Blog Migration in the Works
You might have noticed that blog content has been a bit sparse over the last few weeks. The reason I haven’t generated any new content is because all my spare time is taken up with preparing to migrate this site to a new hosting platform.
Sometime over the holiday season, I’ll be migrating this site from a hosted WordPress installation to Jekyll running on GitHub Pages. Given that I have 9 years of content (over 1,600 blog posts), this is a pretty fair amount of work.
Most of the “structural” work on the new site is already complete; you can get a preview of the site by visiting There’s no content there yet (other than some boilerplate content), but you’ll be able to get a feel for how the new layout will look and work. As you can see, I’ll be using the Lanyon theme, which provides a nice clean layout and a good mobile as well as desktop experience.
There’s still some additional “structural” work to be done, such as adding support for comments (which will be handled via Disqus), but I hope to have that done in the next few days.
Once the Continue reading