HN730: Retail, Healthcare, Manufacturing and More Transform Their Branches with Next-Gen SD-WAN and SASE (Sponsored)

If you haven’t made the leap from traditional wide area networking to SD-WAN, or perhaps you’re thinking about adding security services to your SD-WAN infrastructure, this episode is for you. Rajesh Kari from Palo Alto Networks joins the show to share customer stories from the front lines of multi-branch businesses’ networks. Industry verticals including retail,... Read more »

Cross compiling Rust — Fixed

Set up build environment

rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly
apt install {binutils,gcc}-mips-linux-gnu

Create test project

cargo new foo
cd foo

Configure linker

mkdir .cargo
cat > .cargo/config.toml
linker = "mips-linux-gnu-gcc"


cargo +nightly build --release -Zbuild-std --target mips-unknown-linux-gnu

Change the “interpreter” to what the Ubiquiti system expects

cd target/mips-unknown-linux-gnu/release
patchelf --remove-needed foo
patchelf --set-interpreter /lib/ foo

Does it work?

$ ./foo
Hello, world!



Meta Llama 3 available on Cloudflare Workers AI

We are thrilled to give developers around the world the ability to build AI applications with Meta Llama 3 using Workers AI. We are proud to be a launch partner with Meta for their newest 8B Llama 3 model, and excited to continue our partnership to bring the best of open-source models to our inference platform.

Workers AI

Workers AI’s initial launch in beta included support for Llama 2, as it was one of the most requested open source models from the developer community. Since that initial launch, we’ve seen developers build all kinds of innovative applications including knowledge sharing chatbots, creative content generation, and automation for various workflows.  

At Cloudflare, we know developers want simplicity and flexibility, with the ability to build with multiple AI models while optimizing for accuracy, performance, and cost, among other factors. Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for developers to use their models of choice without having to worry about the complexities of hosting or deploying models.

As soon as we learned about the development of Llama 3 from our partners at Meta, we knew developers would want to start building with it as quickly as possible. Continue reading

Cloudflare named in 2024 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Security Service Edge

Gartner has once again named Cloudflare to the Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for Security Service Edge (SSE) report1. We are excited to share that Cloudflare is one of only ten vendors recognized in this report. For the second year in a row, we are recognized for our ability to execute and the completeness of our vision. You can read more about our position in the report here.

Last year, we became the only new vendor named in the 2023 Gartner® Magic Quadrant™ for SSE. We did so in the shortest amount of time as measured by the date since our first product launched. We also made a commitment to our customers at that time that we would only build faster. We are happy to report back on the impact that has had on customers and the Gartner recognition of their feedback.

Cloudflare can bring capabilities to market quicker, and with greater cost efficiency, than competitors thanks to the investments we have made in our global network over the last 14 years. We believe we were able to become the only new vendor in 2023 by combining existing advantages like our robust, multi-use global proxy, our lightning-fast DNS resolver, our Continue reading

Cross compiling Rust to Ubiquiti access point

This is not the right way to do it, as will become abundantly clear. But it works.

Set up build environment

rustup toolchain install nightly
rustup component add rust-src --toolchain nightly
apt install {binutils,gcc}-mips-linux-gnu

Create test project

cargo new foo
cd foo

Build most of it

This will build for a while, then fail.

cargo +nightly build --release -Zbuild-std --target mips-unknown-linux-gnu

For some reason it’s trying to use cc to link. I tried putting this in Cargo.toml, but it does nothing:

linker = "mips-linux-gnu-gcc"

But I found a workaround.

Temporarily change /usr/bin/cc to point to the mips gcc

It does not work if you do this before the previous step.

PREV="$(readlink -v /usr/bin/cc)"
sudo rm /usr/bin/cc
sudo ln -s /usr/bin/mips-linux-gnu-gcc /usr/bin/cc

Same command again

cargo +nightly build --release -Zbuild-std --target mips-unknown-linux-gnu

It should succeed. Yay.

