
Category Archives for "Networking"

Worth Reading: AI Makes Animists of Us All

Erik Hoel published a wonderful article describing how he’s fighting the algorithm that is deciding whether to approve a charge on his credit card.

My credit card now has a kami. Such new technological kamis are, just like the ancient ones, fickle; sometimes blessing us, sometimes hindering us, and all we as unwilling animists can do is a modern ritual to the inarticulate fey creatures that control our inboxes and our mortgages and our insurance rates.

There are networking vendors unleashing similar “spirits” on our networks. Welcome to the brave new world ;)

AI is a Promotion

When I worked at IBM as an intern, part of my job was writing a deployment script to help make our lives easier when installing new ThinkPads. In order to change an MTU setting on the token ring PCMCIA cards (long story), I had to write a script that iterated through all the possible combinations of adapters in the registry to find the one I was looking for and change the value.

Now, I was 22 at the time and green behind the ears, especially when it came to programming. I finally figured out that the most efficient way to do this in the language that I was using was a very deep nested if statement. It wasn’t my best work but it operated properly. I mentioned this to my mentors on my team with a remark of how hard it was to understand the logic at first. My comment was “You know, if it’s hard to read for anyone else then I never have to worry about gettin fired.”

To which the response was, “Yes, but you can never be promoted either.”

That sage wisdom brings me to the modern world and how AI can fix that Continue reading

Ukraine internet battered but not out

While the physical war in Ukraine is already a humanitarian disaster, the virtual war over the internet and the tech companies that run it and use it will likely get a lot worse.That’s because for the most part the actual internet network has withstood the onslaught since Russia invaded Ukraine. There have been outages and extreme slowness in parts of the country and malware or other threats have proliferated but in general—to the surprise of many—the network has been pretty resiliant considering the extreme circumstances, experts say.To read this article in full, please click here

Hermetic Malware: Multi-component Threat Targeting Ukraine Organizations

Contributors: Giovanni Vigna, Oleg Boyarchuk, Stefano Ortolani


The continued assault on Ukraine will go down in history as the first one that was truly carried out both kinetically on the battlefield and virtually using cyberattacks against the computer infrastructure of the invaded nation.

As the invasion started and escalated, new malware threats were introduced by malicious actors to harm Ukrainian organizations. Early in the assault, security researchers have observed the emergence of new threats that appears to be developed ad hoc to be key tools in cyber-war efforts.

In addition to well-known attacks and threats, such as network DDoS and ransomware, these threats included “wipers,” whose sole purpose is the disabling of the targeted hosts, often combined with other tools that allow the attackers to infect the largest number of hosts possible.

While these attacks targeted specific organizations, there is a substantial risk that in the highly connected, distributed environments used to exchange and share information in multi-national organizations these attacks might spill beyond their intended targets.

It is therefore of paramount importance to understand these threats in order to help protect both Ukrainian organizations and the rest of the world. To this end, CISA has published a series Continue reading

Heavy Networking 620: High Frequency Trading And Big Data Network Design

Network design for high frequency trading and big data networks is the topic of today’s Heavy Networking. If you’re interested in what it’s like to carefully manage data center latency and maintain your sanity in a zero downtime environment, this is your show. Our guests are are Jeremy Filliben and Marc Washco of Jump Trading.

The post Heavy Networking 620: High Frequency Trading And Big Data Network Design appeared first on Packet Pushers.

NSA urges businesses to adopt zero trust principles for network security

The National Security Agency this week issued detailed recommendations for businesses trying to secure their networking infrastructure against attacks, giving safe configuration tips for commonly used networking protocols and urging the use of basic security measures for all networks.The NSA's report began by highlighting the importance of zero trust principles for network security, but the bulk of it covers specific steps network administrators should take to keep their infrastructure safe from compromise. Configuration tips for network admins include the use of secure, frequently changed passwords for all administrative accounts, limiting login attempts and keeping potentially vulnerable systems patched and up-to-date. The report also describes safe configurations for SSH (secure shell), HTTP and SNMP (simple network management protocol).To read this article in full, please click here

