
Category Archives for "Networking"

Blockchain and Digital Identity – A Good Fit?

Every time you see “Login with Facebook” or “Login with Twitter” etc. on a website or use login credentials issued by your employer or school, you’re using Identity and Access Management (IAM) technologies in the background. IAM has become central to our online interactions, but like a lot of infrastructure it’s largely invisible to users (at least when it’s well designed and implemented). IAM is evolving rapidly, the stakes are high, and enterprises face an increasingly complex and puzzling digital identity landscape. There is also growing concern that businesses know too much about us, and therefore end users should reclaim control over their own identities. IAM is a hot topic in the technology world, with new architectures, business models, and philosophies all in play.

Blockchain technology (sometimes also called distributed ledger technology – DLT) is also gaining attention. Proponents advocate it for a wide variety of use cases, including IAM. Blockchain is a broad class of relatively new data security methods, with certain properties of potential value in IAM. Many IAM companies have launched identity registration solutions “on the blockchain,” while others are developing new blockchain-inspired infrastructure for distributing information about users (called “attributes” and used to inform decisions about Continue reading

Container Monitoring

CA Technologies Container Monitoring Sponsored Article The Container Monitoring Essentials hub page discusses the importance of containers in today’s datacenter environment, predicting that containers will—in time—be the means by which all workloads are deployed on server platforms.

A few buckets of cold water on the Broadcom-Qualcomm-Intel merger talk

The M&A activity in the chip business isn’t restricted to the big guys snapping up promising startups. The titans are talking marriage, but really, there should be no merger between any of the three giants that are Intel, Broadcom, and Qualcomm.On Friday, The Wall Street Journal reported that Intel was closely watching Broadcom’s hostile bid for Qualcomm in the hopes that Broadcom would fail so it could buy Broadcom. The deal would be valued at an insane $170 billion.Intel issued a denial over the weekend, saying it was only looking to assimilate and absorb several recent acquisitions.The White House steps in, stops Broadcom-Qualcomm merger Meanwhile, the Broadcom-Qualcomm talks persisted despite Qualcomm’s resistance to the idea until Monday, when President Donald Trump issued an executive order blocking the merger, citing national security concerns. I didn’t think he could do that.To read this article in full, please click here

Everyone can now run JavaScript on Cloudflare with Workers

Everyone can now run JavaScript on Cloudflare with Workers

Everyone can now run JavaScript on Cloudflare with Workers

Exactly one year ago today, Cloudflare gave me a mission: Make it so people can run code on Cloudflare's edge. At the time, we didn't yet know what that would mean. Would it be container-based? A new Turing-incomplete domain-specific language? Lua? "Functions"? There were lots of ideas.

Eventually, we settled on what now seems the obvious choice: JavaScript, using the standard Service Workers API, running in a new environment built on V8. Five months ago, we gave you a preview of what we were building, and started the beta.

Today, with thousands of scripts deployed and many billions of requests served, Cloudflare Workers is now ready for everyone.

"Moving away from VCL and adopting Cloudflare Workers will allow us to do some creative routing that will let us deliver JavaScript to npm's millions of users even faster than we do now. We will be building our next generation of services on Cloudflare's platform and we get to do it in JavaScript!"

— CJ Silverio, CTO, npm, Inc.

What is the Cloud, really?

Historically, web application code has been split between servers and browsers. Between them lies a vast but fundamentally dumb network which merely ferries data from point to Continue reading

Promoting RIPE-690 @ Netnod

Our colleague Jan Žorž will be promoting RIPE-690 “Best Current Operational Practice: IPv6 prefix assignment for end-users – persistent vs non-persistent, and what size to choose” as the opening keynote at the forthcoming Netnod Meeting on 14-15 March 2018 in the Sheraton Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden.