Restore /usr/bin/cc

sudo rm /usr/bin/cc
sudo ln -s "${PREV?}" /usr/bin/cc

Change the “interpreter” to what the Ubiquiti system expects

cd target/mips-unknown-linux-gnu/release
patchelf --remove-needed foo
patchelf --set-interpreter /lib/ foo

Building it again

Probably easiest to rm -fr target, and go back to the step “Build most of it”.

Does it work?

$ ./foo
Hello, world!



What Happens When Hyperscalers And Clouds Buy Most Servers And Storage?

We have a long-standing joke that dates from the early 2000s, when the hyperscalers – there were not yet cloud builders as we now know them – started having hundreds of millions of users and millions of servers and storage arrays to run applications for them at the same time there was the beginnings of consolidation among the OEMs who created the servers and storage used by nearly all enterprises, including dot-com startups.

What Happens When Hyperscalers And Clouds Buy Most Servers And Storage? was written by Timothy Prickett Morgan at The Next Platform.

Tracking EC2 Instances used by EKS with AWS CLI

As a sort of follow-up to my previous post on using the AWS CLI to track the specific Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs) used by Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) cluster nodes, this post focuses on the EC2 instances themselves. I feel this is less of a “problem” than tracking ENIs, but I wanted to share this information nevertheless. In this post, I’ll show you which AWS CLI command to use to list all the EC2 instances associated with a particular EKS cluster.

If you read the previous post on tracking ENIs used by EKS, you might think that you could use a very similar AWS CLI command (aws ec2 describe-instances instead of aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces) to track the EC2 instances in a cluster—and you’d be mostly correct. Like the ENIs, EKS does add a cluster-specific tag to all EC2 instances in the cluster. However, just to make life interesting, the tag used for EC2 instances is not the same as the tag used for ENIs. (If someone at AWS knows of a technical reason why these tags are different, I’d love to hear it.)

Instead of using the tag that is used Continue reading

Power Efficiency, Customization Will Drive Arm’s Role In AI

More than a decade ago, executives at Arm Ltd saw the energy costs in datacenters soaring and sensed an opportunity to extend the low-power architecture of its eponymous systems-on-a-chip that has dominated the mobile phone markets from the get-go and took over the embedded device market from PowerPC into enterprise servers.

Power Efficiency, Customization Will Drive Arm’s Role In AI was written by Jeffrey Burt at The Next Platform.

How Cloudflare Cloud Email Security protects against the evolving threat of QR phishing

In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats, a subtle yet potent form of phishing has emerged — quishing, short for QR phishing. It has been 30 years since the invention of QR codes, yet quishing still poses a significant risk, especially after the era of COVID, when QR codes became the norm to check statuses, register for events, and even order food.

Since 2020, Cloudflare’s cloud email security solution (previously known as Area 1) has been at the forefront of fighting against quishing attacks, taking a proactive stance in dissecting them to better protect our customers. Let’s delve into the mechanisms behind QR phishing, explore why QR codes are a preferred tool for attackers, and review how Cloudflare contributes to the fight against this evolving threat.

How quishing works

The impact of phishing and quishing are quite similar, as both can result in users having their credentials compromised, devices compromised, or even financial loss. They also leverage malicious attachments or websites to provide bad actors the ability to access something they normally wouldn’t be able to. Where they differ is that quishing is typically highly targeted and uses a QR code to further obfuscate itself from detection.

Since Continue reading

FRRouting Loopback Interfaces and OSPF Costs

TL&DR: FRRouting advertises the IP prefix on the lo loopback interface with zero cost.

Let’s start with the background story. When we added FRRouting containers support to netlab, someone decided to use lo0 as the loopback interface name. That device doesn’t exist in a typical Linux container, but it’s not hard to add it:

$ ip link add lo0 type dummy
$ ip link set dev lo0 up

DNSSEC and .nz

It's a welcome sight to see a careful and thoughtful analysis of a service outage. One such instance was a presentation by .nz's Josh Simpson at the recent NZNOG meeting, reporting on a service outage for .nz domains.