NSA urges businesses to adopt zero trust for network security

The National Security Agency this week detailed recommendations for businesses to secure their network infrastructure against attacks, giving safe configuration tips for commonly used networking protocols and urging the use of basic security measures for all networks.The NSA's report highlighted the importance of zero trust principles for network security, but the bulk of it covers specific steps network administrators should take to keep their infrastructure safe from compromise. Configuration tips for network admins include the use of secure, frequently changed passwords for all administrative accounts, limiting login attempts, and keeping potentially vulnerable systems patched and up-to-date. The report also describes safe configurations for SSH (secure shell), HTTP and SNMP (simple network management protocol).To read this article in full, please click here

NSA urges businesses to adopt zero trust principles for network security

The National Security Agency this week issued detailed recommendations for businesses trying to secure their networking infrastructure against attacks, giving safe configuration tips for commonly used networking protocols and urging the use of basic security measures for all networks.The NSA's report began by highlighting the importance of zero trust principles for network security, but the bulk of it covers specific steps network administrators should take to keep their infrastructure safe from compromise. Configuration tips for network admins include the use of secure, frequently changed passwords for all administrative accounts, limiting login attempts and keeping potentially vulnerable systems patched and up-to-date. The report also describes safe configurations for SSH (secure shell), HTTP and SNMP (simple network management protocol).To read this article in full, please click here

NSA urges businesses to adopt zero trust for network security

The National Security Agency this week detailed recommendations for businesses to secure their network infrastructure against attacks, giving safe configuration tips for commonly used networking protocols and urging the use of basic security measures for all networks.The NSA's report highlighted the importance of zero trust principles for network security, but the bulk of it covers specific steps network administrators should take to keep their infrastructure safe from compromise. Configuration tips for network admins include the use of secure, frequently changed passwords for all administrative accounts, limiting login attempts, and keeping potentially vulnerable systems patched and up-to-date. The report also describes safe configurations for SSH (secure shell), HTTP and SNMP (simple network management protocol).To read this article in full, please click here

Shields up: free Cloudflare services to improve your cyber readiness

Shields up: free Cloudflare services to improve your cyber readiness

Since our founding, Cloudflare's mission has been to "help build a better Internet," and we take it to heart. It used to be that the services required to adequately secure an online presence were only available to the largest of enterprises — organizations big enough to afford both the technology itself and the teams to manage it.

We've worked hard over the years to level the playing field. This has meant making more and more of the essential tools for protecting an online presence available to as many people as possible. Cloudflare offers unmetered DDoS protection — for free. We were the first to introduce SSL at scale — for free. And it’s not just protection for your external-facing infrastructure: we have a free Zero Trust plan that enables teams to protect their internal-facing infrastructure, too.

These types of tools have always been important for the billions of people on the Internet. But perhaps never as important as they've become this week.

Concurrent with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, we've seen increasing cyberattacks on the Internet, too. Governments around the world are encouraging organizations to go “shields up” — with warnings coming from the United States’ Cybersecurity & Infrastructure Security Continue reading

Internet traffic patterns in Ukraine since February 21, 2022

Internet traffic patterns in Ukraine since February 21, 2022

Cloudflare operates in more than 250 cities worldwide where we connect our equipment to the Internet to provide our broad range of services. We have data centers in Ukraine, Belarus and Russia and across the world. To operate our service we monitor traffic trends, performance and errors seen at each data center, aggregate data about DNS, and congestion and packet loss on Internet links.

Internet Traffic

For reference, here is a map of Ukraine showing its major cities. Note that whenever we talk about dates and times in this post, we are using UTC. Ukraine’s current time zone is UTC+2.

Internet traffic patterns in Ukraine since February 21, 2022
© OpenStreetMap contributors

Internet traffic in Ukraine generally follows a pretty predictable pattern based on day and night. Lowest in the hours after local midnight and picking up as people wake up. It’s not uncommon to see a dip around lunchtime and a peak when people go home in the evening. That pattern is clearly visible in this chart of overall Internet traffic seen by Cloudflare for Ukrainian networks on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday prior to the invasion.

