
Category Archives for "Networking"

Optimal Route Reflection: Next Hop Self

Recently, I posted a video short take I did on BGP optimal route reflection. A reader wrote in the comments to that post:

…why can’t Router set next hop self to updates to router E and avoid this suboptimal path?

To answer this question, it is best to return to the scene of the suboptimality—

To describe the problem again: A and C are sending the same route to B, which is a route reflector. B selects the best path from its perspective, which is through B, and sends this route to each of its clients. In this case, E will learn the path with a next hop of A, even though the path through C is closer from E’s perspective. In the video, I discuss several ways to solve this problem; one option I do not talk about is allowing B to set the next hop to itself. Would this work?

Before answering the question, however, it is important to make one observation: I have drawn this network with B as a router in the forwarding path. In many networks, the route reflector is a virtual machine, or a *nix host, and is not capable of forwarding the traffic Continue reading

sFlow to JSON

The latest version of sflowtool can convert sFlow datagrams into JSON, making it easy to write scripts to process the standard sFlow telemetry streaming from devices in the network.

Download and compile the latest version of sflowtool:
git clone
cd sflowtool/
sudo make install
The -J option formats the JSON output to be human readable:
$ sflowtool -J
The output shows the JSON representation of a single sFlow datagram containing one counter sample and one flow sample.

The Continue reading

The Week in Internet News: Australia Adopts Controversial Encryption Law

Australia vs. encryption: The Australian Parliament has passed a law that requires tech companies to give law enforcement agencies there access to encrypted communications, the New York Times reports. Several tech companies and privacy groups opposed the law, saying it hurts efforts to protect data from hackers. Fortune, which called the law “draconian,” says it will create headaches for large tech companies.

Slow rolling: While several news stories this year talked about quantum computing being an eventual threat to encryption, that possibility is still more than a decade away, according to a report from the U.S. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine. The U.S. may need to invest heavily in quantum computing to retain a global lead in the technology, the report recommends. Nextgov has the story.

Filling the pipes: Botnets of compromised Internet of Things devices make up more than three quarters of the malware on communication service provider networks this year, up from 33 percent of the malware in 2016, Infosecurity reports. Hackers are increasingly targeting IoT devices instead of PCs and other traditional systems.

Blockchain tackles phishing: A company called MetaCert wants to use blockchain to help fight the scourge of phishing emails, Wired. Continue reading

Introducing VMware NSX Service Mesh

Introducing VMware NSX Service Mesh

We are excited to introduce VMware NSX® Service Mesh. Built on the foundation of Istio, this VMware offering will extend the capabilities of the Istio service mesh technology to bring visibility, control, and security at the application layer to microservices, the data they access, the users that interact with them, as well as traditional monolithic applications. In short, NSX Service Mesh will enable visibility, control, and security for services, data, and users at the API level. This acts as a natural evolution of cloud-native constructs and will act as an extension of the NSX-T Data Center platform’s replication of networking and security services in software, which is applied directly to containers via the Container Network Interface (CNI).


NSX Service Mesh

The Rise of Microservices

With the rise of cloud-native architectures built on distributed microservices, developers are encountering challenges with visibility, management, and control of these new applications. The microservices that these apps are comprised of are developed on cloud-native platforms like Kubernetes or Cloud Foundry, using a variety of programming languages, and often across multiple cloud environments. In addition, these applications consist of many more endpoints to scale, secure, and monitor than in traditional ones. This ultimately Continue reading

2019: Look for improvements to software-defined data-center networks

IDG To help IT pros attain top performance for their software-defined data-center networks (SDDCN), we have identified 10 crucial technology areas to watch and evaluate during 2019.SDDCN performance requires advanced network software to provision, manage and secure high-speed traffic flows, and network administrators need automated solutions to monitor and deliver reliable quality of service to critical applications.To read this article in full, please click here

2019: Look for improvements to software-defined data-center networks

IDG To help IT pros attain top performance for their software-defined data-center networks (SDDCN), we have identified 10 crucial technology areas to watch and evaluate during 2019.SDDCN performance requires advanced network software to provision, manage and secure high-speed traffic flows, and network administrators need automated solutions to monitor and deliver reliable quality of service to critical applications.To read this article in full, please click here

Cisco IT Blog Awards Finalist

I’m proud to announce that I’ve been selected as a finalist in the Cisco IT Blog Awards in the “most inspirational” category.

Cisco IT Blog Awards Finalist

I’m happy to be in this category as I hope that my posts here have inspired others to learn about design, architecture and to have an open mindset towards technology.

If you want to vote for me, you can do that here. Thanks for your support!

The post Cisco IT Blog Awards Finalist appeared first on Daniels Networking Blog.

Routers Getting Routered – Silver Peak SD-WAN

Silver Peak SD-WAN. Routers Getting Routered – One of the Silver Peak’s Slogan for SD-WAN. First, let’s have a look at the video below  that the Slogan of “Routers Getting Routered” seems marketing, but actually it has a technical meaning behind it.     Video : Silver Peak Youtube Channel    I attended the last …

The post Routers Getting Routered – Silver Peak SD-WAN appeared first on Cisco Network Design and Architecture | CCDE Bootcamp |

Do I Need a WAN?

In the latest Network Break, Network Break 213 from Packet Pushers, they discussed some of the latest news in networking, such as Amazon Outpost. With the rise of SaaS applications, the questions was also raised, do I even need a WAN?

Let’s assume you are running Office365. Your e-mail and office application is in the cloud. You are using Salesforce for your CRM. You ERP is also cloud-hosted. You’ve moved pretty much all of your previously internal apps to the cloud. Do you still need a WAN? I would argue yes. Considering all the applications mentioned previously have been moved, what do we still have left?

All though we’ve been talking about paperless societies for ages, have you ever seen an office environment without a printer? Neither have I. Your printers likely need to reach a print server.  Do you have Active Directory? Would you be comfortable putting it entirely in the cloud? How do you provision PC images? Do you use something like SCCM? Do you have lighting, doors, larms etc that are connected to the network? Are all of your stored files in the cloud? Probably not depending on how sensitive they are. Do your offices Continue reading