
Category Archives for "Networking"

We’ve Added a Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge Technology Course To Our Library!

This course is taught by Esteban Herrera and is 3hours and 28 minutes long. You can view the course here if you’re an All Access Pass member.

About The Course:

The Certificate of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK) certification is currently one of the most important cloud computing certifications you can get. The Cloud Security Knowledge Certification addresses core security concepts in cloud computing such as governance and enterprise risk management, compliance and audit management, infrastructure, virtualization & containers, data security & encryption, and much more. This course will be based on the documentation provided by Cloud Security Alliance.

Q2 FY 18 Product Releases, for a better Internet “end-to-end”

Q2 FY 18 Product Releases, for a better Internet “end-to-end”

Q2 FY 18 Product Releases, for a better Internet “end-to-end”
Photo by Liu Zai Hou / Unsplash

In Q2, Cloudflare released several products which enable a better Internet “end-to-end” — from the mobile client to host infrastructure. Now, anyone from an individual developer to large companies and governments, can control, secure, and accelerate their applications from the “perimeter” back to the “host.”

On the client side, Cloudflare’s Mobile SDK extends control directly into your mobile apps, providing visibility into application performance and load times across any global carrier network.

On the host side, Cloudflare Workers lets companies move workloads from their host to the Cloudflare Network, reducing infrastructure costs and speeding up the user experience. Argo Tunnel lets you securely connect your host directly to a Cloudflare data center. If your host infrastructure is running other TCP services besides HTTP(S), you can now protect it with Cloudflare’s DDoS protection using Spectrum.

So for end-to-end control that is easy and fast to deploy, these recent products are all incredible “workers” across the “spectrum” of your needs.

But there’s more to the story

End users want richer experiences, such as more video, interactivity, and images. Meeting those needs can incur real costs in bandwidth, hardware, and time. Cloudflare addresses these with Continue reading

IDG Contributor Network: How disaster recovery can serve as a strategic tool

Disaster recovery (DR) has several meanings. If you’re an IT or networking professional, you probably see it in operational terms: a redundant system designed to meet technical specifications, such as recovery time objectives (RTOs) and recovery point objectives (RPOs.) But there are other ways to look at it, and it helps to see your IT ops role in a broader context.A CEO is likely to see DR as a part of a business continuity plan. A marketing or PR executive will think of DR in terms of messaging and response to the market during a DR event. Product and department leaders might want DR to be part of a digital transformation. This range of views indicates that DR has a broader strategic value.To read this article in full, please click here

Voyager and the speed of whitebox development

We are thrilled to announce that, with the Cumulus Linux 3.6.2 release, the Facebook Voyager packet-optical device is now generally available. That’s certainly an exciting development as the industry’s first packet-optical whitebox, but I actually wanted to discuss something else: how we were able to get support for the device up and running so quickly and what that means for Cumulus Linux. There’s a large number of devices that we support, which are listed on our Hardware Compatibility List. Those devices, however, are all “normal” Ethernet devices. Usually we can get those to market rapidly, but Voyager was more complicated.

First, as you may know, Facebook Voyager is a device with a Broadcom Tomahawk chip supporting 12 100 Gigabit Ethernet ports as well as an additional 4 200 Gigabit DWDM ports supported from 2 Acacia AC400 modules (for more details on the underlying specifics, see the Voyager Tech Docs). I mention the chipset explicitly as that’s one of the most critical – and time-consuming – components to support as we port to a new device. In this case, of course, we already supported the Tomahawk, so that was an immediate “leg up” on the work.

Those Continue reading

IDG Contributor Network: Where service health meets system health

As agility becomes a primary competitive advantage for the modern business, I’m seeing more enterprises adopt new technologies for quicker innovation and faster time to value. Public cloud, containers, microservices and serverless computing help you increase speed of execution and increase organizational flexibility, because the ability to react quickly is now part of the customer experience. In the era of digital transformation, speed has clearly become a competitive differentiator.For the last twenty years, technology companies catering to the needs of IT operations and service management teams, have been trying to support this need for speed. Their challenge? The underlying technology, processes and customer expectations are constantly shifting. Standard IT operations management (ITOM) has been focused on system health and uptime in an increasingly dynamic environment. Meanwhile, IT service management (ITSM) approaches have been built around the process of managing tickets and remediating individual incidents. Historically, these two teams have acted separately within the core of the enterprise IT team.To read this article in full, please click here

Internet Drone and Balloon Projects Move Forward

Two innovative ideas to bring Internet access to hard-to-serve areas of the world – using drones and high-altitude balloons – seem to be progressing, even though the two companies pushing the projects aren’t offering a lot of details.

Facebook’s Aquila, using solar-powered drones as wireless Internet relays, and Google sister company X’s Project Loon, using large hot-air balloons in a similar way, both received significant attention when announced earlier in the decade.

In recent years, both projects have plugged along, even as some critics have doubted their long-term viability. While the projects have garnered less attention in recent years, Facebook launched test flights of an Aquila drone in June 2016 and May 2017.

Recent weeks have brought new updates about both initiatives, although the companies still aren’t talking much.

On June 27, Facebook announced it will stop building its own drones. While some early news reports suggested that Facebook was shutting down its drone-based Internet initiative, the company emphasized that it would instead depend on other companies to build aircraft.

“Going forward, we’ll continue to work with partners like Airbus on [high-altitude] connectivity generally, and on the other technologies needed to make this system work, like flight control computers and Continue reading

The Road to QUIC

The Road to QUIC

QUIC (Quick UDP Internet Connections) is a new encrypted-by-default Internet transport protocol, that provides a number of improvements designed to accelerate HTTP traffic as well as make it more secure, with the intended goal of eventually replacing TCP and TLS on the web. In this blog post we are going to outline some of the key features of QUIC and how they benefit the web, and also some of the challenges of supporting this radical new protocol.

The Road to QUIC

There are in fact two protocols that share the same name: “Google QUIC” (“gQUIC” for short), is the original protocol that was designed by Google engineers several years ago, which, after years of experimentation, has now been adopted by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) for standardization.

“IETF QUIC” (just “QUIC” from now on) has already diverged from gQUIC quite significantly such that it can be considered a separate protocol. From the wire format of the packets, to the handshake and the mapping of HTTP, QUIC has improved the original gQUIC design thanks to open collaboration from many organizations and individuals, with the shared goal of making the Internet faster and more secure.

So, what are the improvements QUIC provides?

Built-in security (and Continue reading

Google finally throws some weight behind on-premises services

One of the early knocks on Google’s cloud services is that it assumed a pure cloud play for every customer and had virtually nothing for supporting on-premises systems. While that might work for smaller businesses looking to shut down their data center and move to the cloud, those customers were in the minority.At this week's Google Cloud Next '18 show, Google reversed course and acknowledged the on-premises market with the announcement of the Cloud Services Platform, an integrated suite of cloud services designed for organizations with workloads that are staying on premises.To read this article in full, please click here

Google finally throws some weight behind on-premises services

One of the early knocks on Google’s cloud services is that it assumed a pure cloud play for every customer and had virtually nothing for supporting on-premises systems. While that might work for smaller businesses looking to shut down their data center and move to the cloud, those customers were in the minority.At this week's Google Cloud Next '18 show, Google reversed course and acknowledged the on-premises market with the announcement of the Cloud Services Platform, an integrated suite of cloud services designed for organizations with workloads that are staying on premises.To read this article in full, please click here