RIPE-690 outlines best current operational practices for the assignment of IPv6 prefixes (i.e. a block of IPv6 addresses) for end-users, as making wrong choices when designing an IPv6 network will eventually have negative implications for deployment and require further effort such as renumbering when the network is already in operation. This was published in late 2017 after a year of intensive work by IPv6 experts around the world, supported by the Internet Society’s Deploy360 programme.

Netnod is a neutral, not-for-profit Internet infrastructure organisation based in Sweden that operates six Internet exchange points (IXPs) in five different cities where network operators can connect and exchange traffic.

There’s also several other interesting talks on the agenda, including trends in Internet-of-Things Distributed-Denial-of-Service botnets, prudent TLS, how to practically deploy IPv6 in the mass-market, how clouds are making new demands for connectivity and hyperconnected datacentres, and establishing research networks in Arctic environments, plus a panel session on the future of peering Continue reading

IDG Contributor Network: 11 ways to stabilize your infrastructure

What do you do if you’re struggling with infrastructure and stability? Maybe you’re a startup with no time for infrastructure. Maybe you’re a business that is reluctant to invest, with an IT gap that is hard to close. The stress, the worry and the escalation calls can keep you up at night – and then beat you down the next day.To regain your balance, first take a deep breath. Then consider these 11 steps to help you better align the people, processes and technology around your IT infrastructure: Reduce IT complexity. In a recent survey of 800 CIOs, more than three out of four say increased IT complexity could make it impossible to manage digital performance. Indeed, a single web transaction may now cross an average of 35 different technology systems, up from 22 five years ago. Is that sustainable? If you’re unable to handle your current level of complexity, review your operations, peel back the layers and make sure you’re building from a solid foundation. Delegate. Assign members of your team to key activities. Make sure they are enabled and understand they have authority to solve problems. It sounds simple, but many entry-level IT professionals worry that Continue reading

IDG Contributor Network: 11 ways to stabilize your infrastructure

What do you do if you’re struggling with infrastructure and stability? Maybe you’re a startup with no time for infrastructure. Maybe you’re a business that is reluctant to invest, with an IT gap that is hard to close. The stress, the worry and the escalation calls can keep you up at night – and then beat you down the next day.To regain your balance, first take a deep breath. Then consider these 11 steps to help you better align the people, processes and technology around your IT infrastructure: Reduce IT complexity. In a recent survey of 800 CIOs, more than three out of four say increased IT complexity could make it impossible to manage digital performance. Indeed, a single web transaction may now cross an average of 35 different technology systems, up from 22 five years ago. Is that sustainable? If you’re unable to handle your current level of complexity, review your operations, peel back the layers and make sure you’re building from a solid foundation. Delegate. Assign members of your team to key activities. Make sure they are enabled and understand they have authority to solve problems. It sounds simple, but many entry-level IT professionals worry that Continue reading

A new telepresence robot takes the stage

AvaⓇ Robotics, a startup with strong technical ties to iRobot, has just announced its telepresence robot. Her name is Ava and she’s likely to win a lot of hearts. For one thing, Ava is quite perceptive, using video technology from Cisco and integrating with Cisco Spark (which provides tools for team messaging, online meetings, and white boarding). Ava is also quite friendly. She allows her users to participate in remote meetings, wander down hallways at other facilities while chatting with colleagues, and enjoy face to face discussions with people who may physically be thousands of miles away.Telepresence robots provide a lot of benefits to companies that are spread across many locations – especially those spanning continents -- or with staff who work from home. They make work relationships considerably more productive -- even for individuals who may have never met in person. Carrying on casual conversations and checking remote data centers and manufacturing facilities (sometimes safer than being there in person) can make huge differences in how staffs coordinate and get important work done.To read this article in full, please click here

