
Category Archives for "Networking"

Cloudflare ♥ Open Source: upgrade to Pro Plan on the house

Cloudflare ♥ Open Source: upgrade to Pro Plan on the house

Happy Valentine's Day, Internet!

There’s a special place in our heart for all the open source projects that support the Internet and improve the lives of everyone in the developer community, and today seems like an appropriate time to express the gratitude we have for the non-profit / volunteer-run projects that hold everything together.

Cloudflare uses a lot of open source software and also contributes to open source. Informally, Cloudflare has already been upgrading the plans of certain eligible open source projects that have reached out to us or that we have interfaced with. Here are some of the projects whose landing pages are already protected by Cloudflare.

Cloudflare ♥ Open Source: upgrade to Pro Plan on the house
A subset of open source projects on Cloudflare. See more >>

To really pay the goodwill forward, we want to make this opportunity common knowledge in the developer community. In 2018, we intend to provide free Cloudflare Pro Plan upgrades to eligible open source projects (subject to a case-by-case evaluation) that:

  1. provide engineering tools or resources to the developer community; and
  2. are volunteer-run or working on a non-profit basis.

History Of Networking – Joel Halpern – Policy Based Management

In this History of Networking episode of Network Collective, Joel Halpern joins us to talk about the history of network modeling and policy based management in the standards bodies.

Joel Halpern
Russ White
Donald Sharp
Jordan Martin

Outro Music:
Danger Storm Kevin MacLeod (
Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License

The post History Of Networking – Joel Halpern – Policy Based Management appeared first on Network Collective.

Dell-EMC expands its CI platform, simplifies data center operations

Standing up a private cloud using technology from multiple vendors is a time-consuming, complex process that involves months of post-deployment tweaking and tuning.In 2009, VMware, Cisco and EMC formed a joint venture called VCE that aimed to solve that problem. (Note: Cisco and VMWare are clients of ZK Research.) They created a converged infrastructure (CI) product called “Vblock” that brought together VMware software, Cisco servers and networking with EMC storage in a preconfigured, turnkey, validated solution so customers could essentially turn the product on and start using it.Also on Network World: Azure Stack: Microsoft’s private-cloud platform and what IT pros need to know about it Vblock had 90 percent of the heavy lifting done, with the other 10 percent being unique the organization. Customers loved it, with many saying Vblock was the only way to get a private cloud up and running inside a week. To read this article in full, please click here

Dell-EMC expands its CI platform, simplifies data center operations

Standing up a private cloud using technology from multiple vendors is a time-consuming, complex process that involves months of post-deployment tweaking and tuning.In 2009, VMware, Cisco and EMC formed a joint venture called VCE that aimed to solve that problem. (Note: Cisco and VMWare are clients of ZK Research.) They created a converged infrastructure (CI) product called “Vblock” that brought together VMware software, Cisco servers and networking with EMC storage in a preconfigured, turnkey, validated solution so customers could essentially turn the product on and start using it.Also on Network World: Azure Stack: Microsoft’s private-cloud platform and what IT pros need to know about it Vblock had 90 percent of the heavy lifting done, with the other 10 percent being unique the organization. Customers loved it, with many saying Vblock was the only way to get a private cloud up and running inside a week. To read this article in full, please click here

Dell-EMC expands its CI platform, simplifies data center operations

Standing up a private cloud using technology from multiple vendors is a time-consuming, complex process that involves months of post-deployment tweaking and tuning.In 2009, VMware, Cisco and EMC formed a joint venture called VCE that aimed to solve that problem. (Note: Cisco and VMWare are clients of ZK Research.) They created a converged infrastructure (CI) product called “Vblock” that brought together VMware software, Cisco servers and networking with EMC storage in a preconfigured, turnkey, validated solution so customers could essentially turn the product on and start using it.Also on Network World: Azure Stack: Microsoft’s private-cloud platform and what IT pros need to know about it Vblock had 90 percent of the heavy lifting done, with the other 10 percent being unique the organization. Customers loved it, with many saying Vblock was the only way to get a private cloud up and running inside a week. To read this article in full, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Why 5G is bringing edge computing and automation front and center

The Olympic Winter Games in Pyeongchang are underway and all eyes are on the competitors. They are also on the digital infrastructure and technology allowing billions around the world to view world record-breaking moments in real-time. The 2018 Games represent the world’s first deployment of a broad-scale 5G network, thanks to a partnership between domestic telecom provider KT, Intel and Samsung. The new capabilities have been on the horizon for some time. We saw 5G steal the show a year ago at Mobile World Congress, and Verizon and AT&T have each announced plans to offer 5G networks before the end of 2018. So, what does the emergence of 5G networks mean for enterprises?To read this article in full, please click here

IDG Contributor Network: Why 5G is bringing edge computing and automation front and center

The Olympic Winter Games in Pyeongchang are underway and all eyes are on the competitors. They are also on the digital infrastructure and technology allowing billions around the world to view world record-breaking moments in real-time. The 2018 Games represent the world’s first deployment of a broad-scale 5G network, thanks to a partnership between domestic telecom provider KT, Intel and Samsung. The new capabilities have been on the horizon for some time. We saw 5G steal the show a year ago at Mobile World Congress, and Verizon and AT&T have each announced plans to offer 5G networks before the end of 2018. So, what does the emergence of 5G networks mean for enterprises?To read this article in full, please click here

ExpertExpress Evolved into a Team of Experts

Years ago, I decided to try out another idea: solving real-life challenges with the help of an easy-to-consume online consulting service. When I discussed the idea with my friends during one of the early Networking Field Day events the opinion was pretty unanimous: “this will never work”

Fortunately, they were wrong. Not only did ~100 customers decided to use it in the meantime, the simple idea grew to a point where I couldn’t do it all on my own.

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Why I’m helping Cloudflare grow in Asia

Why I’m helping Cloudflare grow in Asia

I’m excited to announce that I’ve joined Cloudflare as Head of Asia. This is an important time for the company as we continue to grow our presence in the region and build on the successes we’ve already had in our Singapore office. In this new role, I’m eager to grow our brand recognition in Asia and optimize our reach to clients by building up teams and channel partners.

A little about me

I’m a Californian with more than 20 years of experience growing businesses across Asia. I initially came to Asia with the Boston Consulting Group and since then I’ve helped Google and Twitter start and grow their businesses in Singapore and Asia. In many cases throughout my career, I’ve been one of the very first employees (sometimes the first) on the ground in this part of the world. To me, the Asian market presents an often untapped opportunity for companies looking to expand, and it’s a challenge that has appealed to me throughout my career.

Why I’m helping Cloudflare grow in AsiaThis year's Chinese New Year celebration

Why Cloudflare?

I’m driven by opportunities to work with global businesses that drive change and are full of ambitious and passionate people. Cloudflare’s mission is to help build Continue reading