Internet traffic patterns in Ukraine since February 21, 2022

Starting Thursday, traffic was significantly lower. On Thursday, we saw about 70% of our normal request volume and about 60% on Friday. Continue reading

Video: Comparing TCP/IP and CLNP

If you were building networks in early 1990s you probably remember at least a half-dozen different network protocols. Only one of them survived (IPv6 came later), with another one (CLNP) providing an interesting view into a totally different parallel universe that evolved using a different set of fundamental principles.

After introducing the network-layer addressing, I compared the two and pointed out where one or the other was clearly better.

You might think that it makes no sense to talk about protocols that were rarely used in old days, and that are almost non-existent today, but as always those who cannot remember the past are doomed to repeat it, this time reinventing CLNP principles in IPv6-based layer-3-only data center fabrics.

You need Free Subscription to watch the video, and the Standard Subscription to register for upcoming live sessions.

ICANN denies Ukraine request to shut down Russian internet domains

The president and CEO of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) has denied a Ukrainian request that would have effectively cut the rest of the world off from Russian websites, as Russia's ongoing invasion of its neighbor entered its seventh day.In an open letter sent on March 2 to Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Mykhailo Fedorov, ICANN's Göran Marby said that the internet regulator has "globally agreed policies" that do not permit it to perform the requested actions, which included revocation of Russia's top-level .ru domain and SSL certificates, and the shutdown of root servers keeping large portions of the Russian internet accessible to the outside world.To read this article in full, please click here

Cloud Engineering For The Network Pro: Part 4 – Virtual Subnets And Gateways (Video)

Part 4 of Michael Levan’s cloud networking series provides step-by-step instructions for setting up virtual subnets and Internet gateways in AWS and Azure. You can subscribe to the Packet Pushers’ YouTube channel for more videos as they are published. It’s a diverse a mix of content from Ethan and Greg, plus selected videos from our […]

The post Cloud Engineering For The Network Pro: Part 4 – Virtual Subnets And Gateways (Video) appeared first on Packet Pushers.

How to maximize K3s resource efficiency using Calico’s eBPF data plane

Amazon’s custom-built Graviton processor allows users to create ARM instances in the AWS public cloud, and Rancher K3s is an excellent way to run Kubernetes in these instances. By allowing a lightweight implementation of Kubernetes optimized for ARM with a single binary, K3s simplifies the cluster initialization process down to executing a simple command.

In an earlier article, I discussed how ARM architecture is becoming a rival to x86 in cloud computing, and steps that can be taken to leverage this situation and be prepared for this new era. Following the same narrative, in this article I’ll look at an example of the Calico eBPF data plane running on AWS, using Terraform to bootstrap our install to AWS, and Rancher K3s to deploy the cluster.

A few changes to Calico are needed for ARM compatibility, including updating parts, enabling eBPF, and compiling operators for the ARM64 environment:.

  • Tigera Operator Tigera Operator is the recommended way to install Calico.
  • go-build go-build is a container environment packed with all the utilities that Calico requires in its compilation process.
  • Calico-node Calico-node is the pod that hosts Felix (i.e. it is the brain that carries control plane decisions fto Continue reading

BrandPost: Improving National Cybersecurity with SASE

By: Dolan Sullivan, Vice President of Federal at Aruba, a Hewlett Packard Enterprise company.With sophisticated cyberattacks, such as ransomware and denial of service (DOS) persistently aimed at the public and private sectors being perpetrated by nation-state and rogue criminal actors, Federal IT teams are consistently dealing with a growing cybersecurity challenge: They must combat many forms of fraud and impersonation while protecting a vast amount of connected assets and sensitive data.Federal government agencies are increasingly impacted by contemporary digital trends, namely mobility and the decentralization of assets. This includes adopting multi-cloud services to support and secure business applications while using an appropriate mix of traditional on-premises compute and communication resources.To read this article in full, please click here