A new telepresence robot takes the stage

Ava Robotics, a startup with strong technical ties to iRobot, just announced its telepresence robot. Her name is Ava, and she’s likely to win a lot of hearts.For one thing, Ava is quite perceptive, using video technology from Cisco and integrating with Cisco Spark (which provides tools for team messaging, online meetings, and white boarding). Ava is also quite friendly. She allows her users to participate in remote meetings, wander down hallways at other facilities while chatting with colleagues, and enjoy face-to-face discussions with people who may physically be thousands of miles away.Also read: Customer reviews: Top Remote Access Tools Telepresence robots provide a lot of benefits to companies that are spread across many locations — especially those spanning continents — or with staff who work from home. They make work relationships considerably more productive — even for individuals who may have never met in person. Carrying on casual conversations and checking remote data centers and manufacturing facilities (sometimes safer than being there in person) can make huge differences in how staffs coordinate and get important work done.To read this article in full, please click here

How Microsoft can enable the internet of things

As the Internet of Things (IoT) phenomenon continues to grow, Microsoft has responded by contributing two new editions of Windows 10 – Core and Enterprise –  that are aimed at radically different parts of the devices and systems market.Here's how Windows 10 IoT is used today, and where it might be going in the future.Windows 10 IoT Core The Core edition is a barebones Windows kernel that has been stripped down significantly in order to run on low-power hardware. It is not a full version of Windows, but it is enough to light up the hardware and run whatever application is being designed for that board. This version of Windows 10 has no shell and essentially supports only universal apps – those coded to run in the managed environment of the Universal Windows Platform (UWP) and NOT traditional x86 or x64 apps. This OS version supports a maximum of 256MB of RAM and 2GB of device storage and can run on the x86 chip platform or the ARM platform for low-power devices.To read this article in full, please click here

Streaming Telemetry Standards: So Many to Choose From

Continuing the Streaming Telemetry saga, let’s focus on presentation formats and transport mechanisms.

I already mentioned three presentation formats: XML (used by NETCONF), JSON (used by RESTCONF) and Protocol Buffers (used by gRPC). Two of them are text-based, the third one (Protocol Buffers) is binary encoding not unlike ASN.1 BER used by SNMP. That can’t be good in a JSON-hyped world, right?

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Rough Guide to IETF 101: Internet of Things

The Internet of Things (IoT) is an increasingly hot buzzword around the Internet industry and the broader technology and innovation business arenas. We are often asked what the IETF is doing in relation to IoT and in this short Rough Guide to IETF 101 post I’d like to highlight some of the relevant sessions scheduled during the upcoming IETF 101 meeting in London. Also check out the IETF Journal IoT Category, the IETF IoT page, the IETF IoT Directorate, the Internet Society’s IoT page, or the Online Trust Alliance IoT page for more details about many of these topics. See also this recent article in the IETF Journal: Internet of Things: Standards and Guidance from the IETF.

The IETF Hackathon, held the weekend preceding the main IETF meeting (17-18 March), will include at least four projects directly related to IoT, with the possibility of more being added. More information is on the Hackathon wiki.

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Want to Learn More About SD-WAN? Register for Our SD-WAN 101 Webinar Series

SD-WAN Webinar

No other technology in recent history has experienced the growth rate that SD-WAN currently possesses. The buzz is high, the benefits are numerous, and its strategic position in digital transformation is critical. Enterprises are changing their legacy networks and dramatically improving the way they do business, offering next-generation technology today because of SD-WAN.

You May Be Wondering:

  • What makes SD-WAN different than a WAN?
  • Why is it so important to the network fabric of today’s businesses?
  • Why is it so transformative?
  • How can it help me and my business?

If you’ve asked these questions and want to understand SD-WAN better and determine if it’s a good fit for your business, sign up for our VeloCloud SD-WAN 101 webinar. Choose the date that works best for you!

This webinar will provide you with the essential information you’ll need to understand SD-WAN. You’ll learn how to leverage SD-WAN to improve and optimize your existing network to meet your business needs. And, you’ll gain a clear understanding of next steps in determining your path forward with SD-WAN.

Register today:

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