enabled in Continue reading
This is the “Top Secret Docker Session led by Gordon the Turtle,” which is really a session on Docker Plugins. However, since Docker Plugins were only announced this morning during the general session, the title for this session had to be obscured. On stage are ClusterHQ (Luke Marsden), Glider Labs (Jeff Lindsay), and Weaveworks (Alexis Richardson).
Marsden starts the session with a brief history of the Docker Plugins project, and how it grew out of Powerstrip. Marsden reiterates that he said Powerstrip would be successful if they would “throw it away” in 6 months. Four months later, the Docker Plugins project is now officially announced, and Powerstrip is no longer necessary.
Marsden next turns the stage over to Jeff Lindsay. Lindsay talks about why the Docker Plugins project is so important—every customer is unique, and customers want/need the freedom to choose the right solution to use the tools that best solve their particular problem(s).
Jeff Lindsay turns it over to Alexis Richardson, who outlines the core requirements for Docker Plugins. Richardson outlines 3 requirements, but he doesn’t have a slide that lists those requirements, so I couldn’t capture them. Plugins today are limited to storage and networking, but that isn’t Continue reading
Docker is overhauling its Network platform to integrate with other data-center networking and virtualization products.
This is a liveblog of the DockerCon 2015 session on resilient routing and discovery, part of the “Advanced Tech” track. Simon Eskilden (@Sirupsen on Twitter) from Shopify is the speaker for this session.
Not surprisingly (you’d understand this if you walked Eskilden’s presentation from DockerCon EU 2015), he starts out with a mention of the walrus (his favorite animal). Eskilden starts with a brief overview of Shopify (his employer) and Shopify’s production deployment of Docker (they’ve had Docker in production for over a year). Eskilden freely acknowledges that moving to a microservices-based architecture increases complexity and is not “free”. In order to help address the complexity brought on by microservices-based architectures, Eskilden wants to talk about resiliency, service discovery, and routing.
Eskilden reinforces that companies shouldn’t be implementing Docker solely for the sake of implementing Docker; it should be for a reason, a purpose (for him, it’s making sure Shopify’s services stay up and available). Resiliency is about building a reliable system from a bunch of unreliable components. Total availability is the availability per service to the power of the number of services. This means that the more services there are, the lower the total availability is. (To help Continue reading
If you missed out on the 6WIND DemoFriday, no worries. 6WIND was nice enough to give us a quick Q&A following the demo.
The post Worth Reading: Don’t be so Surprised appeared first on 'net work.
This is a liveblog for the day 1 general session at DockerCon 2015, taking place this week (today and tomorrow, anyway) at the Marriott Marquis in San Francisco, CA. This is my first DockerCon, and I’m looking forward to picking up lots of new knowledge.
The general session starts with a video (cartoon) about something working in development but not in production, and how Solomon Hykes came up with the idea for containers and Docker. It’s a humorous, tongue-in-cheek production. As the video wraps up, Docker CEO Ben Golub takes the stage.
Golub starts with a personal story about the various startups for which he’s worked, and the importance of his “two fold test” (that it has global significance and that it is easy to explain when you go home for Thanksgiving). Maybe the Thanksgiving test didn’t quite make it, but Golub does think (naturally) that Docker has global significance. Golub says that Docker has become a fundamental part of how companies build, ship, and run distributed applications, and that Docker is a key part of how industries and cultures are being transformed. He attributes this success to the Docker community and the Docker ecosystem. Rightfully so, Golub credits the Continue reading